Believe in Polls?

Do you believe in the political polls, even after they have been wrong on the outcome of elections more often than not in recent years?

MAGA will say no, but the moment a poll comes out with Trump ahead they are falling over themselves to post about it.
Do you believe in the political polls, even after they have been wrong on the outcome of elections more often than not in recent years?
No, i dont. They could be putting their thumb on the scale intentionally, OR this could be a matter of who they are polling. For one example, if most of the "conservatives" that they polled were women, most women consider abortion to be the biggest issue, so they vote against Trump because the media has convinced them that Trump is going to take away their rights.

These polls dont show whether its a male or female vote, so we have no idea if the polls have been skewed because of an over sampling of women. I also HIGHLY suspect that democrats register as conservatives in these polls specifically to mess with the numbers.
Do you believe in the political polls, even after they have been wrong on the outcome of elections more often than not in recent years?
They are a tool. They can show trends. But, as far as presidential elections go, since they are decided by the electoral college, they are a very imperfect science. You can't go by national polls when the presidential election is decided by 50 different elections and, when there are more than two candidates running, two way polls don't mean much either.
Nah, I can only rebut when you give support, Catman, for your assertion, which you can't.
So you indicate that you have no proof of your statement. Good to know.

BTW, what assertions did I make other than the polls have been consistently wrong, and you know it.

2020, 2016 and so forth.
I don't have to until you do, and you have failed.
You made the accusation, so yes you do have to defend it.

BTW, I provided proof in my last post. You have provided nothing except excuses to try to wiggle out of your statement, proving them false.

Learn how to debate before you further embarrass yourself.
No, you made the assertion, I told you that you were full of shit, and you still are.
Typical statement of a moron. Projection of the finest order.

I have proven you and you just can't stand it. Instead, you attack with noting to back you up.

As stated previously, you should learn to debate instead of just deflect and attack. It proves you to continue being a moron.

You really should learn to read the responses, it might make you look ignorant.

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