Zone1 Bible Scriptures 1 Kings & 2 Kings... ancient King Jehu & modern President Trump


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
Twenty-eight years

2 Kings 10:35-36 - Jehu would reign for twenty-eight years in Israel (841-813 B.C.) and be succeeded by his son Jehoahaz.

We know that King Jehu was in power for 28 years. Trump was in power at Trump Enterprise for 20 years plus 4 years as president, therefore; he has another 4 years to complete as president in God's paradigm. It is NOT about Trump being your president, nor my president. It is about God's plans being completed as God wants for such a time in 2024.

We declare that with confidence because of the signs God has given us. We connect the signs with God's hand of protection preventing the wicked ones from assassinating Trump. God says first in the natural then the spiritual. What are some of the signs God has shown us in the natural that aligns with the spiritual?
A depiction of how the priest's ordination and consecrations were done in the Holy Bible.

Leviticus 8:
He then presented the other ram, the ram for the ordination, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head.
23 Moses slaughtered the ram and took some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron’s right ear, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.
Moses also brought Aaron’s sons forward and put some of the blood on the lobes of their right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands and on the big toes of their right feet. Then he splashed blood against the sides of the altar.

Similar to what was done to President Trump at his assassination attempt rally

We are aware of Trump being consecrated and priestly ordained by God during his "First" assassination attempt. This matches the priestly ordinations in the Holy Bible in Leviticus 8 as Trump had:
1. blood on the right ear
2. blood on the right thumb
3. blood on raw big toe of his right foot (You can hear Trump make a plea for his shoes as he put them on and the blood touched his right toe).

It's Amazing how God let the world watch Trump's priestly blood ordination in preparation for his November 2024 victory. We just cannot deny these signs God is giving (showing) us.
Twenty-eight years

2 Kings 10:35-36 - Jehu would reign for twenty-eight years in Israel (841-813 B.C.) and be succeeded by his son Jehoahaz.

We know that King Jehu was in power for 28 years. Trump was in power at Trump Enterprise for 20 years plus 4 years as president, therefore; he has another 4 years to complete as president in God's paradigm. It is NOT about Trump being your president, nor my president. It is about God's plans being completed as God wants for such a time in 2024.

We declare that with confidence because of the signs God has given us. We connect the signs with God's hand of protection preventing the wicked ones from assassinating Trump. God says first in the natural then the spiritual. What are some of the signs God has shown us in the natural that aligns with the spiritual?
sorry, but the only oul trump's been annointed with waqs the lubricant at epsteoin 's parties.

he iks the beast of revelation , and you "christians" are the whining israelites begging to be enslaved by a king in 1 samual 8:5
sorry, but the only oul trump's been annointed with waqs the lubricant at epsteoin 's parties.

he iks the beast of revelation , and you "christians" are the whining israelites begging to be enslaved by a king in 1 samual 8:5
ok so move on....

As Trump is the modern unfolding of the ancient King Jehu of the Holy Bible, aside from the priestly blood ordination and consecration; God gives us more clues in the natural that coincide with the spiritual. This is a picture of the ancient Biblical Jehu kneeling down.

Now take a closer look at the picture of Jehu kneeling down.

1. Who else was kneeling down during their attempted assassination? It was Trump just as Jehu is depicted in the picture leaning on the ground.

2. Notice also that Jehu's ear is pierced as he has a hoop in his ear, and Trump's ear was pierced at his attempted assassination.

3. Notice also that Jehu wears a hat on his head. Just as a red cap on the head is associated with President Trump's "Make America Great Again" rallies.

4.Notice also that while kneeling down on the ground that the ancient Jehu is not depicted as having anything on his feet. Just as Trump's shoes were mysteriously removed from his feet during his attempted assassination (as if removed by spiritual beings/angels). Mainly for the purpose of the priestly blood ordination with blood being placed on his right ear, right thumb, and right toe.
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Each man was lost during his beginning years. Each was on the wrong side of right. Each served against God. Each eventually turns away from darkness to serve God.

Trump: Just as Trump was once a democrat serving the dark side of evil and all that is anti-God. God chose Trump in the modern. They are one in the same-same man. Both chosen by God to bring down the House of Ahab. In the modern the House of Ahab is Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama.. all others affiliated with that house.

Jehu: Jehu served in Ahab's army serving the dark side of evil as Ahab killed Naboth and the prophets of God. God chose Jehu in the ancient. They are one in the same-same man. With God choosing Jehu to eventually set out to bring down and destroy the House of Ahab.
"Before his reign as king, Jehu functioned as a commander in the army of Ahab (2 Kings 9:5, 25) in the northern kingdom of Israel. Jehu was the son of Jehoshaphat, although he is more commonly mentioned as son of Nimshi, his grandfather, perhaps because Nimshi was more well-known. Jehu’s name, meaning “Yahweh is he,” portrays well his future, God-given task: to obliterate the house of Ahab along with the worship of Baal that pervaded Israel at the time." Jehu was a reformer of sorts who was used by God to clean up the mess that Ahab had made. Of King Ahabit is recorded that he “did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him” (1 Kings 16:30). Marrying Jezebel, daughter of the king of the Sidonians, Ahab was seduced into her idolatrous worship of Baal and Ashtoreth. Although God was patient for a time with Ahab, his many sins eventually brought God’s judgment upon his family line (1 Kings 21:20–22). This judgment first lands upon Ahab’s own head, as he is shot and killed in a battle against the Arameans (1 Kings 22:34–38).

God chose Jehu as one of three men who would enact His judgment upon Ahab’s family. God told the prophet Elijah, “Anoint Hazael king over Aram. Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu” (1 Kings 19:15–17). One way or another, Ahab’s dynasty would be destroyed.

God also chose Jehu to be the king of Israel. After he was anointed king, Jehu immediately took steps to secure the throne. This reminds me of Trump in 2017, as he immediately took steps to secure the throne even with his wife Melania back in New York schooling their son.
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Isn't it so cool how God is letting the Bible play out live in our lifetimes right before our eyes. In a combination of the ancient intertwined with the modern human beings. Characters doing the same things for God's same purposes.

A Godly connecting of the dots over time. As death does not stop God's plans. God's plans will connect to other human beings of similar personalities, identities, and activities. God wins. Death never stops God's plans.

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