Australians Support The Donald

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Or, you could consider the opinion of an Australian not brain damaged from chemicals and self-abuse:

Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president

Dear America, please don't make Donald Trump your president - The AIM Network

"...The underlying message there is that we in Australia know exactly how it turns out. We’ve had a glimpse of what life under a Trump-like disaster can be like.

And that’s how it was under our recently dethroned prime minister, Tony Abbott. In two short but destructive years Tony Abbott completely turned on its head the character and soul of our nation. In two frightening years under this manipulating dangerous man we saw the rise of patriot groups, supported by rogue politicians … encouraging racists to whip up fear and hatred with a passion never before seen in this country. And that, simply, is what changed us.

Dangerous, powerful men – supported by an obliging media – can easily change any nation. If they can change an easy going, laid back nation like Australia one can only shudder what they might do to a nation that has been on edge since the terrible events of 9/11.

You’ve been lucky not having a leader anything like Abbott: One that has made us frightened of shadows; of having us fear anyone with a long beard, a tanned skin, or a different religion. Of making us afraid that these people, at best, will take our jobs and security. At worst, slit our throats.

He turned us into a nation of nervous, frightened, angry vigilantes. Vigilantes who have set fire to homes belonging to people who speak Arabic; who threatened to kill people just because their skin was dark; who wanted people expelled from this country simply because they spoke a different language; who assaulted people in the streets because they wore a scarf around their head. No questions asked. Anyone who looked ‘different’ was a threat to our national security and had to be dealt with. Attacks on these people have become more daring, more devastating, and more frequent as each week passes.

It hasn’t helped us or ‘saved’ us one little bit, because to put it simply, the threat wasn’t there in the first place. If anything, payback might be on the horizon. Or worse still, blowback.

Tony Abbott was removed from office a few months ago but the seeds of hate he planted are now growing uncontrollably wild and unchecked...."

Wonder how many absentee ballots that will garner for him?
When does the election for US president occur in Australia?

Australia has quite a few good tv shows, I've enjoyed 'Rake', 'Tangle', 'Bikie Wars', 'East of Everything', and some older ones like 'Murder Call' and 'Water Rats',

but their conservatives are every bit as ugly as ours.

OH. Well then, somebody made a YouTube video, that settles it. :rolleyes:

I can certainly see how that extends to "Australians" as a whole.

I'll look forward to your next astute observations, "men support the Dumnald", "righthanded people support the Doorknob" and "freaks with face tattoos and bizarre haircuts hump the Rump".
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Or, you could consider the opinion of an Australian not brain damaged from chemicals and self-abuse:

Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president

Dear America, please don't make Donald Trump your president - The AIM Network

"...The underlying message there is that we in Australia know exactly how it turns out. We’ve had a glimpse of what life under a Trump-like disaster can be like.

And that’s how it was under our recently dethroned prime minister, Tony Abbott. In two short but destructive years Tony Abbott completely turned on its head the character and soul of our nation. In two frightening years under this manipulating dangerous man we saw the rise of patriot groups, supported by rogue politicians … encouraging racists to whip up fear and hatred with a passion never before seen in this country. And that, simply, is what changed us.

Dangerous, powerful men – supported by an obliging media – can easily change any nation. If they can change an easy going, laid back nation like Australia one can only shudder what they might do to a nation that has been on edge since the terrible events of 9/11.

You’ve been lucky not having a leader anything like Abbott: One that has made us frightened of shadows; of having us fear anyone with a long beard, a tanned skin, or a different religion. Of making us afraid that these people, at best, will take our jobs and security. At worst, slit our throats.

He turned us into a nation of nervous, frightened, angry vigilantes. Vigilantes who have set fire to homes belonging to people who speak Arabic; who threatened to kill people just because their skin was dark; who wanted people expelled from this country simply because they spoke a different language; who assaulted people in the streets because they wore a scarf around their head. No questions asked. Anyone who looked ‘different’ was a threat to our national security and had to be dealt with. Attacks on these people have become more daring, more devastating, and more frequent as each week passes.

It hasn’t helped us or ‘saved’ us one little bit, because to put it simply, the threat wasn’t there in the first place. If anything, payback might be on the horizon. Or worse still, blowback.

Tony Abbott was removed from office a few months ago but the seeds of hate he planted are now growing uncontrollably wild and unchecked...."

I did read your citation ---carbineer----but I find it unconvincing. Do you have links to articles about the horrors taking place in Australia against the considerable muslim population over there? Any links to anti muslim rhetoric
in Australia?
Or, you could consider the opinion of an Australian not brain damaged from chemicals and self-abuse:

Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president

Dear America, please don't make Donald Trump your president - The AIM Network

"...The underlying message there is that we in Australia know exactly how it turns out. We’ve had a glimpse of what life under a Trump-like disaster can be like.

