Ayn Rand is right. There is no higher state than

The John Galt superman character's odious POV tells me everything I need to know about Ms Rand and her specious philosophy on what a perfect society looks like.

Basically she is an apologist for sociopaths.
The John Galt superman character's odious POV tells me everything I need to know about Ms Rand and her specious philosophy on what a perfect society looks like.

Basically she is an apologist for sociopaths.

Liberals are the sociopaths. Take Adolf Hitler or Franklin Roosevelt, for example.
The John Galt superman character's odious POV tells me everything I need to know about Ms Rand and her specious philosophy on what a perfect society looks like.

Basically she is an apologist for sociopaths.

Liberals are the sociopaths. Take Adolf Hitler or Franklin Roosevelt, for example.

... or people so partisan they can't remember their own posts!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Rand is a pseudo SIFI novelist no?

That’s L. Ron Hubbard. But both ‘philosophies’ are equally idiotic.

The John Galt superman character's odious POV tells me everything I need to know about Ms Rand and her specious philosophy on what a perfect society looks like.

Basically she is an apologist for sociopaths.

Correct. Rand is Nietzsche Lite for Americans.

Liberals are the sociopaths. Take Adolf Hitler or Franklin Roosevelt, for example.

Hitler was a liberal, very good – you represent conservatives well.

Government is for protecting the personal property rights of the individual.

Remember the Constitution isn’t a cafeteria plan, you don’t get to pick and choose what rights you like and don’t like.

With regard to the American government, the rights of the individual are just as important as his property rights, if not more so:

Amendment 5

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Organisms don't support other organisms in nature.

There is prey - predator relationship.

And a host - scavenger relationship.

There are no such things as packs, herds, flocks in nature? That function as groups, collectively, for the benefit of the individuals within the group?

Correct. Rand is Nietzsche Lite for Americans.

You wouldn't know "correct" from a hole in the ground.

Liberals are the sociopaths. Take Adolf Hitler or Franklin Roosevelt, for example.

Hitler was a liberal, very good – you represent conservatives well.

I'm not a conservative. I'm a libertarian, and I do represent them very well.

The lie that fascism is "right wing" isn't selling any more. Fascism and liberalism are indistinguishable.
Organisms don't support other organisms in nature.

There is prey - predator relationship.

And a host - scavenger relationship.

There are no such things as packs, herds, flocks in nature? That function as groups, collectively, for the benefit of the individuals within the group?


There are packs, herds and flocks.

To an instance they function in an alpha / beta relationship. The slower weaker ones are left subsistence remnants and their offspring typically don't survive or effectively propagate alpha genetics / characteristics.

Entitlement has devolved man's innate survivability.
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Organisms don't support other organisms in nature.

There is prey - predator relationship.

And a host - scavenger relationship.

There are no such things as packs, herds, flocks in nature? That function as groups, collectively, for the benefit of the individuals within the group?


There are packs, herds and flocks.

To instance they function in an alpha / beta relationship. The slower weaker ones are left subsistence remnants and their offspring typically don't survive or effectively propagate alpha genetics / characteristics.

Entitlement has devolved man's innate survivability.

Really? Is that why we've seen a precipitous decline in the human population on earth?
Organisms don't support other organisms in nature.

There is prey - predator relationship.

And a host - scavenger relationship.

There are no such things as packs, herds, flocks in nature? That function as groups, collectively, for the benefit of the individuals within the group?


There are packs, herds and flocks.

To an instance they function in an alpha / beta relationship. The slower weaker ones are left subsistence remnants and their offspring typically don't survive or effectively propagate alpha genetics / characteristics.

Entitlement has devolved man's innate survivability.

So the kind of survival of fittest, unfettered by the interference of 'entitlement', that we might see perhaps in places like parts of Africa, where the weaker humans in the 'herd' are culled by starvation and disease, etc.,

is a condition preferable to what we see here in the US today?
Really? Is that why we've seen a precipitous decline in the human population on earth?

Not in numbers.

In quality.

Where on earth is the quality of life for any given society better because the needy have been left to fend for themselves,

without social intervention, or entitlement, or charity, or assistance?

Name those places.
What post do you imagine I'm forgetting, turd?

Our previous exchange that you ran away from when you were caught in a lie, coward. :puke:

You must be referring to some imaginary duel we had. You're misinterpreting the fact that I got bored with slapping you around. What is this "lie" you claim I told?

Not going through that again, if you're too lazy to review your own posts. Suffice it to say that you misrepresented the slavery issue and, when called on it, refused to acknowledge that you said the same thing I did.
a self serving state. Serving other people and a higher cause is bullshit.

Ayn Rand is all the proof one needs for the absolute necessity of government.

She wasn't an anarchist, dipstick. The question is: do we need the welfare state? The answer is a resounding "no."

And what nations with absolutely no social safety net of any kind are doing better than the US?

Where, ever, has a total neglect of the needy created, overall, a better society?

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