Ayn Rand is right. There is no higher state than

Someone, by the way, that equates FDR with Hitler is a sociopath.

Or at the very least an ignorant, hateful partisan.

Too bad FDR said these things in the past:

There seems to be no question that [Mussolini] is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.

Comment in early 1933 about Benito Mussolini to US Ambassador to Italy Breckinridge Long, as quoted in Three New Deals : Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (2006) by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, p. 31​

I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.

Comment on Benito Mussolini in 1933, as quoted in Three New Deals : Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (2006) by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, p. 31​
Too bad you are a hack partisan, though, Neo, or thoe two out of context quotes might fool the gullible here.

However, you are the gullible one, my friend. I hope you are enjoying the people's holiday.
"The [] people must march forward as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline."

Only those who hide from history are attempting to fool the masses

Just because All Fascists are Statists

does not mean

All Statists are Fascists
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Too bad you are a hack partisan, though, Neo, or thoe two out of context quotes might fool the gullible here.

However, you are the gullible one, my friend. I hope you are enjoying the people's holiday.

They are not "out of context." There's plenty of documentation deomnstrating that the goons in the FDR administration and the great weasel himself were admirers of Mussolini and Hitler until they started invading their neighbors.

Of course, lefwing turds like you will do everything possible to maintain the big lie that Fascism is rightwing.
Ayn Rand is all the proof one needs for the absolute necessity of government.

She wasn't an anarchist, dipstick. The question is: do we need the welfare state? The answer is a resounding "no."

Yet she was on medicare and social security, nu?

Someone, by the way, that equates FDR with Hitler is a sociopath.

Like I said, she paid taxes for those programs. Why shouldn't she accept what she is legally entitled to?
Too bad you are a hack partisan, though, Neo, or thoe two out of context quotes might fool the gullible here.

However, you are the gullible one, my friend. I hope you are enjoying the people's holiday.

They are not "out of context." There's plenty of documentation deomnstrating that the goons in the FDR administration and the great weasel himself were admirers of Mussolini and Hitler until they started invading their neighbors.

Of course, lefwing turds like you will do everything possible to maintain the big lie that Fascism is rightwing.

The following quotes are interesting and sure to get the "hackles" of the left up

A. "...above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual... By this we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow men."

B. "The [] people must march forward as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline."

C. "...moral law, binding together individual and the generations into a tradition and a mission, suppressing the instinct for a life enclosed within the brief round of pleasure in order to restore within duty a higher life free from the limits of time and space."​

The choices are Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Who said which?
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No one is "forced" to pay taxes.


That has to be one of the all time idiocies ever posted to this forum.

By definition, taxes are paid under compulsion.

Taxes are the price of a civil society. Don't like it..you can move out of the country. Sorta like rent..don't pay that..and you'd be in trouble too. Unlike so many countries in this world...you have free will.

The federal government doesn't own the country, dipstick.
NeoTrotsky is playing out of context quotations with FDR.

That is fine, it is right to distort, but all know what he is doing.
NeoTrotsky is playing out of context quotations with FDR.

That is fine, it is right to distort, but all know what he is doing.

You're a servile toady defending the liberal big lie that fascism is "right-wing." FDR admired Mussolini. The fact is well documented. All the progressives in the early 30s admired Mussolini and Hitler.
NeoTrotsky is playing out of context quotations with FDR.

That is fine, it is right to distort, but all know what he is doing.

You're a servile toady defending the liberal big lie that fascism is "right-wing." FDR admired Mussolini. The fact is well documented. All the progressives in the early 30s admired Mussolini and Hitler.

Hitler was very conservative..and very traditional. He was a Roman Catholic who aspired to the preisthood..joined the military and served valiantly. He evoked his christian faith multiple times and signed a treaty with the pope...who fully backed the extermination of the jewish people in Europe. Oh by the way, Did you know Prescott Bush did business with Hitler? Did you vote for his grandson, George W. Bush?

You might want to study another great christian leader..Martin Luther.

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mussolini wasn't as bad..but very traditional as well.

