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Babies winning War...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012

Israel, as a solely Jewish Majority Nation is a mathematical impossibility for the future.

Israeli demographers figure in less than fifty years the 20% present Israeli/Palestinian citizens will constitute a Majority.

Knowing this, I sometimes wonder if today’s present leaders are asleep?

Trying to turn back the clock 2,000 years is not an easy task when the Middle East has evolved into a total Muslim area.

Israel was re-created smack in the middle of Arab Culture! Sooner or later the Jews and the Muslims must live together. An accommodation now might save a Jewish presence in the Holy Land…

Demographics are a peaceful transfer of power. For example recently Texas became a Majority Hispanic State. All of that ” Remember the Alamo” stuff? They got it back without firing a shot! In fifty years America will be a Hispanic majority Nation. These are facts for America and Israel. This is why birth rates plus legal and illegal immigration into more prosperous areas is as old as mankind! Knowing that Israel is completely surrounded by something like 1.4 Billion Muslims, how can they ever expect to survive that kind of Human Ocean?

There never will be enough Jews in the world that could possibly live in that tiny country to compete with these kinds of birth rates. In the end the Arabs will absorb that tiny enclave without firing a shot!

Their babies will win the war for them.
Some things never change:

"When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: 'the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man'.

"They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism’s central problem ever since.

"How to 'vanish the Palestinians' and get an empty land?"

Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Israel's Jews Reach Historic Six Million Mark, But Could be Outnumbered By Palestinians By 2020

Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics in Jerusalem showed the country's population at just below eight million, with six million Jews, growing at a rate of 1.8%. 1.4 million are Israeli Arabs, Palestinian citizens of Israel. Around 4.4 million others live in the Palestinian Territories.

The total fertility rate in 2011 among Palestinians living in Israel was 3.3 births compared to 3.0 births among Jews

Palestinian Authority official Hanan Ashrawi told Ynet: “If the situation carries on this way, at the end we’ll be a majority, but we’re giving the Israelis a chance to understand the Palestinians could have their own democratic country that would neighbor Israel."
"lol, what can one do but laugh at a bigot like you who reduces millions to that! You are not worth anger!"

sherri....you of all people, calling me a bigot. ca'mon.

I know eh ?

Sherri is on another level of bigotry

When it comes to vile bigotry, the right wing Zionist supporters take the cake...they practically practice Apartheid in Palestine, thumb their nose at the UN and continue to bold face steal Arab Lands and homes at the same time squealing that it is their divine right to re-claim Eretz Israel by force.

The world is onto you!
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"Discriminatory Laws

Israeli governments regularly enact legislation which excludes, ignores, and discriminates against the Palestinian Arab minority. Since the establishment of the state, Israel has relied upon these laws to ground their discriminatory treatment of Arab citizens and allow the unequal status and unequal treatment of Jewish and Arab citizens to persist."

Discriminatory Laws - Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, yet while all Jews are franchised to vote in Israeli elections, the majority of Arabs are not.

Racism and bigotry?
Oh God not again.
Deifferent days, same sh!t.

Yes, the same old post to remind the Zionist/Jewish State that the mathematical clock of Demographics is a fact. You can ignore the numbers or you can heed the obvious and help create a viable and prosperous Palestinian State beside you.

It’s Israel's move.
Oh God not again.
Deifferent days, same sh!t.

Yes, the same old post to remind the Zionist/Jewish State that the mathematical clock of Demographics is a fact. You can ignore the numbers or you can heed the obvious and help create a viable and prosperous Palestinian State beside you.

It’s Israel's move.
Isn't it time for Phillip to stop repeating himself by saying "It's Israel's move" ad nauseam and instead fly over there and convince the leaders of Hamas that it would be their best move to recognize Israel.
Hamas leader Khaled Meshal says group will never recognize Israel - Washington Post
Oh God not again.
Deifferent days, same sh!t.

Yes, the same old post to remind the Zionist/Jewish State that the mathematical clock of Demographics is a fact. You can ignore the numbers or you can heed the obvious and help create a viable and prosperous Palestinian State beside you.

