Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

One reason I attended a historically white university is because my great-great-great grandpa was Otto von Bismarck. He's a vampire who's still alive. He cast some spells to lure me to a specific prestigious university where he has mad clout under a different pseudonym. I met some of my cousins from his side of the family. Elitist intellectual Nazi rednecks. He's now a recording artist and they introduced me to his music. Hypnotic siren mind control programming from Get Out. I could ONLY have met these people at that PARTICULAR school, and he alluded to our acquaintance on one of his album covers 2 years before I so much as contemplated applying there. That's okay because lately I have gotten the f**k its. I have plans for Babylon the Great 2.0 aka the Roman Empire.
Well, how about that!
Well, how about that!
Bismarck is the reason why I ultimately deduced that civil rights policies are a ploy to update slavery to satisfy mainstream America's latest economic priorities. Like most high IQ blacks I'm still right brain deficient. Your right brain hemisphere governs your spatial temporal reasoning ability. Therefore I'm gullible enough to believe in the wording of these policies without really considering their real-world applications. Bismarck has a way of stimulating your right brain and making the most of it. There's a whole story behind that but I won't get into it. His influence on me was married by the fact that he's racist and elitist; I was raised by a single black mother and I'm poor. However he wasn't completely detrimental to me because inevitably he's my great-great-great grandpa. And he's a white elite. Thus oppression hasn't messed up his family values.
Bismarck is the reason why I ultimately deduced that civil rights policies are a ploy to update slavery to satisfy mainstream America's latest economic priorities. Like most high IQ blacks I'm still right brain deficient. Your right brain hemisphere governs your spatial temporal reasoning ability. Therefore I'm gullible enough to believe in the wording of these policies without really considering their real-world applications. Bismarck has a way of stimulating your right brain and making the most of it. There's a whole story behind that but I won't get into it. His influence on me was married by the fact that he's racist and elitist; I was raised by a single black mother and I'm poor. However he wasn't completely detrimental to me because inevitably he's my great-great-great grandpa. And he's a white elite. Thus oppression hasn't messed up his family values.
Bismarck's right brain aptitude largely stems from the fact that he owned 15,000 contiguous acres of land. And he's lived like this repeatedly over several lifetimes. Practice makes perfect. He's good at spatial and practical reasoning because he's controlled plenty of space. This also explains his choice of a Chinese wife. East Asians are very right brain intelligent by nature. The average Chinese peasant is about as capable as the average European nobleman.
I don't care about your opinion, that's what you seem confused about. I'm not trying to argue with you about your opinions.

Yes you are. You argue about the subjectivism of them.
In fact you fucking cried about that in a pervious post.

No, I did not.
It never gets tired for me that you're so fucking stupid that it still manages to confuse you.

Just like I said: disagreement = confusion/stupidity.
You keep asking me for my opinion guy, I dont know why you keep crying about me giving it to you.

Irrelevant. The point is, you have to bring up subjectivism on every point made when there's no need to.
I ask about whether you think that's an objective measurement because I don't know if you do or not.

And at the same time you tell me you don't care about my opinions. You're full of shit.
Other than that I don't care about your opinion. I only care to debate when I think someone is objectively wrong, everything else is a shared opinion that you can feel free to feel anyway you like about.

Can you even point out to me where I was objectively wrong? And I don't mean those times you assumed I thought the opinion or point was objective. Show me where I was objectively wrong.

Besides, you were objectively wrong when you said I was pretending. When I told you you were wrong, you came up with more objectively wrong bullshit rationalizations to try to somehow make the whole thing my fault because you were too chickenshit to take the blame for your own baseless assumption.

If fairly is a subjective measurement how do you expect me to prove it, objectively?

I also said "force", which is your word. If you can't prove property was acquired through the means you describe then, as I said, it just means you want to be given someone else's money.

Besides, you're not so fucking stupid as to not know that taking property by force or acquiring it illegally is unfair.
Or do you mean prove it to your feelings?

My feelings are irrelevant to the ownership of your subjective accusation. The onus is upon you as the one making the accusation to prove it.
If you understood the difference between the objective and subjective you'd understand objective proof is rationally concluded from the inherent nature of private ownership itself. You can't own anything without force so anyone who does claim ownership over a thing is inherently claiming the right to use force against all others who would try and access it for themselves.

This is where we disagree. Notice I said "disagree"; this does not mean I'm confused or stupid or that I confuse objectivism with subjectivism.

