Bibi Netanyahu Makes Common Cause With European Anti-Semites


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
"One of Bibi Netanyahu’s closest Likud associates, MK and deputy minister Ofir Akunis, recently held a meeting in the prime minister’s office with members of the Belgian anti-Semitic party, Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest). Akunis’ job is to be chief liaison between Netanyahu and the Knesset. In U.S. or UK terms, he’s the chief whip, a job that requires the highest level of trust between the two men. So we can assume when Akunis held this meeting, he did so with Bibi’s blessing.

Akunis triumphantly posted a picture on Facebook of the meeting (above), but conveniently neglected to name the particular party or individuals with whom he met. The Belgian party supports Flemish secession from Belgium. Its anti-immigrant, racist and anti-Semitic views are in accord with those of other far-right Euro parties like the EDL in Britain and Marie Le Pen’s National Front in France. Neither the Belgian Jewish community or the Israeli embassy will meet with VB inside Belgium. That seems to be of no concern to Akunis and his boss, PM Netanyahu. They seem to pursue a foreign policy of their own independent of the Diaspora or even their own foreign ministry."

Netanyahu Makes Common Cause With European Anti-Semites Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????
"One of Bibi Netanyahu’s closest Likud associates, MK and deputy minister Ofir Akunis, recently held a meeting in the prime minister’s office with members of the Belgian anti-Semitic party, Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest). Akunis’ job is to be chief liaison between Netanyahu and the Knesset. In U.S. or UK terms, he’s the chief whip, a job that requires the highest level of trust between the two men. So we can assume when Akunis held this meeting, he did so with Bibi’s blessing.

Akunis triumphantly posted a picture on Facebook of the meeting (above), but conveniently neglected to name the particular party or individuals with whom he met. The Belgian party supports Flemish secession from Belgium. Its anti-immigrant, racist and anti-Semitic views are in accord with those of other far-right Euro parties like the EDL in Britain and Marie Le Pen’s National Front in France. Neither the Belgian Jewish community or the Israeli embassy will meet with VB inside Belgium. That seems to be of no concern to Akunis and his boss, PM Netanyahu. They seem to pursue a foreign policy of their own independent of the Diaspora or even their own foreign ministry."

Netanyahu Makes Common Cause With European Anti-Semites Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

More left wing LIES

The EDL was formed to combat muslim extremism at the repatriation of soldiers killed while on active duty. The people of Britain were getting sick of muslim extremists shouting filthy anti British slogans at the coffins of the fallen soldiers as they drove past. So a group got together and formed the EDL who would intimidate the muslim extremists by telling them to shut up and leave if they did not like Britain.

It is not a right wing party but a group of like minded people from all walks of life and all political backgrounds. So before making a complete fool of yourself ask someone who comes from the UK what they are.

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