Back In The Ancient Year of 2020, JD Vance Did Not Have Very Nice Things To Say About His Imbecile Running Mate Donald Trump

Yes, of course, JD Vance finally "saw the light" and now sees what a great person Donald Trump is. Yeah, give me a fucking break.

This is what JD Vance said about Trump only 4 years ago. From the Washington Post. --

In the direct messages — sent during Trump’s final year in office to an acquaintance over the social media platform then known as Twitter — Vance harshly criticized his future running mate’s record of governance and said Trump had not fulfilled his economic agenda.

“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.

He also offered a prediction: Joe Biden, he believed, was going to win the 2020 election.

“I think Trump will probably lose,” he wrote in a message in June 2020, a few months before ballots were cast in an election that Vance would later claim, falsely and repeatedly, was stolen by the Democrats.

The critical messages, shared with The Post by their recipient on the condition of anonymity because of concerns about retaliation, cast doubt on Vance’s oft-recited account of how and when he embraced Trumpism. They were written years after Vance’s previously reported remarks attacking Trump, such as his statements in 2016 that Trump was “reprehensible,” “cultural heroin” and possibly “America’s Hitler.”

The messages obtained by The Post reveal Vance in a garrulous and seemingly unguarded mood. He wrote them after initiating contact with their recipient, whose published writing interested him.

/—-/ Thanks for reminding us.
Harris called Biden’s remarks “hurtful” and then turned to Biden’s record on the issue of forced busing in the 1970s, when Biden voted against the measure, which was intended to desegregate public schools.

“You also worked with [segregationist lawmakers] to oppose busing,” Harris said, and she added that when she was a young girl, she had been bused to public school as part of a desegregation effort.

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