Bernie Sanders organizer: Cities will burn if Trump is re-elected


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
"Cities [will] burn" if US President Donald Trump is re-elected, Kyle Jurek, who is described as a Bernie Sanders campaign field organizer, told Project Veritas. The right-wing American group started a campaign called "#Expose2020" and has posted multiple videos in which Kyle Jurek speaks with undercover journalists.

In the video, Jurek threatens a "violent reaction" to speeches including certain topics, saying that those who engage in such rhetoric "deserve a violent reaction." However, he does not stop at rhetoric and goes on to make threats against the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee.

"Be ready to be in Milwaukee for the DNC convention. We’re going to make 1978 [1968] look like a f***ing Girl Scout f***ing cookout," Jurek said in the video. "The cops are going to be the ones that are getting f***ing beaten in Milwaukee."

“If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, or it goes to the second round at the DNC convention, f***ing Milwaukee will burn,” Jurek said. “It’ll start in Milwaukee, and then when the police push back on that, other cities will just f***ing (imitates explosion sound).”

Praising Joseph Stalin's gulags, Jurek said they "were a lot better than what the CIA has told us," adding that people were "paid a living wage in gulags, they had conjugal visits in gulags, gulags were actually meant for like re-education."

urek also says that Sanders' calls for "free education" are not out of altruism, but rather a desire to teach how "to not be a f---ing Nazi." He compares the "re-education" system to what occurred in Germany following the fall of the Nazis.

"“So like in Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi party, there was a s**t-ton of the populace that was f***ing Nazi-fied,” Jurek said. “Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their f***ing people to not be Nazis. We’re probably going to have to do the same f–ing thing here."

Bernie Sanders organizer: Cities will burn if Trump is re-elected

So that's what Bernie means by democratic socialism.
Let them. See how their party never wins another election in decades.
This millennial beard tool has on his weed muscles. He would cave like a little bitch if the revolution was truly on.

Also, he kept referring to the 1978 convention, although it happened in 1968.

I’d love to see that prick go to Texas and try to re-educate some Fort Worth conservatives.
This prick would confess that he dresses like a woman on the weekends if you somuch as threw a fist in his general direction.

Such a fake tough guy.
"Cities [will] burn" if US President Donald Trump is re-elected, Kyle Jurek, who is described as a Bernie Sanders campaign field organizer, told Project Veritas. The right-wing American group started a campaign called "#Expose2020" and has posted multiple videos in which Kyle Jurek speaks with undercover journalists.

In the video, Jurek threatens a "violent reaction" to speeches including certain topics, saying that those who engage in such rhetoric "deserve a violent reaction." However, he does not stop at rhetoric and goes on to make threats against the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee.

"Be ready to be in Milwaukee for the DNC convention. We’re going to make 1978 [1968] look like a f***ing Girl Scout f***ing cookout," Jurek said in the video. "The cops are going to be the ones that are getting f***ing beaten in Milwaukee."

“If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, or it goes to the second round at the DNC convention, f***ing Milwaukee will burn,” Jurek said. “It’ll start in Milwaukee, and then when the police push back on that, other cities will just f***ing (imitates explosion sound).”

Praising Joseph Stalin's gulags, Jurek said they "were a lot better than what the CIA has told us," adding that people were "paid a living wage in gulags, they had conjugal visits in gulags, gulags were actually meant for like re-education."

urek also says that Sanders' calls for "free education" are not out of altruism, but rather a desire to teach how "to not be a f---ing Nazi." He compares the "re-education" system to what occurred in Germany following the fall of the Nazis.

"“So like in Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi party, there was a s**t-ton of the populace that was f***ing Nazi-fied,” Jurek said. “Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their f***ing people to not be Nazis. We’re probably going to have to do the same f–ing thing here."

Bernie Sanders organizer: Cities will burn if Trump is re-elected

So that's what Bernie means by democratic socialism.

You have to understand, these are brown shirt socialists who previously tried to assassinate the entire GOP Congress at a charity baseball event.

The US is that close to a take over from these National socialist types.
Lol worthless leftist libtards burning down their own communities. Ought to make for some entertaining television.
Faaaaaack. I now have to order more fucking popcorn. I thought the two cases I ordered on Amazon were enough for this shit show. Two more cases coming up.

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