It’s Israel's move.
Isn't it time for Phillip to stop repeating himself by saying "It's Israel's move" ad nauseam and instead fly over there and convince the leaders of Hamas that it would be their best move to recognize Israel.
Hamas leader Khaled Meshal says group will never recognize Israel - Washington Post

Isn’t it time that you realize what the UN and the vast majority of the world recognizes: A Palestinian State to the 67 borders and E. Jerusalem as their capital? Now I know how sacred and dear Jerusalem is to Jews and Muslims, share it…

“Hurry up please, it’s time!”
Yes, the same old post to remind the Zionist/Jewish State that the mathematical clock of Demographics is a fact. You can ignore the numbers or you can heed the obvious and help create a viable and prosperous Palestinian State beside you.

It’s Israel's move.
Isn't it time for Phillip to stop repeating himself by saying "It's Israel's move" ad nauseam and instead fly over there and convince the leaders of Hamas that it would be their best move to recognize Israel.
Hamas leader Khaled Meshal says group will never recognize Israel - Washington Post

Isn’t it time that you realize what the UN and the vast majority of the world recognizes: A Palestinian State to the 67 borders and E. Jerusalem as their capital? Now I know how sacred and dear Jerusalem is to Jews and Muslims, share it…

“Hurry up please, it’s time!”
It looks like Phillip doesn't want to be the guy to convince Hamas to recognize Israel. Phillip can't seem to take it into his head that the Muslims don't want any land in the Middle East to be governed by any Jews. Don't worry, Phillip. I think many of us realize that you don't really care about the Arabs since when you had the chance to speak about what was happening to them by other Arabs in other Middle East countries on another forum, you were very silent on the topic. However, if it makes you feel good that you are fooling everyone into thinking you are this great humanitarian and peace maker -- go for it.
Isn't it time for Phillip to stop repeating himself by saying "It's Israel's move" ad nauseam and instead fly over there and convince the leaders of Hamas that it would be their best move to recognize Israel.
Hamas leader Khaled Meshal says group will never recognize Israel - Washington Post

Isn’t it time that you realize what the UN and the vast majority of the world recognizes: A Palestinian State to the 67 borders and E. Jerusalem as their capital? Now I know how sacred and dear Jerusalem is to Jews and Muslims, share it…

“Hurry up please, it’s time!”
It looks like Phillip doesn't want to be the guy to convince Hamas to recognize Israel. Phillip can't seem to take it into his head that the Muslims don't want any land in the Middle East to be governed by any Jews. Don't worry, Phillip. I think many of us realize that you don't really care about the Arabs since when you had the chance to speak about what was happening to them by other Arabs in other Middle East countries on another forum, you were very silent on the topic. However, if it makes you feel good that you are fooling everyone into thinking you are this great humanitarian and peace maker -- go for it.

Oh, the Hosshiite is flying again...Hamas does not need to be brought into the talks that Abbas has been asking for...Dimwits like you keep cackling that deflection while ignoring Israeli Settlement building that even ally America has demanded to stop to no avail...

Your Hosshiite is treason to American Interests for a peaceful Middle East.
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Oh God not again.
Deifferent days, same sh!t.

Yes, the same old post to remind the Zionist/Jewish State that the mathematical clock of Demographics is a fact. You can ignore the numbers or you can heed the obvious and help create a viable and prosperous Palestinian State beside you.

It’s Israel's move.
Only recently, the Palestinian Bureau of Statistics issued its usual press release about how, in 2020, if the current trends persist, the number of Palestinian Arabs will outnumber the number of Israeli Jews (but only if you include Gaza, land which virtually no Israelis are interested in recovering). Of course, this headline is meant to scare Israelis, and the West especially, into restarting the “Palestinian Arab-Israeli Peace Process” by encouraging new pressure on Israel to make concessions to those noted “moderates” in the Palestinian Authority. Not that this reset would be necessary, by the way, if the PA had not consistently refused to come back to the negotiating table since 2008 and not violated the prior peace process – the Oslo Accords – by getting the world community at the UN to recognize the non-nation(s) of “Palestine.”

