Battle of Kharkiv , February 24, 2022 I Animated Analysis


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
These videos are absolutely integral to my understanding of the conflict, thank you so much for making them!

It is the early morning of February 24, 2022. Russian forces in the Belgorod region that for months were amassing on the Ukrainian border under the cover of military exercises are now ready to fulfill their true mission. Three Russian Armies, 1st Guards Tank, 20s Guards Combined Arms, and 6th Combined Arms plan to launch a land attack on one of the key Ukrainian cities. In total, they have around 20000 men with hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, backed up with rocket and conventional artillery. Their target is the second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv. Major industrial, economic, and cultural center with a pre-war population of 1.5 million people. After the capital Kyiv, it has the second-largest number of military-related enterprises such as tank and armored vehicle factories as well as suppliers of a variety of military aviation components. Due to the city’s significance for Ukraine and its location, disguised Russian forces with separatists tried to seize control over the city in 2014 as they did in Luhansk and Donetsk but were defeated by civilians and Ukrainian security forces. Therefore, in the 2022 Russian military campaign, Kharkiv became one of the priority targets for what seemed to be a quick and easy military operation. Even though this video was created entirely by me, it is very much inspired by @TheOperationsRoom style. Check them out if you are a military history enthusiast!

Make peace, you fools!

Ukraine population has declined by about 10 million!

Zelen$ky and the WEF (and defense contractors, US Congress and Biden) are the only ones benefiting

This debate, among non-aligned independent thinkers and investigative journalists, is a year old. BUT, it asks some very important questions, IMO.

,o1 a-2 circus.jpg

"OffGuardian has teamed up with Unlimited Hangout to host our first-ever panel discussion: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”

Is the war in Ukraine an “extension of Covid by other means”? Is Putin’s Russia opposed to globalism or actively supporting it? Is the east-west clash between the US-EU and Russia-China a genuine struggle of ideas, or squabbling over the best seats at the table?

Moderators Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb discuss all this and more with their guest panellists: . .. ."

DEBATE: "Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?"​

This debate, among non-aligned independent thinkers and investigative journalists, is a year old. BUT, it asks some very important questions, IMO.

View attachment 793820

"OffGuardian has teamed up with Unlimited Hangout to host our first-ever panel discussion: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”

Is the war in Ukraine an “extension of Covid by other means”? Is Putin’s Russia opposed to globalism or actively supporting it? Is the east-west clash between the US-EU and Russia-China a genuine struggle of ideas, or squabbling over the best seats at the table?

Moderators Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb discuss all this and more with their guest panellists: . .. ."

DEBATE: "Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?"​

This debate, among non-aligned independent thinkers and investigative journalists, is a year old. BUT, it asks some very important questions, IMO.

View attachment 793820

"OffGuardian has teamed up with Unlimited Hangout to host our first-ever panel discussion: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”

Is the war in Ukraine an “extension of Covid by other means”? Is Putin’s Russia opposed to globalism or actively supporting it? Is the east-west clash between the US-EU and Russia-China a genuine struggle of ideas, or squabbling over the best seats at the table?

Moderators Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb discuss all this and more with their guest panellists: . .. ."

DEBATE: "Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?"​

Moscow CZARIST HORDE, fought 3 large - MODERN WARS, ALL 3 LOST , AND COLLAPSED IN 1917 , its clear than putin´s empire follows Romanov´s ulus path :thup:

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

Moscow CZARIST HORDE, fought 3 large - MODERN WARS, ALL 3 LOST , AND COLLAPSED IN 1917 , its clear than putin´s empire follows Romanov´s ulus path :thup:

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

You always post that cherry picked list.

Here is the real list, starting with YOAR start date, of 1856.






Well. . . that's only up to 1922. . . I got bored.

You are boring me. You are biased, you use fallacies and lies, and you are propagandist. :auiqs.jpg:
These videos are absolutely integral to my understanding of the conflict, thank you so much for making them!

It is the early morning of February 24, 2022. Russian forces in the Belgorod region that for months were amassing on the Ukrainian border under the cover of military exercises are now ready to fulfill their true mission.
Amazing that you missed the previous 8 years of uninterrupted attacks by the US -Ukey proxy forces on Donbas, contravening the Minsk agreements .

And weren't you so unlucky to miss seeing the 200 000 force about to invade Donbas at end February , 2022 .

Your office propaganda is so amateur

can you give me the list of the BIG, INDUSTRIAL wars , when Moscow fought WITHOUT SUPPORT OF The Anglosphere & France


Listen to Douglas Macgregor! He predicted that if in fact Ukraine does attack it will be the end of them! Russia let the Ukrainians into Bakmhut and eliminated then, they will trade space to let Ukrainians walk into a trap. There will be nothing left to stand against the Russians, they will occupy Kharkov and Odessa before year end

Make peace, you fools!
Odessa is going to be a hard one. I would not make that prediction. We'll probably have to wait till a new administration is in office for that.

That is the end game here, no doubt, but I don't think it will come that quick.

OTH, I do agree, the global oligarchs won't end this, till Odessa is in the possession of the Russians.

. . . I do think it is inevitable, but the world will have to feel a lot more pain, and maybe even some more nation's will get involved, possibly even another front in Taiwan?

These videos are absolutely integral to my understanding of the conflict, thank you so much for making them!

It is the early morning of February 24, 2022. Russian forces in the Belgorod region that for months were amassing on the Ukrainian border under the cover of military exercises are now ready to fulfill their true mission. Three Russian Armies, 1st Guards Tank, 20s Guards Combined Arms, and 6th Combined Arms plan to launch a land attack on one of the key Ukrainian cities. In total, they have around 20000 men with hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, backed up with rocket and conventional artillery. Their target is the second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv. Major industrial, economic, and cultural center with a pre-war population of 1.5 million people. After the capital Kyiv, it has the second-largest number of military-related enterprises such as tank and armored vehicle factories as well as suppliers of a variety of military aviation components. Due to the city’s significance for Ukraine and its location, disguised Russian forces with separatists tried to seize control over the city in 2014 as they did in Luhansk and Donetsk but were defeated by civilians and Ukrainian security forces. Therefore, in the 2022 Russian military campaign, Kharkiv became one of the priority targets for what seemed to be a quick and easy military operation. Even though this video was created entirely by me, it is very much inspired by @TheOperationsRoom style. Check them out if you are a military history enthusiast!

Why are you not at the front lines happily killing Russians?

You’ve posted pro-war anti-Russian posts daily for over year. Are you too old to fight and/or a paid Ukrainian propagandist?

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