Beatings and blood in Portland

That was a baseball bat..........covered in cloth..........and he others carrying a shield.........

Clubs and shields at the event.........ANTIFA should have been disbanded for bringing weapons from the start............

Police allowing them to bring the clubs to an a failure from the get go............

People will eventually die in these events.............BOTH SIDES.
Yes, the city and police have answers to give big time. As soon as weapons are brandished at any event, the person should be immediately arrested.

The mayor has told the police to stand down...this is how he handled the ICE Protestors..

Anarchy in Portland thanks to Democratic Mayor Wheeler

On June 28 federal police mobilized from out of state finally moved to reopen the office. They arrested a handful of people for refusing to leave the ICE office’s front, but the rest retreated to the camp and focused their vitriol on the officers. They repeatedly called a black officer “traitor” and “house n—.” They shouted that they knew where the officers lived, and published more addresses online.

The same day Mayor Wheeler again pledged not to intervene. In a statement, he whitewashed the lawless behavior: “I join those outraged by ICE actions separating parents from their children, and support peaceful protest to give voice to our collective moral conscience.”

The Hakes family, which owns the Happy Camper food cart across the street from ICE’s office, responded to the statement with incredulity. The mob “terrorized our family” and forced the business to close, Julie Hakes told me. Ms. Hakes showed me text messages from her 21-year-old daughter, Brianna, who ran the cart. “Just saw a drug deal,” Brianna reported early on. After members of the anti-ICE mob spotted her selling breakfast burritos to federal officers, the situation deteriorated. “Call me immediately!” Brianna wrote after being accused of “supporting the pigs” and “child deportation.” She said people wearing masks threatened to hurt her and burn down the cart, and the police never responded to their frantic calls.

Randy Glary, a 52-year-old artist and longtime resident, was photographing the camp when he said a group of occupiers knocked his camera into his face. Charles Williams, a 62-year-old man who lives across the street, said someone threatened to stab him with an “AIDS-infected needle.” From his balcony, he saw the “thugs” begin masked street patrols. Others brandished sticks. Lisa Leonard, a 53-year-old disabled resident, said occupiers hit her on her head, disabled her electric wheelchair, and lifted her in the air when she complained about loud drumming. She called police, who took a statement but mad
You have to move fast if someone is swinging a bat at you.

The best bet usually is to step in and tackle or punch them.

The last time for me, it wasn't a bat, it was a shovel, I stepped in, grabbed the shovel just above his hands, that stopped the swing, then I pulled him into a punch and he dropped. Bottom line is: You have to not be where the last foot of the object can hit you.

You catch one of those, it's gonna hurt, bad.

No different than getting inside the reach of someone with a longer reach in a fight.
You'll need to get in and get out,or take it to the ground where the advantage changes to the short armed guy in controlling the leverage.
What the heck is Antifa anyway ?? I mean who makes up their ranks ??? What types of characters are they, and what are their leanings, beliefs and visions ?? Are they Americans ?? If so what is their protest message or theme besides being anti-trump ??
They claim to be anti fascist...........their charter and instructions are to get violent..........and they are far left extremist..........Terrorist if you ask me........

They attempt to stop Free Speech of any against them with violence.......

Other groups against them are starting to fight back.......This event was destined for a fight before it ever began.
Can't figure the police out in these events. It should already be known prior to if forces are to clash, and if so the event should be rejected and stopped before it ever gets started.

Remember that money control and power such as the name SOROS, the cops are told to stand down , Antifa is hired by SOROS ...
Someone needs to start shooting these Antifa fagoots on sight and assissanaite Soros.
we don't know who any of these people are. Who was marching around Charlottesville with tiki torches yelling "Jews will not replace us"? Who shows up to protests with helmets carrying shields with bizarre inscriptions on them? Who are the people posing in camouflage costumes brandishing weapons? What group does the guy who deliberately drove a car into a crowd in Charlottesville belong to?
If you want to be taken seriously you shouldn't start off with a lie. They did NOT chant Jews will not replace us they chanted YOU will not replace us...plenty of videos to prove it....
Love it. CLEVER and a non violent 'fuck you' to the ALT R loons, orchestrated by the Van Couver BUSINESS COMMUNITY! Let's see the RIGHT scream at them. Park here, get towed!! This was smart, I'm impressed.

Portland alt-right extremists have rally plans foiled by store manager who calls tow trucks on them: ‘Our cars are toast'

04 AUG 2018 AT 21:17 ET

Organizers of Saturday’s alt-right rally in Portland, Oregon had their meeting plans foiled by a grocery store manager who called tow trucks on them.

Joey Gibson leads a group called Patriot Prayer out of his home in the Portland suburb of Vancouver, Washington.

His group took buses to Portland for its “Free Speech” rally today for security reasons. The extremists met up in Vancouver to catch a ride.

However, according to the Columbian newspaper, the group’s meeting spot of the Fred Meyer grocery store in Grand Central Retail Center was not accommodating.

“Security and tow trucks milled around the Fred Meyer parking lot at 2500 Columbia House Blvd., ready to pick up anyone who left their car at the private shopping center,” the paper reported. “Portland-based commercial real estate firm NAI Elliot, which manages the property, announced Friday that anyone who parked except to shop or work would be towed at their own expense.”

“Once we leave, our cars are toast,” said one of the extremists.

The group was also denied use of businesses in the area, many of which reportedly blocked off their parking lots...
What's gonna happen is some antifa limpwrister is going to end up with one of those little fagotty pipes stuck right the fuck down his throat and it will be caught on video. After that, antifa presence at such rallies will be slim to none.
What's gonna happen is some antifa limpwrister is going to end up with one of those little fagotty pipes stuck right the fuck down his throat and it will be caught on video. After that, antifa presence at such rallies will be slim to none.
Antifa brings weapons..............those opposing them aren't bringing them................and smacking their punk asses down..............

Antifa had better be glad those opposing them don't bring weapons and respect the law..........or antifia groups would be lying in the streets when it's done..........

Antifa should be disbanded........and called a terrorist the Feds............which would make them terrorist and be arrested on sight should they show up at event..........

Antifa is pushing the limits.............and will cause's what they want.

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