Unfortunately for the Israel haters, though, time is no longer on their side. Consider these facts:

• The population of Israel is booming, in contrast to most Western nations, and even many countries in the Arab world. Meanwhile, Palestinian statistics consistently overstate their actual numbers by 1 million. I have already written about this here. One new point though – the current 66% Jewish majority in the area of the pre-1967 Israel, Judea and Samaria could actually increase to an 80% majority in 2035, if Jewish immigration increases from the former USSR, France, Britain, Argentina and the US. This is quite possible, in response to Israel’s positive economic indicators, the intensification of European anti-Semitism (largely because of growing Muslim populations), and the growth of Jewish-Zionist education.

• Israel’s economy is also booming. Israel’s 2009-2012 economic growth of 14.7% leads the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, ahead of Australia – 10.7%, Canada – 4.8%, US – 3.2%, Germany – 2.7%, France – 0.3%, Euro Bloc – 1.5% decline. Also, Israel’s unemployment rate edged down to 6.7% in November from 6.9% in October. Tourism numbers went up to an all-time high of 2.9 million tourists in 2012. Simultaneously, much of the civilized world is or seems about ready to sink into a recession. Also, unlike the US and many other nations, Israel does not have crushing debt and entitlement burdens. Meanwhile, few of the non-oil producing Arab nations are doing well economically.

Positive News for Israel in the New Year | FrontPage Magazine
Oh God not again.
Deifferent days, same sh!t.

Yes, the same old post to remind the Zionist/Jewish State that the mathematical clock of Demographics is a fact. You can ignore the numbers or you can heed the obvious and help create a viable and prosperous Palestinian State beside you.

It’s Israel's move.
Only recently, the Palestinian Bureau of Statistics issued its usual press release about how, in 2020, if the current trends persist, the number of Palestinian Arabs will outnumber the number of Israeli Jews (but only if you include Gaza, land which virtually no Israelis are interested in recovering). Of course, this headline is meant to scare Israelis, and the West especially, into restarting the “Palestinian Arab-Israeli Peace Process” by encouraging new pressure on Israel to make concessions to those noted “moderates” in the Palestinian Authority. Not that this reset would be necessary, by the way, if the PA had not consistently refused to come back to the negotiating table since 2008 and not violated the prior peace process – the Oslo Accords – by getting the world community at the UN to recognize the non-nation(s) of “Palestine.”

Unfortunately for the Israel haters, though, time is no longer on their side. Consider these facts:

• The population of Israel is booming, in contrast to most Western nations, and even many countries in the Arab world. Meanwhile, Palestinian statistics consistently overstate their actual numbers by 1 million. I have already written about this here. One new point though – the current 66% Jewish majority in the area of the pre-1967 Israel, Judea and Samaria could actually increase to an 80% majority in 2035, if Jewish immigration increases from the former USSR, France, Britain, Argentina and the US. This is quite possible, in response to Israel’s positive economic indicators, the intensification of European anti-Semitism (largely because of growing Muslim populations), and the growth of Jewish-Zionist education.

• Israel’s economy is also booming. Israel’s 2009-2012 economic growth of 14.7% leads the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, ahead of Australia – 10.7%, Canada – 4.8%, US – 3.2%, Germany – 2.7%, France – 0.3%, Euro Bloc – 1.5% decline. Also, Israel’s unemployment rate edged down to 6.7% in November from 6.9% in October. Tourism numbers went up to an all-time high of 2.9 million tourists in 2012. Simultaneously, much of the civilized world is or seems about ready to sink into a recession. Also, unlike the US and many other nations, Israel does not have crushing debt and entitlement burdens. Meanwhile, few of the non-oil producing Arab nations are doing well economically.

Keep dreaming, Israeli Apartheid will suffer the fate of its last ally Apartheid South Africa.

