Best selling new book on Palestinian people

What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

The Palestinians do it all the time....

What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

The Palestinians do it all the time....

And do you like it? Whataboutisms.

What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

The Palestinians do it all the time....

And do you like it? Whataboutisms.

I find it Ironic. Palestinians call Israelis "Zionists", in intent to insult. So many other Israel-haters do, too. "Zionist", "Zionism" refers to "Zion"- Zion is Jerusalem.

Basically they insult us by calling us "The ones from Jerusalem", all while claiming Jerusalem is theirs alone. How's that for stupid? They basically acknowledge our connection to our capital is more fierce than theirs in that statment, all while denying our rights to Israel,

Now, I'm not pretending to be smart, but even I realize how stupid that sounds.

What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

The Palestinians do it all the time....

And do you like it? Whataboutisms.

I find it Ironic. Palestinians call Israelis "Zionists", in intent to insult. So many other Israel-haters do, too. "Zionist", "Zionism" refers to "Zion"- Zion is Jerusalem.

Basically they insult us by calling us "The ones from Jerusalem", all while claiming Jerusalem is theirs alone. How's that for stupid? They basically acknowledge our connection to our capital is more fierce than theirs in that statment, all while denying our rights to Israel,

Now, I'm not pretending to be smart, but even I realize how stupid that sounds.

Ok...but you don't find a blank book about a people's history offensive as well?

What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

The Palestinians do it all the time....

And do you like it? Whataboutisms.

I find it Ironic. Palestinians call Israelis "Zionists", in intent to insult. So many other Israel-haters do, too. "Zionist", "Zionism" refers to "Zion"- Zion is Jerusalem.

Basically they insult us by calling us "The ones from Jerusalem", all while claiming Jerusalem is theirs alone. How's that for stupid? They basically acknowledge our connection to our capital is more fierce than theirs in that statment, all while denying our rights to Israel,

Now, I'm not pretending to be smart, but even I realize how stupid that sounds.

Ok...but you don't find a blank book about a people's history offensive as well?

You can get offended only if you think the people offending you are relevant to you in any way.

I find it all very funny, actually. pathetic as well. But mostly funny.
What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

The Palestinians do it all the time....

And do you like it? Whataboutisms.

I find it Ironic. Palestinians call Israelis "Zionists", in intent to insult. So many other Israel-haters do, too. "Zionist", "Zionism" refers to "Zion"- Zion is Jerusalem.

Basically they insult us by calling us "The ones from Jerusalem", all while claiming Jerusalem is theirs alone. How's that for stupid? They basically acknowledge our connection to our capital is more fierce than theirs in that statment, all while denying our rights to Israel,

Now, I'm not pretending to be smart, but even I realize how stupid that sounds.

Ok...but you don't find a blank book about a people's history offensive as well?

You can get offended only if you think the people offending you are relevant to you in any way.

I find it all very funny, actually. pathetic as well. But mostly funny.

That's a good point.
Originally posted by ForeverYoung436
Shusha was just quoting what many Palestinian leaders have said in the past. Quite recently, a Hamas leader said that half the Palestinians come from Arabia and the other half from Egypt. Shusha did not say anything original or earth-shattering. It is common knowledge.

You have an awful lot of family members living in Israel and it's a short trip from Tel Aviv to Lebannon, Jordan or Egypt.

I am saying palestinians have a separate national identity from Jordanians, Lebannese and Egyptians.

Shusha and Aris2chat say they don't.

The palestinian identity was practically non-existent.

It still is non-existent.

So why do you have to rely on second-hand information when you can hear it straight from the horse's mouth?

In any of those arab countries, show an arab whose parents or grandparents came from Palestine a map of Jordan, Lebbannon, Egypt and Palestine and ask them to indicate to you which one depicts their homeland.

The arab doesn't even have to be a resident of a refugee camp.

In our small experiment I even give you the freedom to choose a upper-middle-class family living in Amman or Beirut fully integrated into Jordan's, Lebannon's society.

Ask them which map shows their homeland and which map shows their host country.

Don't take it from me and don't take it from Shusha and Aris, either.

Take it from the arab refugees' families themselves.

Palestinians say the don't, it's a European invention:

Good grief, most of the shoes were so out dated, more 1960's

Ask some lebanese and they would say they are Lebanese but not arab. Some would even say they are Phoenician decent.

Middle east is a mixed bag from french and german to armenian and russia to egyptian and Iranian.

..............and yet there have been family, tribal, community to national wars fought there forever. Numerous wars over religion and between the sect of that faith.

Ottoman, been ruling for some 600 years, still they had struggles keeping peace with and between the sanjuks and communities within them.

Most would say they are all the same, but in some areas the question can get very complicated.

Syria still has desires on Lebanon and took some in the south east. Jordan even annexed the WB. Gaza has been in Egyptian hand many times through history.

During WWI arab believed they would get all the land from syria to oman

Today Iran wants iraq and syria, or at least control in their government by hook or crook. They would like control down to Mecca.
Originally posted by ForeverYoung436
Shusha was just quoting what many Palestinian leaders have said in the past. Quite recently, a Hamas leader said that half the Palestinians come from Arabia and the other half from Egypt. Shusha did not say anything original or earth-shattering. It is common knowledge.