I do not agree with your understanding of force as it applies to acquiring or keeping property. If the property is legally and fairly acquired through a monetary purchase or mutual agreement, it is not taken by force so force is irrelevant.
After acquisition it is protected by law and force only comes into play when someone tries to forcefully take it. Then force is used to protect it and/or to apprehend the one trying to take it.

I can, and in fact do, own my things without having used force and they were not acquired through force. I do not agree that someone who acquires property legally should have it taken from him because some idiot a hundred years ago took it from someone else.

All this nonsense about force and law is just your justification for taking money from the rich and you need the power of the government to take it by force so you can suckle that teat.
I agree individual acts are irrelevant. It is the inherent nature of private ownership itself that's key here. Force being inherent to its nature means all forms of private ownership are under the guise of threats of force.

You'll have to define what "force" means. And since you say that word meanings are subjective, that would be a neat trick.
No. The one above is an objective fact.

No, it is not. It's your subjective understanding of force within the given context.
So you imagine.

I'm not imagining that you've given reasons for your opinions about sharing wealth and eliminating billionaires. These are your justifications.
Don't cry and pout because you don't understand them.

Irrelevant. My understanding is not at issue here. The issue is you asking for objective arguments when you offer none yourself.
Because you seemed to be attempting to make an objective argument about the use of force and where it is justified. A bad one.

Well, that's your problem, isn't it?
You're just not bright enough to recognize it.

I'm bright enough to know that you have no objective argument for anything, even when asked.

Maybe if you didn't spend so much time crying about me not caring about your opinions you could actually learn something real, objectively speaking. :dunno: :lol:
Like what, that you make unsubstantiated claims about me and then blame me when I notice?
I understand you don't care about facts or reality over opinions but that's because most of you Snowflakes are too emotionally frail to allow your feelings to confront the real world.

