BBC's Definition of a Progressive


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
A progressive is someone who wants to see more economic and social equality - and hopes to see more gains in feminism and gay rights. They're also supportive of social programmes directed by the state - and they'd like social movements have more power in the US.

And many cite FDR's New Deal as an example of what they want.

It's the first part that bothers me. This economic and social equality is nothing more than outright socialism/communism. It's never worked anywhere or any time throughout history. Why should it work now?

Read more @ What does it mean to be a progressive in the US? - BBC News
A "Progressive" (as a noun, capital P) is part of a social-cum-political movement that started roughly a century ago, plus or minus two decades.

>> Progressivism began as a social movement and grew into a political movement. The early progressives rejected Social Darwinism. In other words, they were people who believed that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace.

Progressives lived mainly in the cities, were college educated, and believed that government could be a tool for change. Social reformers, like Jane Addams, and journalists, like Jacob Riis and Ida Tarbel, were powerful voices for progressivism. They concentrated on exposing the evils of corporate greed, combating fear of immigrants, and urging Americans to think hard about what democracy meant. Other local leaders encouraged Americans to register to vote, fight political corruption, and let the voting public decide how issues should best be addressed (the initiative, the referendum, and the recall).

On a national level, progressivism gained a strong voice in the White House when Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1901. TR believed that strong corporations were good for America, but he also believed that corporate behavior must be watched to ensure that corporate greed did not get out of hand (trust-busting and federal regulation of business). << (source)
The last guy to run for President associating with that label AFAIK was Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin (another Republican, for what it's worth which is very little) in 1924.

"progressive" on the other hand (small p) is an adjective, simply meaning "in favour of progress". Its opposite would be regressive, which appeals to no one but Luddites and funda-mentalists. As an adective it does not get an indefinite article ("a"). Yet rhetorical wanksters on this board (Westwall comes to mind) will treat it as a noun, using it while making morphological scary faces going "booga booga", as if to connote some kind of never-defined negative. Asked for a definition that differs from the historical one, they invariably run away.

In other words they're using a term as a slur by innuendo, never bothering to define what they're talking about, simply hoping the emotion alone will convey --- the same thing Joe McCarthy and his ilk did with the word "Liberal" in the 1940s and '50s. It is a slur told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Look at other countries with a higher standard of living, a better quality of life, than the US. Then bitch.

Qualities like "community, civic engagement, life satisfaction and work-life balance" are totally subjective, which makes this study total horseshit propaganda.
Look at other countries with a higher standard of living, a better quality of life, than the US. Then bitch:

The 15 Countries With The Highest Quality Of Life

And? The US falls well above the median in that survey, also has the most disposable income, individual freedom and opportunity for economic advancement than any of them.
Apparently you missed the point that unregulated capitalism isn't the only way to a decent country...
The us is a pretty good place to live. It is one of a few great countries to live in. Its not the only great country out there but can be a really great place if you are wealthy.
Look at other countries with a higher standard of living, a better quality of life, than the US. Then bitch:

The 15 Countries With The Highest Quality Of Life

And? The US falls well above the median in that survey, also has the most disposable income, individual freedom and opportunity for economic advancement than any of them.
Apparently you missed the point that unregulated capitalism isn't the only way to a decent country...

Where could I go to see unregulated capitalism, it damn sure isn't the US. Besides your deflection has nothing to do with the link, my comment or the fact that largest of the other countries have about 1/10th the population and much less diverse populations than the US.
Where could I go to see unregulated capitalism...

Funny, a country in the midst of a war, I'd call that capitalism interrupted.
Not at all. it's unregulated, just what you desire versus the totalitarian nightmare you believe exists here.

Ah, the good old days...
Where could I go to see unregulated capitalism...

Funny, a country in the midst of a war, I'd call that capitalism interrupted.
Not at all. it's unregulated, just what you desire versus the totalitarian nightmare you believe exists here.

Ah, the good old days...

Damn, somehow your dear leader looks better on that poster than I've seen in a long time.

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