Barack Obama: “The LAST THING We Want to Do Is Raise Taxes During a Recession” (2009

Why is it the right refuses the FACT that we are no longer in a recession?

Words have definitions and by the definition of the word we are NO LONGER IN A RECESSION!

ah, so by that reason that is good enough to raise TAXES on the American people who can barely pay for gas, food, AND DON'T HAVE JOBS.

but remember folks, it's the Democrat party who CARES MORE FOR YOU.
NBER Officially Declares End of Recession

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) declared yesterday that the Great Recession was officially over as of June 2009.

Now you should thank Obama for getting us out of that recession.

Now its time to raise taxes

from your link...
It still feels like a recession for the 14.9 million Americans who are unemployed. It feels like a depression for the 6.9 million who've been unemployed for more than 27 weeks, and the 2.4 million who have just given up looking for a job.

It feels like a recession for the more than 300,000 homeowners who lose their homes to foreclosure each month. And to those who'd like to retire, but can't because they lost money in their IRAs and 401(k)s.

July 2009...
UNEMPLOYMENT: Consumers won’t start shopping again in earnest as long as the unemployment rate is at 9.5% and threatening to break into double digits. People who are out of work can’t spend, and people who fear being out of work won’t spend.

SPARE CAPACITY: Companies won’t hire or buy equipment as long as they have lots of slack. Today’s industrial production report revealed that the U.S. industrial capacity utilization rate fell in June to 68%, the lowest since recordkeeping began in 1967. World Bank Chief Economist Justin Lin said today in South Africa that unless global overcapacity is reduced, “we will face a deflationary spiral and the crisis will become protracted,” according to Bloomberg.

DEBT: As I’ve written, household debt soared from two-thirds of GDP in the early 1990s to 100% at the end of 2008. Simply getting debt back to three-quarters of GDP, the level of 2001, would require paying off 25% of all outstanding household debt, $3.5 trillion worth. Paying down debt gets even harder when GDP is falling—that’s Keynes’s paradox of thrift.

BOND VIGILANTES: If fixed-income investors get nervous that the government’s massive deficit spending will push up inflation, they will sell bonds and drive up interest rates. That would be a huge setback for homebuying, car sales, and other rate-sensitive sectors.

DOUBLE DIP: Even if the gross domestic product rises in the current July-September quarter—and it might—output could very well fall again in the fourth as the effects of the stimulus tax cuts begin to fade.

it's all been happening since July 2009... the recession is NOT over, regardless of what the administration would like to fantasize about.
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Is the recession OVER??????????

Yes it is.

We now have a recovering economy and the republicans are doing EVERYTHING they can think of to slow and or stop the recovery.

Its time to raise taxes so we can pay down our debts so we can have a better future.

The Bush tax cuts didnt produce any jobs during Bush's term and we had a much better economy when the taxes were higher under Clinton.

You want recovery?

Raise revenues to pay off the debt like Clinton did and we will see a better economy JUST LIKE UNDER CLINTON.
Is the recession OVER??????????

Yes it is.

We now have a recovering economy and the republicans are doing EVERYTHING they can think of to slow and or stop the recovery.

Its time to raise taxes so we can pay down our debts so we can have a better future.

The Bush tax cuts didnt produce any jobs during Bush's term and we had a much better economy when the taxes were higher under Clinton.

You want recovery?

Raise revenues to pay off the debt like Clinton did and we will see a better economy JUST LIKE UNDER CLINTON.

Yeah, Okay.... Arnold said it best.

Get ot a day wa Dick Head.

UNDER CLINTON: Like Obama is.................. Clinton's his boss and he hates it. They both SUCK!
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Are any of you cons going to amitt the COLD HARD FACT that we are no longer in a recession????????
Are any of you cons going to amitt the COLD HARD FACT that we are no longer in a recession????????

no, because it's a liberal lie.

We are still in a recession. All indicators say this. Just because your savior said it's over doesn't make it true.

"We're still in a recession," Buffett told CNBC television in an interview broadcast on Thursday. "We're not gonna be out of it for a while, but we will get out."
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Fantasyland economics....

"the recession is over"
"It's the summer of recovery"
"Unemployment will not go above 8%"
"GM has paid back all of the stimulus money"
"Hope and Change!!"
Ever notice when liberals are cornered with facts they either:

1) Shift the subject
2) Ignore the facts
3) Name call

It's amazing at how consistent they are at it.

Yeah, Cut n Run... Or go Bwarney Fwank on ya.

How about answering the question? If not raising taxes improves the job situation, where are the jobs?!?! The CONS seem to be "cut-n-running" on that one in EVERY thread!!!
Are any of you cons going to amitt the COLD HARD FACT that we are no longer in a recession????????

no, because it's a liberal lie.

We are still in a recession. All indicators say this. Just because your savior said it's over doesn't make it true.


Buffett: The Recession Is Not Over - Seeking Alpha
"We're still in a recession," Buffett told CNBC television in an interview broadcast on Thursday. "We're not gonna be out of it for a while, but we will get out."

Go get the definition of recession and read it

Column: Is the Recession Really Over? - Montville, NJ Patch
The number of people unemployed—14.1 million, or 9.2 percent—has been rising since March, according to the BLS. Almost half of those, or 6.3 million, have been out of work for month than six months. And government is not helping—public employers cut 39,000 jobs in June, and state and local government employment has been falling since the second half of 2008. New Jersey public workers, and ex-public workers, can attest to that.

So things remain bleak.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪"O" the Debt Ceiling‬‏[/ame]

"The recession is over"
"Unemployment will not exceed 8%"
"The Stimulus is working"
"Shovel ready"
"GM Paid back all of the Loans"
Ahhhh what happened to this thread?

i guess facts are just too scary for the cons..

Not really, it's just that you are such a dumbass that mostly everybody just ignores you anymore. I have been on this board for a little while now, and out of all your posts I have yet to see you even put one fact into a thread. Just because YOU call it a fact doesn't make it so.
Let me give you an example, if you said:
"I am a dumbass".
That would be you stating a fact, because everyone in here knows it to be true.


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