Says the guy who is too emotionally frail to accept that others make more money than him even though he has the right to make more.
Because you keep wanting to talk about them. :lol:
You brought it up to me, dumbass.
I don't care about the election but a speaker on my roommate's TV just said about Harris, "she's got it." Which reminded me to listen to Venus by Bananarama. And Bananarama has a similar ring to it as Kamala pronounced correctly. The introducer probably didn't plan it that way but it's an uncanny coincidence.
I don't care about the election but a speaker on my roommate's TV just said about Harris, "she's got it." Which reminded me to listen to Venus by Bananarama. And Bananarama has a similar ring to it as Kamala pronounced correctly. The introducer probably didn't plan it that way but it's an uncanny coincidence.
I don't care who wins this election because of another obscure peculiarity of the Civil Rights Movement. In one of his speeches, Dr. King decreed that blacks' love for our oppressors should be primarily impersonal and "spiritual" in nature, as opposed to emotional or erotic. I'm instinctively mainly attracted to guys like my dad who is white, but I'm too phenotypically black to merit common sense exemption from this policy. This stipulation was out there to dog my a** out. I could give a f**k about America. Period. And I hope you meet a very savage and sudden demise.
I don't care about the election but a speaker on my roommate's TV just said about Harris, "she's got it." Which reminded me to listen to Venus by Bananarama. And Bananarama has a similar ring to it as Kamala pronounced correctly. The introducer probably didn't plan it that way but it's an uncanny coincidence.
I don't care who wins this election because of another obscure peculiarity of the Civil Rights Movement. In one of his speeches, Dr. King decreed that blacks' love for our oppressors should be primarily impersonal and "spiritual" in nature, as opposed to emotional or erotic. I'm instinctively mainly attracted to guys like my dad who is white, but I'm too phenotypically black to merit common sense exemption from this policy. This stipulation was out there to dog my a** out. I could give a f**k about America. Period. And I hope you meet a very savage and sudden demise.
Dr. King's eroticism edict is inherently violent, but it's a standard regulation. His violence-begets-violence premise is redundant, because he espoused policies which are just automatically violent anyway. NONE of his pro-freedom grandstanding was sincere. He was appointed to reinvent slavery period. I absolutely PROVED it to everyone outside of the parties who have a vested interest in this slave system. His speeches are a matter of public record and you can learn about supply and demand pricing from an Economics textbook. See what I mean? Nepotism does get you the best education. Bismarck is the BEST professor.
Dr. King's eroticism edict is inherently violent, but it's a standard regulation. His violence-begets-violence premise is redundant, because he espoused policies which are just automatically violent anyway. NONE of his pro-freedom grandstanding was sincere. He was appointed to reinvent slavery period. I absolutely PROVED it to everyone outside of the parties who have a vested interest in this slave system. His speeches are a matter of public record and you can learn about supply and demand pricing from an Economics textbook. See what I mean? Nepotism does get you the best education. Bismarck is the BEST professor.
If you'll notice, civil rights policies ended up applying in a sub-optimal way. After 1964, blacks reverse migrated back to the South. However this was anticlimactic to blacks' equal education rights, because Southern schools are flat-out inferior to Northern ones. By and large. Southern professionals and scientists are also typically less esteemed internationally. This is an obvious symptom of the whole b.s. mission of the Civil Rights Movement, whose white power outcome is measurable, quantifiable and traceable.
Now that I've listened to Bananarama on loop a few times a descendant of JFK spoke. I'm pretty sure my grandpa personally shot JFK. He closely resembled Lee Harvey Oswald. At a glance they could've been mistaken for the same guy. Plus JFK was shot on the birthday of that great-great granduncle of mine who proposed overthrowing America and England by military force. I think all the men in my paternal lineage are secretly loyal to that bellicose aristocrat granduncle of mine. When I was a child, my dad read me the Little Match Girl of all children's books. Who in America reads their daughter the Little Match Girl? American fairy tales have happy endings. That's a European fairy tale where the little homeless girl gets additionally f**ked over, causing her death. Europeans keep it real. Which is another reason why I could be persuaded to objectively analyze the Civil Rights Movement's ulterior motives.
Also JFK popularized the Mona Lisa which is today deemed priceless above all paintin's. Wouldn't you know it, Bismarck the vampire painted this very paintin' under the pseudonym Leonardo da Vinci. And didn't Bismarck most likely probably have a hand in JFK's assassination. I've always felt that the motive for that f**kin' b**ch's smile is self-evident. She's responding to the public's adulation for her, not the other way around. Plus both literally and figuratively, she's never had to lift a finger in her life. Even her identity as an inanimate object does double duty establishing her other identity as a conscious, living lady of leisure. She's a f**king ****. She's SUCH a f**king **** that her **** flipped inside out and she's the image of the diabolical Biblical beast who doles out the number of a man. She's barely distinguishable from the Roman Empire. The ancient Egyptian word 'roma' literally means 'man'. Rome is Babylon the Great 2.0.
Most black Americans are US patriots. Most self-respecting blacks emigrated to Canada or somewhere while they still could. The rest didn't mind being slaves. For the most part. Me personally, it was unconscionable for whites to enslave their own children to begin with. Dr. King's eroticism edict got all the more mileage out of this original sin without being too obvious about it. He buried this clause under the banner of some bogus freedom fight. I unearthed it. Die America die.
It is not possible for any foreign enemy to invade the US. K. It's also highly improbable for a faction of the US population to singlehandedly conquer the nation internally. What CAN happen is for an invasion of the Roman Empire to give me tacit permission to pummel a few white infants with a tire iron while I shove a red hot poker up their hidey holes. F**K you you goddam vaginas. DIE.
My approach is scientific. America won't have time to impose their erotically oriented "principles" upon the likes of me if they're too preoccupied trying to suppress the rampant rapes and beatings of their white infants. An ounce of prevention.
My approach is scientific. America won't have time to impose their erotically oriented "principles" upon the likes of me if they're too preoccupied trying to suppress the rampant rapes and beatings of their white infants. An ounce of prevention.
It wouldn't hurt to eat a few of the nasty little b**ches, too.
It wouldn't hurt to eat a few of the nasty little b**ches, too.
On that note it was I who advised Elon Musk to evacuate California because of its impending aqueous natural disasters. I didn't lie. The ocean kicked California's a** twice back to back. It'll only get worse. Now that he's in Texas where all the disrespected scientists are, I'm one step closer to eating Gentile babies.
I'm listening to the Harris campaign on my roommate's TV. I personally don't watch TV at all. That's another thing Bismarck taught me. Television is education for ignorant people. Obviously the Civil Rights Movement did a fine job of conning couch potatoes. To accurately gage its intent you must use scholarly works. The nobles of Europe were highly educated and they sometimes ate babies. For whatever reason they often go hand in hand.
One of the baby-eating comments I intended to post on this forum I accidentally texted to my dad instead. I'm in trouble now.

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