Conservative movements have a tendency to be very bloody. They don't like multi-culturalism or respect people of other faiths.
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No one is "forced" to pay taxes.


That has to be one of the all time idiocies ever posted to this forum.

By definition, taxes are paid under compulsion.

Taxes are the price of a civil society. Don't like it..you can move out of the country. Sorta like rent..don't pay that..and you'd be in trouble too. Unlike so many countries in this world...you have free will.

The federal government doesn't own the country, dipstick.

Taxes are like rent. Don't like it?



Don't let the door slam you on the ass.
The John Galt superman character's odious POV tells me everything I need to know about Ms Rand and her specious philosophy on what a perfect society looks like.

Basically she is an apologist for sociopaths.
Right. Sociopaths are those who desire to not be enslaved to the need of others.

What you advocate is the equivalent of a plantation slave owner because you need cotton picked and do not want to do the work yourself or suffer the need to work.
Hitler was very conservative..and very traditional. He was a Roman Catholic who aspired to the preisthood..joined the military and served valiantly. He evoked his christian faith multiple times and signed a treaty with the pope...who fully backed the extermination of the jewish people in Europe. Oh by the way, Did you know Prescott Bush did business with Hitler? Did you vote for his grandson, George W. Bush?

You might want to study another great christian leader..Martin Luther.

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mussolini wasn't as bad..but very traditional as well.

Conservative movements have a tendency to be very bloody. They don't like multi-culturalism or respect people of other faiths.

Thanks for posting all the usual leftwing idiocies concerning Hitler. It's good to have them all in one place so they won't stink up the entire forum. Either they are non sequiturs, or they are outright lies.

Hitler's mother may have been a Roman catholic, but he never set foot in a church once he left home. Many politicians invoke God to support their policies even if they are atheists. Abraham Lincoln is a classic example. Although the church does not have clean hands in the matter, the Pope did not back the extermination of the Jewish people. That's just an outright lie.

What the hell does Prescott Bush have to do with anything?? Obviously, you just blurt out whatever scurrilous leftwing lie on the subject you have heard whether it makes any sense or not.
Taxes are like rent. Don't like it?



Don't let the door slam you on the ass.

No, taxes are not like rent. The federal government doesn't own the country. Taxes are extortion money. Government and a mafia protection racket are indistinguishable in every detail.

If you don't like the taxpayers voting to reduce your allowance, you get the fuck out of the country. Find some other host you can stick your fangs into.
Hitler was very conservative..

Yes, the leader of the Socialist German Workers Party who wanted to control every aspect of the economy was a "conservative." Gotcha...

Conservative movements have a tendency to be very bloody. They don't like multi-culturalism or respect people of other faiths.

Yep, great Conservatives like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Jung Mentally Ill, Ho Chi Min, Castro, Chavez, ...

Clearly violence is a "right" issue.
Hitler was very conservative..and very traditional. He was a Roman Catholic who aspired to the preisthood..joined the military and served valiantly. He evoked his christian faith multiple times and signed a treaty with the pope...who fully backed the extermination of the jewish people in Europe. Oh by the way, Did you know Prescott Bush did business with Hitler? Did you vote for his grandson, George W. Bush?

You might want to study another great christian leader..Martin Luther.

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mussolini wasn't as bad..but very traditional as well.

Conservative movements have a tendency to be very bloody. They don't like multi-culturalism or respect people of other faiths.

Thanks for posting all the usual leftwing idiocies concerning Hitler. It's good to have them all in one place so they won't stink up the entire forum. Either they are non sequiturs, or they are outright lies.

Hitler's mother may have been a Roman catholic, but he never set foot in a church once he left home. Many politicians invoke God to support their policies even if they are atheists. Abraham Lincoln is a classic example. Although the church does not have clean hands in the matter, the Pope did not back the extermination of the Jewish people. That's just an outright lie.

What the hell does Prescott Bush have to do with anything?? Obviously, you just blurt out whatever scurrilous leftwing lie on the subject you have heard whether it makes any sense or not.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians


"Today Christians stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller

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