Ayn Rand is right. There is no higher state than

Who the fuck didn't? Seriously, the negroid was selling there own people and even some of them owned slave there selfs. It is always the white man being blamed

It was New World slavery that brought the concept of race into the picture however, making one set of people a permanent underclass. Slavery in the past and in other parts of the world was based on social conditions like debt, criminality, war, NOT race.

That's also bullshit. The Arabs were buying black slaves for centuries before the white man ever got involved in it. Also, the Arabs enslaved white Europeans. Have you ever heard of the Barbary pirates? Do you know why European countries paid them ransom money every year?

The left is always trying to demonize America for slavery. All it shows is how ignorant they are and how much they hate America.

You proved my point!!! I said that it was New World slavery that introduced race into the equation. The parts of your post I put in BOLD help prove my contention that in other parts of the world the race of the person wasn't the determinant for why they were slaves. :clap2:
It was New World slavery that brought the concept of race into the picture however, making one set of people a permanent underclass. Slavery in the past and in other parts of the world was based on social conditions like debt, criminality, war, NOT race.

That's also bullshit. The Arabs were buying black slaves for centuries before the white man ever got involved in it. Also, the Arabs enslaved white Europeans. Have you ever heard of the Barbary pirates? Do you know why European countries paid them ransom money every year?

The left is always trying to demonize America for slavery. All it shows is how ignorant they are and how much they hate America.

You proved my point!!! I said that it was New World slavery that introduced race into the equation. The parts of your post I put in BOLD help prove my contention that in other parts of the world the race of the person wasn't the determinant for why they were slaves. :clap2:

Conquering was.
Observations. By the middle of the 18th century, race was the determinant for North American slavery. Europeans and Americans caught by the Barbary pirates were enslaved because they were Christians, not because they were white.
a self serving state. Serving other people and a higher cause is bullshit.

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington

Perhaps I am mistaken but it would appear that some may have missed the true meaning and significance of this particular quote. Having lived under the rule of British monarchy, Washington had seen firsthand the abuses of government power unchecked, and his concern for the overreach of government power as an affront to individual liberty can be demonstrated with other quotes.

“Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.” -George Washington

Please note that Washington is of course referring to the system of government known as a republic where the individual has certain inalienable rights, not the Republican Party. Clearly Washington was concerned about the government excising the military against its own people in order to oppress the people and impinge upon personal freedoms. This can be demonstrated with the quote:

“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” -George Washington

This does not mean that Washington believed government to be inherently bad; clearly Washington understood the necessity of government to protect the rights and freedoms of a nation’s people as he fought to establish the federal government of the United States as detailed in the constitution. Washington flatly states this by saying:

“The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon. “-George Washington

Furthermore, Washington’s views on taxation were clearly directly in opposition to the position of modern conservatives. Clearly Washington understood that an adequate and capable government is necessary to protect the rights and freedoms of individual citizens, and that protecting those rights is a primary responsibility of governments.

“The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government. “-George Washington

Clearly Washington did not share the Ayn Rand based philosophy of modern conservatives who feel the wealthy shouldn’t pay taxes, in fact Washington said:

“It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defense of it. “-George Washington

If a majority of the nation’s citizen’s feel that a certain level of taxation is necessary to support a government adequate to the task of protecting the best interests of the nation, we can safely assume he would have supported the citizens, as he said:

“The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. “-George Washington

Additionally, I think we can safely assume that Washington wouldn’t have held with 2% of the wealthiest citizens having such control of government that they may legislate away their own tax liabilities. as he also said:

“Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by individuals.” -George Washington

In fact I think I’m going to add a couple of those quotes to my signature, after all I wouldn’t want George Washington to be taken out of context again. :cool:
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Observations. By the middle of the 18th century, race was the determinant for North American slavery. Europeans and Americans caught by the Barbary pirates were enslaved because they were Christians, not because they were white.

Oh, well then it's OK, right?

The lengths libs go to trying to prove that America is evil are disgusting. They only succeed in proving what despicable dishonest scumbags they are.
You proved my point!!! I said that it was New World slavery that introduced race into the equation. The parts of your post I put in BOLD help prove my contention that in other parts of the world the race of the person wasn't the determinant for why they were slaves. :clap2:

It takes incredible powers of self delusion for anyone to believe that my retort proved your point.
You proved my point!!! I said that it was New World slavery that introduced race into the equation. The parts of your post I put in BOLD help prove my contention that in other parts of the world the race of the person wasn't the determinant for why they were slaves. :clap2:

It takes incredible powers of self delusion for anyone to believe that my retort proved your point.

Self delusion? I said that in other parts of the world race wasn't a determinant for servitude and you backed that up by pointing out that Arabs enslaved both blacks and whites, right?!?! Don't you remember your own post?
So it's extreme to profit off of ones own labor and to choose not to allow another man to take what you have rightfully earned for yourself?
No, it’s extreme to presume that the above can occur in a vacuum. Indeed, no man is an island – all success is predicated on the contributions of others, such as the public education one receives to become a successful individual. Or the clean water, roads, and other components of public infrastructure that contribute to one’s success, to contribute back to the things which facilitated one’s success is appropriate in the context of the social contract.

Americans became successful on their own long before social programs became implemented in this country. It was called initiative and self reliance back then......

>>Fast-Forward>>....to the Present.....where we've got......

.....who need a 110% guarantee of AB$OLUTE-$UCCE$$....before they'll invest in the U.S. economy.

Fuckin' chickenshits....

The 'center' has been pulled to the right by 40 years of a conservative era. The Democratic Party has shifted to the right. The Republican is SO FAR right that they can only nominate a candidate who appeals to the far right base, the Teapublicans.

