Awful. Dozens of Veterans’ Bodies Never Buried – Discovered at Morgue


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
The horrible treatment of our Veterans continues under this regime, and their subversive counterparts in Kalipornia!

The bodies of at least 28 veterans were found this past week at the LA Coroner's office. The bodies had never been buried. CBS Local reported: The bodies of 28 veterans at the L.A. County Morgue were finally moved Friday for burial to the Riverside National Cemetery. CBS2/KCAL9 pressed the L.A. County Coroner's Office Thursday to find out why the bodies had not yet received a proper burial after a source indicated there may have been as many as 60 veterans at the morgue for the past year and a half. The morgue says the bodies were unclaimed and they... ^
Granny says dey oughta make `em pay back all dem bonuses dey give `em...
How VA clinics falsified appointment records
May 27, 2014 WASHINGTON — Fake appointments, unofficial logs kept on the sly and appointments made without telling the patient are among tricks used to disguise delays in seeing and treating veterans at Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics.
They're not a new phenomenon. VA officials, veteran service organizations and members of Congress have known about them for years. The "gaming strategies" were used to make it appear veterans were getting appointments within target times set by the department, according to a 2010 department memo to VA facility managers aimed at fighting the practices. The memo from William Schoenhard, then the VA's deputy undersecretary for health operations and management, said that when a medical appointment wasn't available within the 30-day target time then used by VA, some schedulers would:

* Make a fake appointment within the 30-day period but not tell the patient. The appointment would be canceled later and a new appointment would be made to meet a new 30-day target.
* Note on a paper log the actual distant date of an appointment, but not enter it into computer until within 30 days of the date.
* Give the patient an appointment at whatever date was next available, but log it in the computer as the date the veteran had asked for.

Schoenhard's nine-page memo ordered the practices stopped and instructed managers on how to detect them. Then he added: "Please be cautioned ... additional new or modified gaming strategies may have emerged, so do not consider this list a full description of all current possibilities of ... practices that need to be addressed."

Or as Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., put it at hearing this month: "As soon as new directives are put out, they're torn apart to find out how to get around the requirements." "Cooking the books" at VA hospitals has exploded into public view since allegations arose that up to 40 patients may have died at the Phoenix VA hospital while awaiting care. The department's inspector general said he's found no evidence so far that any of those deaths were caused by delays. He's widened his office's probe to include 26 VA centers but hasn't specified just what is being investigated at the newly added locations.

And the left want government run health care for all of us.
Oh Lord!!!!!!!!!!
Unclaimed bodies are unclaimed. It doesn't matter if they once served in the US Military. There is no issue here.
It matters not when the deficiencies began, it is up to Obama to lead the way in fixing the failed Veteran's health care system.
Unclaimed bodies are unclaimed. It doesn't matter if they once served in the US Military. There is no issue here.

How is this the government's fault if the bodies are unclaimed? What are they to do with unclaimed bodies? You tell us.
I posted about this before. They were all on shelves, in jars. Cremated, never claimed. So they just stay there on a shelf.
Unclaimed bodies are unclaimed. It doesn't matter if they once served in the US Military. There is no issue here.

How is this the government's fault if the bodies are unclaimed? What are they to do with unclaimed bodies? You tell us.

They were vets, they knew they were vets, the system is in place and it's free to bury vets in our veteran cemeteries.
Unclaimed bodies are unclaimed. It doesn't matter if they once served in the US Military. There is no issue here.

How is this the government's fault if the bodies are unclaimed? What are they to do with unclaimed bodies? You tell us.

The rules tell us.
38 CFR 3.1610 - Burial in national cemeteries; burial of unclaimed bodies.
38 CFR 3.1610 - Burial in national cemeteries; burial of unclaimed bodies. | LII / Legal Information Institute

(b)Where the body of a deceased veteran is unclaimed by relatives or friends (see § 3.1603), the Director of the regional office in the area in which the veteran died will immediately complete arrangements for burial in a national cemetery or, at his or her option, in a cemetery or cemetery section meeting the requirements of § 3.1604(d)(1)(ii)-(iv), provided that the total amount payable for burial and transportation expenses (including the plot allowance, if entitlement is established) does not exceed the total amount payable had burial been in a national cemetery.

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