And that’s how it was under our recently dethroned prime minister, Tony Abbott. In two short but destructive years Tony Abbott completely turned on its head the character and soul of our nation. In two frightening years under this manipulating dangerous man we saw the rise of patriot groups, supported by rogue politicians … encouraging racists to whip up fear and hatred with a passion never before seen in this country. And that, simply, is what changed us.

Dangerous, powerful men – supported by an obliging media – can easily change any nation. If they can change an easy going, laid back nation like Australia one can only shudder what they might do to a nation that has been on edge since the terrible events of 9/11.

You’ve been lucky not having a leader anything like Abbott: One that has made us frightened of shadows; of having us fear anyone with a long beard, a tanned skin, or a different religion. Of making us afraid that these people, at best, will take our jobs and security. At worst, slit our throats.

He turned us into a nation of nervous, frightened, angry vigilantes. Vigilantes who have set fire to homes belonging to people who speak Arabic; who threatened to kill people just because their skin was dark; who wanted people expelled from this country simply because they spoke a different language; who assaulted people in the streets because they wore a scarf around their head. No questions asked. Anyone who looked ‘different’ was a threat to our national security and had to be dealt with. Attacks on these people have become more daring, more devastating, and more frequent as each week passes.

It hasn’t helped us or ‘saved’ us one little bit, because to put it simply, the threat wasn’t there in the first place. If anything, payback might be on the horizon. Or worse still, blowback.

Tony Abbott was removed from office a few months ago but the seeds of hate he planted are now growing uncontrollably wild and unchecked...."

That's an awful lot for one man to accomplish in a year or two!

And all thisappears to have gone on without mention in our media.

Just saying.
Or, you could consider the opinion of an Australian not brain damaged from chemicals and self-abuse:

Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president

Dear America, please don't make Donald Trump your president - The AIM Network

"...The underlying message there is that we in Australia know exactly how it turns out. We’ve had a glimpse of what life under a Trump-like disaster can be like.

And that’s how it was under our recently dethroned prime minister, Tony Abbott. In two short but destructive years Tony Abbott completely turned on its head the character and soul of our nation. In two frightening years under this manipulating dangerous man we saw the rise of patriot groups, supported by rogue politicians … encouraging racists to whip up fear and hatred with a passion never before seen in this country. And that, simply, is what changed us.

Dangerous, powerful men – supported by an obliging media – can easily change any nation. If they can change an easy going, laid back nation like Australia one can only shudder what they might do to a nation that has been on edge since the terrible events of 9/11.

You’ve been lucky not having a leader anything like Abbott: One that has made us frightened of shadows; of having us fear anyone with a long beard, a tanned skin, or a different religion. Of making us afraid that these people, at best, will take our jobs and security. At worst, slit our throats.

He turned us into a nation of nervous, frightened, angry vigilantes. Vigilantes who have set fire to homes belonging to people who speak Arabic; who threatened to kill people just because their skin was dark; who wanted people expelled from this country simply because they spoke a different language; who assaulted people in the streets because they wore a scarf around their head. No questions asked. Anyone who looked ‘different’ was a threat to our national security and had to be dealt with. Attacks on these people have become more daring, more devastating, and more frequent as each week passes.

It hasn’t helped us or ‘saved’ us one little bit, because to put it simply, the threat wasn’t there in the first place. If anything, payback might be on the horizon. Or worse still, blowback.

Tony Abbott was removed from office a few months ago but the seeds of hate he planted are now growing uncontrollably wild and unchecked...."
. You say all this, but disregard the reasons such people come to power like Tony Abbott. Give the whole story (both sides of it), and then your readers can understand what goes on in a lead up to these things. The only reason we get one perspective, is because one might fear that his or her life may change under new leadership, and that it might change even if the person that fears the change could have been wrong, and was supporting the leadership that was allowing the wrong to be projected in a society instead of squashed as it should be if we're wrong. It's interesting to watch the people come out in defence of their ways, lifestyles, or cultures be it right or be it wrong in life. The chips will fall where they may, and it will be interesting to see.
Or, you could consider the opinion of an Australian not brain damaged from chemicals and self-abuse:

Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president

Dear America, please don't make Donald Trump your president - The AIM Network

"...The underlying message there is that we in Australia know exactly how it turns out. We’ve had a glimpse of what life under a Trump-like disaster can be like.

And that’s how it was under our recently dethroned prime minister, Tony Abbott. In two short but destructive years Tony Abbott completely turned on its head the character and soul of our nation. In two frightening years under this manipulating dangerous man we saw the rise of patriot groups, supported by rogue politicians … encouraging racists to whip up fear and hatred with a passion never before seen in this country. And that, simply, is what changed us.