You have an awful lot of family members living in Israel and it's a short trip from Tel Aviv to Lebannon, Jordan or Egypt.

I am saying palestinians have a separate national identity from Jordanians, Lebannese and Egyptians.

Shusha and Aris2chat say they don't.

The palestinian identity was practically non-existent.

It still is non-existent.

So why do you have to rely on second-hand information when you can hear it straight from the horse's mouth?

In any of those arab countries, show an arab whose parents or grandparents came from Palestine a map of Jordan, Lebbannon, Egypt and Palestine and ask them to indicate to you which one depicts their homeland.

The arab doesn't even have to be a resident of a refugee camp.

In our small experiment I even give you the freedom to choose a upper-middle-class family living in Amman or Beirut fully integrated into Jordan's, Lebannon's society.

Ask them which map shows their homeland and which map shows their host country.

Don't take it from me and don't take it from Shusha and Aris, either.

Take it from the arab refugees' families themselves.

Palestinians say the don't, it's a European invention:

Good grief, most of the shoes were so out dated, more 1960's

Ask some lebanese and they would say they are Lebanese but not arab. Some would even say they are Phoenician decent.

Middle east is a mixed bag from french and german to armenian and russia to egyptian and Iranian.

..............and yet there have been family, tribal, community to national wars fought there forever. Numerous wars over religion and between the sect of that faith.

Ottoman, been ruling for some 600 years, still they had struggles keeping peace with and between the sanjuks and communities within them.

Most would say they are all the same, but in some areas the question can get very complicated.

Syria still has desires on Lebanon and took some in the south east. Jordan even annexed the WB. Gaza has been in Egyptian hand many times through history.

During WWI arab believed they would get all the land from syria to oman

Today Iran wants iraq and syria, or at least control in their government by hook or crook. They would like control down to Mecca.

Indeed, religion should be illegal.

What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

book burning, wiping out most jewish sites, denying history and claiming sites belong only to other groups.............genocide of jews


Being shoved around, a people who lost their country and have been global refugees. Their faith in God and Jerusalem holding them together as a people, even though scatted to the far corners of the earth.

Being the scape goats of the world, having lies (which can still be purchase on Amazon, even though proven to have been a fabrication)

Most of the most wacko conspiracies eventually blame them as if thee has been some 5000 yr old plan, that no body knew

..............and you think a blank book is dangerous?

How about an open book for them to write their own history from this day Forward? Their history and longing for a states begins now. Leave the baggage of lies, terrorism and hate behind them and begin anew.

but blanks books are so dangerous. We have diaries, journals, type writers/computers to write, factual, historical or speculative. But uncontrolled thoughts are dangerous and should be banned? Sounds like a path from the past, a dangerous path of censorship, book banning, controlled thoughts and actions...brainwashing

A blank book can be hope, something to look forward to, something to plan and strive for beyond just a state but contributions to the world.

I have boxes of printing paper and dozens of blank spiral notebooks, so how dangerous am I. People have tried to kill me and silence me, yet I still and will continue to speak my mind and share facts (if I don't totally forget how to spell in the mean time :) )

Speaker's corner, people can get up and shout the most outlandish things to the people. Why is saying nothing more dangerous? It give people a chance to think for themselves instead of reacting like a mob?

thoughtful contemplation of what could be vs frenzied bezserkers with weapons

which is more dangerous?
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What if someone wrote a blank book of Jewish history - denying the Jews their story? :dunno:

book burning, wiping out most jewish sites, denying history and claiming sites belong only to other groups.............genocide of jews


Being shoved around, a people who lost their country and have been global refugees. Their faith in God and Jerusalem holding them together as a people, even though scatted to the far corners of the earth.

Being the scape goats of the world, having lies (which can still be purchase on Amazon, even though proven to have been a fabrication)

Most of the most wacko conspiracies eventually blame them as if thee has been some 5000 yr old plan, that no body knew

..............and you think a blank book is dangerous?

How about an open book for them to write their own history from this day Forward? Their history and longing for a states begins now. Leave the baggage of lies, terrorism and hate behind them and begin anew.

but blanks books are so dangerous. We have diaries, journals, type writers/computers to write, factual, historical or speculative. But uncontrolled thoughts are dangerous and should be banned? Sounds like a path from the past, a dangerous path of censorship, book banning, controlled thoughts and actions...brainwashing

A blank book can be hope, something to look forward to, something to plan and strive for beyond just a state but contributions to the world.

I have boxes of printing paper and dozens of blank spiral notebooks, so how dangerous am I. People have tried to kill me and silence me, yet I still and will continue to speak my mind and share facts (if I don't totally forget how to spell in the mean time :) )

Speaker's corner, people can get up and shout the most outlandish things to the people. Why is saying nothing more dangerous? It give people a chance to think for themselves instead of reacting like a mob?

thoughtful contemplation of what could be vs frenzied bezserkers with weapons

which is more dangerous?

You have a point....I like it :)

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