Beto Live streams dental cleaning

For real, I had a teeth cleaning today. Beto and I have so much in common. :lol:
Beto the Irish guy who is not Communists enough for Soros and therefore has zero chance of getting the democrat nomination
With his vacuous, Starburst-sized brain and his equally vacuous liberals values that stupid fuck needs a HELL of a lot more than a dental cleaning to fix what's wrong with him. More like an exorcism soul-cleaning. Why do Democrats get such a hard-on for the STUPIDEST, most intellectually retarded, fecal-brained, special-needs-children "stars" of their party? David Hogg, Alexandra Occasional-Cortex and ROBERT O'Rourke (you're WHITE, you stupid, buck-toothed, cartoon-looking plastic paddy, OWN it!)....if you were to add up all three of these horses asses' I.Q.s you might get a score close to mine. But then again you might not.

Of course I know about the Democrats' thousands of other loathsome, revolting qualities, but WHY do they specifically glorify members of their party who have never once made a sensible, logical statement in their entire crab-crawling, scab-picking, glory-hole-serving lives?

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