Positive News for Israel in the New Year | FrontPage Magazine
• Withdraw from Gaza as much as possible since without the Gaza strip, the Jewish majority in Israel and the West Bank seems secure (again if emigration and fertility decline continues)
• Continue supporting the settlements to secure as much land as possible and help encourage Palestinians to emigrate.
• Delay a solution as much as possible in order to see if the demographic winds continue to turn in Israel’s favour.
• Encourage Palestinian division and the gap between Gaza and the West Bank
• If demographic trends do not continue, and there is an uptick in Palestinian births, only then give up most of the West Bank to secure a Jewish majority
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Isn’t it time that you realize what the UN and the vast majority of the world recognizes: A Palestinian State to the 67 borders and E. Jerusalem as their capital? Now I know how sacred and dear Jerusalem is to Jews and Muslims, share it…

“Hurry up please, it’s time!”
It looks like Phillip doesn't want to be the guy to convince Hamas to recognize Israel. Phillip can't seem to take it into his head that the Muslims don't want any land in the Middle East to be governed by any Jews. Don't worry, Phillip. I think many of us realize that you don't really care about the Arabs since when you had the chance to speak about what was happening to them by other Arabs in other Middle East countries on another forum, you were very silent on the topic. However, if it makes you feel good that you are fooling everyone into thinking you are this great humanitarian and peace maker -- go for it.

Oh, the Hosshiite is flying again...Hamas does not need to be brought into the talks that Abbas has been asking for...Dimwits like you keep cackling that deflection while ignoring Israeli Settlement building that even ally America has demanded to stop to no avail...

Your Hosshiite is treason to American Interests for a peaceful Middle East.
Oh Phillip Shiite, not only Hamas but Fatah has been saying the same thing. Research a little and see how they talk out of both sides of their mouths and then wipe the Shiite off of yourself. Yessiree, with Phillip Shiite's attitude, he certainly would make a good Dhimmi (Dhimwit).

Israel, as a solely Jewish Majority Nation is a mathematical impossibility for the future.

Israeli demographers figure in less than fifty years the 20% present Israeli/Palestinian citizens will constitute a Majority.

Knowing this, I sometimes wonder if today’s present leaders are asleep?

Trying to turn back the clock 2,000 years is not an easy task when the Middle East has evolved into a total Muslim area.

Israel was re-created smack in the middle of Arab Culture! Sooner or later the Jews and the Muslims must live together. An accommodation now might save a Jewish presence in the Holy Land…

Demographics are a peaceful transfer of power. For example recently Texas became a Majority Hispanic State. All of that ” Remember the Alamo” stuff? They got it back without firing a shot! In fifty years America will be a Hispanic majority Nation. These are facts for America and Israel. This is why birth rates plus legal and illegal immigration into more prosperous areas is as old as mankind! Knowing that Israel is completely surrounded by something like 1.4 Billion Muslims, how can they ever expect to survive that kind of Human Ocean?

There never will be enough Jews in the world that could possibly live in that tiny country to compete with these kinds of birth rates. In the end the Arabs will absorb that tiny enclave without firing a shot!

Their babies will win the war for them.

THANKS for this post, I do not know why but it gives me a sense of peace (I think of the words a peace beyond all understanding), about both Israel and the US, to contemplate how time will take care of all past Injustice. It is like Gods justice built into Creation! It does not bother me a bit, it is all that is wrong being fixed! OF course, new wrongs arise, but they become the Martin Luther King struggles of tomorrow!
Sherri's 'god' Adolf abu ali also sought to conquor the world thru
overpowering it with population----he created BABY FARMS ---whilst
at the same time he was gassing non aryan children to death. Genghis
Khan-----and his minions are said to have accomplished the genocide
OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS-----but HE is also said to be an ancestory
of several millions of people alive today------SHIT DOES WHAT SHIT
DOES-------the bottom line is that they all reach a COMMONALITY

Even in my memory----the followers of stalin-----a great ISA RESPECTER--
virtually FORCED REPRODUCTION for communist women
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