Auntie Kamala


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Not to be mentioned in the same breath as
the { 1958 } hit - Auntie Mame - starring Rosaline Russell
who also played a Mother Superior in :
- Where Angels Go Trouble Follows - { 1968 }
in ANY Contemporary sense.
Which requires extension of poetic justice to the point
redefining words like " disclosure " into convenient vehicles
like Non-disclosure.
Got it ... ? You git the Bippy.
You're being played.Far more dastardly as when Stalin
ruled Russia.
And by the way ... Russian People are not what they are
made out to be.But many of Todays leftists ARE.
Like Totally ...
Got it ? get the drift { oscillate randomly as if by a current }
Kamala Harris is the new American tidal wave streaming
across the land as if a new Walt Disney { Very cutesy ,likable }
character out to virtually schmooze attention.
I am glad the whore is not my aunt....
I doubt she was ever a " whore " in even the slightest of
causes.But she did allow her career to be manipulated by
a much older man {Willie Brown } born in 1934 and serving
over 30 years in the California State Assembly ,15 years
as it speaker.The First African American to hold that office.
The San Fransico Chronicle calling Willie " one of
San Fransico's most notable Mayors ".
I wonder if that gasbag San Fransico Chronicle will\
eventually git around to lauding Skinny Prick Governor
Gavin Newsom the same glad-handed praise.
Whose overtly smug smile could cause rats to flee.
I feel for Kimberly Guilfoyle.A tremendous All-American
Catholic educated gal.Having been exposed to such
pathetic gnarly punks like this Newsom.
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First time in the political satire forum. I won't make this mistake again.
Ever hear tell of Political Satire .
Once a mere contrivance.
Today Political reality ... demonstrated.
As defined by Wikipedia ... :
" A type of satire that specializes in gaining entertainment
from Politics. "
Unless you feel that it's diehard reality that type of
entertainment that somehow only is beneficial to the
new Democrat Party.
NOT J.F.K. Democrat Party.
Who believed in blue collar workers and the Middle
Biden and Harris benefit not a lick form J.F.K.
type Democrats.
The proof ... Making sure that J.F.K. Jr. isn't even afforded
a chance at being a nominee for President.
As one Judge { N.J. Robert Lougy } declared use of a
Sore Loser law to keep the Kennedy from even the appearance
of being on a ballot.

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