Dangerous, powerful men – supported by an obliging media – can easily change any nation. If they can change an easy going, laid back nation like Australia one can only shudder what they might do to a nation that has been on edge since the terrible events of 9/11.

You’ve been lucky not having a leader anything like Abbott: One that has made us frightened of shadows; of having us fear anyone with a long beard, a tanned skin, or a different religion. Of making us afraid that these people, at best, will take our jobs and security. At worst, slit our throats.

He turned us into a nation of nervous, frightened, angry vigilantes. Vigilantes who have set fire to homes belonging to people who speak Arabic; who threatened to kill people just because their skin was dark; who wanted people expelled from this country simply because they spoke a different language; who assaulted people in the streets because they wore a scarf around their head. No questions asked. Anyone who looked ‘different’ was a threat to our national security and had to be dealt with. Attacks on these people have become more daring, more devastating, and more frequent as each week passes.

It hasn’t helped us or ‘saved’ us one little bit, because to put it simply, the threat wasn’t there in the first place. If anything, payback might be on the horizon. Or worse still, blowback.

Tony Abbott was removed from office a few months ago but the seeds of hate he planted are now growing uncontrollably wild and unchecked...."

I did read your citation ---carbineer----but I find it unconvincing. Do you have links to articles about the horrors taking place in Australia against the considerable muslim population over there? Any links to anti muslim rhetoric
in Australia?

Did you ask the OP that?
Or, you could consider the opinion of an Australian not brain damaged from chemicals and self-abuse:

Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president

Dear America, please don't make Donald Trump your president - The AIM Network

"...The underlying message there is that we in Australia know exactly how it turns out. We’ve had a glimpse of what life under a Trump-like disaster can be like.

And that’s how it was under our recently dethroned prime minister, Tony Abbott. In two short but destructive years Tony Abbott completely turned on its head the character and soul of our nation. In two frightening years under this manipulating dangerous man we saw the rise of patriot groups, supported by rogue politicians … encouraging racists to whip up fear and hatred with a passion never before seen in this country. And that, simply, is what changed us.

Dangerous, powerful men – supported by an obliging media – can easily change any nation. If they can change an easy going, laid back nation like Australia one can only shudder what they might do to a nation that has been on edge since the terrible events of 9/11.

You’ve been lucky not having a leader anything like Abbott: One that has made us frightened of shadows; of having us fear anyone with a long beard, a tanned skin, or a different religion. Of making us afraid that these people, at best, will take our jobs and security. At worst, slit our throats.

He turned us into a nation of nervous, frightened, angry vigilantes. Vigilantes who have set fire to homes belonging to people who speak Arabic; who threatened to kill people just because their skin was dark; who wanted people expelled from this country simply because they spoke a different language; who assaulted people in the streets because they wore a scarf around their head. No questions asked. Anyone who looked ‘different’ was a threat to our national security and had to be dealt with. Attacks on these people have become more daring, more devastating, and more frequent as each week passes.

It hasn’t helped us or ‘saved’ us one little bit, because to put it simply, the threat wasn’t there in the first place. If anything, payback might be on the horizon. Or worse still, blowback.

Tony Abbott was removed from office a few months ago but the seeds of hate he planted are now growing uncontrollably wild and unchecked...."

I did read your citation ---carbineer----but I find it unconvincing. Do you have links to articles about the horrors taking place in Australia against the considerable muslim population over there? Any links to anti muslim rhetoric
in Australia?

It's an opinion piece. Go argue with the author.
When does the election for US president occur in Australia?

Australia has quite a few good tv shows, I've enjoyed 'Rake', 'Tangle', 'Bikie Wars', 'East of Everything', and some older ones like 'Murder Call' and 'Water Rats',

but their conservatives are every bit as ugly as ours.
I lived in Australia for 2 years. Talked to 1000's of Australians...I'm all ears on this one.
Or, you could consider the opinion of an Australian not brain damaged from chemicals and self-abuse:

Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president

Dear America, please don't make Donald Trump your president - The AIM Network

"...The underlying message there is that we in Australia know exactly how it turns out. We’ve had a glimpse of what life under a Trump-like disaster can be like.

And that’s how it was under our recently dethroned prime minister, Tony Abbott. In two short but destructive years Tony Abbott completely turned on its head the character and soul of our nation. In two frightening years under this manipulating dangerous man we saw the rise of patriot groups, supported by rogue politicians … encouraging racists to whip up fear and hatred with a passion never before seen in this country. And that, simply, is what changed us.

Dangerous, powerful men – supported by an obliging media – can easily change any nation. If they can change an easy going, laid back nation like Australia one can only shudder what they might do to a nation that has been on edge since the terrible events of 9/11.

You’ve been lucky not having a leader anything like Abbott: One that has made us frightened of shadows; of having us fear anyone with a long beard, a tanned skin, or a different religion. Of making us afraid that these people, at best, will take our jobs and security. At worst, slit our throats.