It hardly seems possible, huh?



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SSDh442BuA]Katy Abram protester at Arlen Specter town hall on Hardball - YouTube[/ame]
Fuckin' Bubblehead....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyT_M3aEJKc]"Sleeping Giant" Woman From Specter Town Hall On "Hannity" - YouTube[/ame]


....And, people (actually) wonder how Snookie Palin & Loopy Bachmann got any "traction"?

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No, it’s extreme to presume that the above can occur in a vacuum. Indeed, no man is an island – all success is predicated on the contributions of others, such as the public education one receives to become a successful individual. Or the clean water, roads, and other components of public infrastructure that contribute to one’s success, to contribute back to the things which facilitated one’s success is appropriate in the context of the social contract.

Americans became successful on their own long before social programs became implemented in this country. It was called initiative and self reliance back then......

>>Fast-Forward>>....to the Present.....where we've got......

.....who need a 110% guarantee of AB$OLUTE-$UCCE$$....before they'll invest in the U.S. economy.

Fuckin' chickenshits....

Please. Put all your money where your mouth is.

How would you sell a house that was on fire? Advertise it as a "motivated seller"? Will that make for a better deal?
Americans became successful on their own long before social programs became implemented in this country. It was called initiative and self reliance back then......

>>Fast-Forward>>....to the Present.....where we've got......

.....who need a 110% guarantee of AB$OLUTE-$UCCE$$....before they'll invest in the U.S. economy.

Fuckin' chickenshits....

Please. Put all your money where your mouth is.

How would you sell a house that was on fire? Advertise it as a "motivated seller"? Will that make for a better deal?
Lemme guess.....calculated-risk is another o' those new socialist-evils, right??


American-businessmen have gotten SOFT, during the last 30 years!!

They're an ABERRATION o' the people who built this Country!!!!!

>>Fast-Forward>>....to the Present.....where we've got......

.....who need a 110% guarantee of AB$OLUTE-$UCCE$$....before they'll invest in the U.S. economy.

Fuckin' chickenshits....

Please. Put all your money where your mouth is.

How would you sell a house that was on fire? Advertise it as a "motivated seller"? Will that make for a better deal?
Lemme guess.....calculated-risk is another o' those new socialist-evils, right??


American-businessmen have gotten SOFT, during the last 30 years!!

They're an ABERRATION o' the people who built this Country!!!!!
yes they have gotten soft, thanks to socializing risk. Betting on a fixed race is ALWAYS a better deal, but is illegal when it's advertised to be a fair and honest contest.

But now, even a socialized risk thanks to freddie and fannie has gone toxic and there are better risks out there than this economy... till Obama is removed like a carbunkle on the ass of a pig.

Good job stepping on your dick, Squeeler fanboy.
Please. Put all your money where your mouth is.

How would you sell a house that was on fire? Advertise it as a "motivated seller"? Will that make for a better deal?
Lemme guess.....calculated-risk is another o' those new socialist-evils, right??


American-businessmen have gotten SOFT, during the last 30 years!!

They're an ABERRATION o' the people who built this Country!!!!!
yes they have gotten soft, thanks to socializing risk.

What fuckin' risk are you talking-about????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZQVGjlQmhk]Jonathan Kim Reviews American Casino - YouTube[/ame]​
Spending too much time on pseudo-clever colors and symbols and halfbrained advocacy clips to get it, aren't you?
a self serving state. Serving other people and a higher cause is bullshit.

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington

Perhaps I am mistaken but it would appear that some may have missed the true meaning and significance of this particular quote. Having lived under the rule of British monarchy, Washington had seen firsthand the abuses of government power unchecked, and his concern for the overreach of government power as an affront to individual liberty can be demonstrated with other quotes.

“Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.” -George Washington

Please note that Washington is of course referring to the system of government known as a republic where the individual has certain inalienable rights, not the Republican Party. Clearly Washington was concerned about the government excising the military against its own people in order to oppress the people and impinge upon personal freedoms. This can be demonstrated with the quote:

“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” -George Washington

This does not mean that Washington believed government to be inherently bad; clearly Washington understood the necessity of government to protect the rights and freedoms of a nation’s people as he fought to establish the federal government of the United States as detailed in the constitution. Washington flatly states this by saying:

“The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon. “-George Washington

Furthermore, Washington’s views on taxation were clearly directly in opposition to the position of modern conservatives. Clearly Washington understood that an adequate and capable government is necessary to protect the rights and freedoms of individual citizens, and that protecting those rights is a primary responsibility of governments.

“The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government. “-George Washington

Clearly Washington did not share the Ayn Rand based philosophy of modern conservatives who feel the wealthy shouldn’t pay taxes, in fact Washington said:

“It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defense of it. “-George Washington

If a majority of the nation’s citizen’s feel that a certain level of taxation is necessary to support a government adequate to the task of protecting the best interests of the nation, we can safely assume he would have supported the citizens, as he said:

“The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. “-George Washington

Additionally, I think we can safely assume that Washington wouldn’t have held with 2% of the wealthiest citizens having such control of government that they may legislate away their own tax liabilities. as he also said:

“Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by individuals.” -George Washington

In fact I think I’m going to add a couple of those quotes to my signature, after all I wouldn’t want George Washington to be taken out of context again. :cool:

No of course not
you just try to speak for him

Based on your assumptions,
no doubt Washington would be quite happy with the gov't
we have created today and in overall philosophy, Washington would be closer to Papa Obama.
I wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea as well

After all, she was a fierce opponent of all forms of collectivism
and statism, including fascism, communism, socialism, and the welfare state.

Here is some more you might care to add
Of course, I will not assume for him, like you do....

No need to thank me

It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it.
Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

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