As the world burns... GOP led Congress takes a 5 week summer vacation

The problem here is that you hated Bush for caring if the world was burning and now you want everyone to support Obama starting wars (even a new one in Iraq lolz).

Let them kill each other, they always have and always will, what difference will we make? Oh I know, we get part of the blame once we get involved, great deal for us!
The problem here is that you hated Bush for caring if the world was burning and now you want everyone to support Obama starting wars (even a new one in Iraq lolz).

Let them kill each other, they always have and always will, what difference will we make? Oh I know, we get part of the blame once we get involved, great deal for us!

Not me, I still say stay the hell out of Iraq now! Let them kill each other off. Out of Israel too!
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The problem here is that you hated Bush for caring if the world was burning and now you want everyone to support Obama starting wars (even a new one in Iraq lolz).

Let them kill each other, they always have and always will, what difference will we make? Oh I know, we get part of the blame once we get involved, great deal for us!

Not me, I still say get the hell out of Iraq now! Let them kill each other off. Out of Israel too!
That works for me. Out of the entire Middle East, even better. And Iran, build your bomb boys, that's your right...
Sallow and Howey beat you to this topic. And isn't there a forum dedicated to Congress? Why yes, yes there is.
and the dem lead senate started a day before the gop lead house


Sallow and Howey beat you to this topic. And isn't there a forum dedicated to Congress? Why yes, yes there is.

Ok. But how do you fell about congress taking 5 weeks off while the world burns?

About the same that I feel about the Commander-in-Chief taking a vacation while the world burns.

In regards to your idiotic title, the Senate is part of congress, and is led by Democrats. They took off before the GOP led House did. One house of congress being in session is about as useless as teats on a boar hog.
Does President Obama get 5 weeks summer vacation off too?

Five things to know as Congress takes a five-week summer recess | TheHill

Congress started a five-week recess on Friday night after the House approved an immigration package that was largely in line with what conservatives in the GOP conference wanted.

Now for a civics lesson....

Congress can ONLY go on vacation if BOTH the House and Senate agree and agree to the length of said break. Congress is NOT lead by the Republicans, you see retard the Senate is run by the democrats.

So if you are upset that Congress went on a break you have to be upset with the democrats as well as they have to have AGREED to take a break and as to how long it would be.

Keep on lying as to who did what it proves just how stupid you are.
well, what are they suppose to do? pass a bill then send it to Obama by carrier pigeon to Martha's vineyard so he can sign it?
Almost as dumb as the Obama thread. They can't do fuck-all either...

true. Congress, especially the House, doesn't do much anyway.

They still on the 3-day work week when they are in session? They should reduce it to two days & stop taking "show votes" that they know the President won't sign.
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Does President Obama get 5 weeks summer vacation off too?

Five things to know as Congress takes a five-week summer recess | TheHill

Congress started a five-week recess on Friday night after the House approved an immigration package that was largely in line with what conservatives in the GOP conference wanted.

Obama is on a constant vacation.

Not nearly as much as congress. I think I read somewhere that congress averages something like 229 days off a year! WOW!
Does President Obama get 5 weeks summer vacation off too?

Five things to know as Congress takes a five-week summer recess | TheHill

Congress started a five-week recess on Friday night after the House approved an immigration package that was largely in line with what conservatives in the GOP conference wanted.

Obama is on a constant vacation.

Not true. When Obama takes an official vacation he is still working performing duties that cannot wait.
Does President Obama get 5 weeks summer vacation off too?

Five things to know as Congress takes a five-week summer recess | TheHill

Congress started a five-week recess on Friday night after the House approved an immigration package that was largely in line with what conservatives in the GOP conference wanted.

Now for a civics lesson....

Congress can ONLY go on vacation if BOTH the House and Senate agree and agree to the length of said break. Congress is NOT lead by the Republicans, you see retard the Senate is run by the democrats.

So if you are upset that Congress went on a break you have to be upset with the democrats as well as they have to have AGREED to take a break and as to how long it would be.

Keep on lying as to who did what it proves just how stupid you are.

You're full of shit. It is by law that congress must take a 5 week summer vacation
break. Look it up asshole.
You do realize Congress is made up of both the House and Senate and the GOP only controls one of those don't you? Which makes calling it the GOP led Congress a bit silly.
Does President Obama get 5 weeks summer vacation off too?

Five things to know as Congress takes a five-week summer recess | TheHill

Now for a civics lesson....

Congress can ONLY go on vacation if BOTH the House and Senate agree and agree to the length of said break. Congress is NOT lead by the Republicans, you see retard the Senate is run by the democrats.

So if you are upset that Congress went on a break you have to be upset with the democrats as well as they have to have AGREED to take a break and as to how long it would be.

Keep on lying as to who did what it proves just how stupid you are.

You're full of shit. It is by law that congress must take a 5 week summer vacation
break. Look it up asshole.

Have you complained to Harry Reid (leader of the senate) and Nancy Pelosi (minority leader in the house) ? Note: they are both democrats and they are both on vacation.

as to 'full of shit' that describes you and most liberals very well.

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