He turned us into a nation of nervous, frightened, angry vigilantes. Vigilantes who have set fire to homes belonging to people who speak Arabic; who threatened to kill people just because their skin was dark; who wanted people expelled from this country simply because they spoke a different language; who assaulted people in the streets because they wore a scarf around their head. No questions asked. Anyone who looked ‘different’ was a threat to our national security and had to be dealt with. Attacks on these people have become more daring, more devastating, and more frequent as each week passes.

It hasn’t helped us or ‘saved’ us one little bit, because to put it simply, the threat wasn’t there in the first place. If anything, payback might be on the horizon. Or worse still, blowback.

Tony Abbott was removed from office a few months ago but the seeds of hate he planted are now growing uncontrollably wild and unchecked...."

I did read your citation ---carbineer----but I find it unconvincing. Do you have links to articles about the horrors taking place in Australia against the considerable muslim population over there? Any links to anti muslim rhetoric
in Australia?

It's an opinion piece. Go argue with the author.

yes it is----and it smells like a fraud
Donald Trump's election as US president would trigger a collapse in support for Australia's alliance with the United States, according to a new poll.

Forty-five per cent of voters believe Australia should distance itself from the United States if it elects a president like Donald Trump, compared to 51 per cent who say the alliance should remain strong regardless.

He is a clear favourite to win the nomination of one of the world's great political parties

"It's a striking and somewhat disturbing result because one of the strongest and most consistent polling results in the Lowy Institute's history has been support for the US alliance," executive director Michael Fullilove said.

Read more: Donald Trump's election 'would trigger collapse in Australian support for US alliance': poll
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook
Donald Trump's election as US president would trigger a collapse in support for Australia's alliance with the United States, according to a new poll.

Forty-five per cent of voters believe Australia should distance itself from the United States if it elects a president like Donald Trump, compared to 51 per cent who say the alliance should remain strong regardless.

He is a clear favourite to win the nomination of one of the world's great political parties

"It's a striking and somewhat disturbing result because one of the strongest and most consistent polling results in the Lowy Institute's history has been support for the US alliance," executive director Michael Fullilove said.

Read more: Donald Trump's election 'would trigger collapse in Australian support for US alliance': poll
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

Fair weather friends. Why bother having them around at all.
Or, you could consider the opinion of an Australian not brain damaged from chemicals and self-abuse:

Dear America, please don’t make Donald Trump your president

Dear America, please don't make Donald Trump your president - The AIM Network

"...The underlying message there is that we in Australia know exactly how it turns out. We’ve had a glimpse of what life under a Trump-like disaster can be like.

And that’s how it was under our recently dethroned prime minister, Tony Abbott. In two short but destructive years Tony Abbott completely turned on its head the character and soul of our nation. In two frightening years under this manipulating dangerous man we saw the rise of patriot groups, supported by rogue politicians … encouraging racists to whip up fear and hatred with a passion never before seen in this country. And that, simply, is what changed us.

Dangerous, powerful men – supported by an obliging media – can easily change any nation. If they can change an easy going, laid back nation like Australia one can only shudder what they might do to a nation that has been on edge since the terrible events of 9/11.

You’ve been lucky not having a leader anything like Abbott: One that has made us frightened of shadows; of having us fear anyone with a long beard, a tanned skin, or a different religion. Of making us afraid that these people, at best, will take our jobs and security. At worst, slit our throats.

He turned us into a nation of nervous, frightened, angry vigilantes. Vigilantes who have set fire to homes belonging to people who speak Arabic; who threatened to kill people just because their skin was dark; who wanted people expelled from this country simply because they spoke a different language; who assaulted people in the streets because they wore a scarf around their head. No questions asked. Anyone who looked ‘different’ was a threat to our national security and had to be dealt with. Attacks on these people have become more daring, more devastating, and more frequent as each week passes.

It hasn’t helped us or ‘saved’ us one little bit, because to put it simply, the threat wasn’t there in the first place. If anything, payback might be on the horizon. Or worse still, blowback.

Tony Abbott was removed from office a few months ago but the seeds of hate he planted are now growing uncontrollably wild and unchecked...."
. You say all this, but disregard the reasons such people come to power like Tony Abbott. Give the whole story (both sides of it), and then your readers can understand what goes on in a lead up to these things. The only reason we get one perspective, is because one might fear that his or her life may change under new leadership, and that it might change even if the person that fears the change could have been wrong, and was supporting the leadership that was allowing the wrong to be projected in a society instead of squashed as it should be if we're wrong. It's interesting to watch the people come out in defence of their ways, lifestyles, or cultures be it right or be it wrong in life. The chips will fall where they may, and it will be interesting to see.

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