Biden Adm Illegally Using Federal Agencies To Run Their Election Campaign....And They Are Directed To Register Non-citizens To Vote

Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting

View attachment 1016485
The White House (.gov) › Presidential Actions

Mar 7, 2021 — By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as.

All the same commie propaganda you freaks have been spewing for decades. Even minorities say they know how to get a damn ID. And that was just one of the many, many lies contained in that piece of shit EO.

All the same commie propaganda you freaks have been spewing for decades. Even minorities say they know how to get a damn ID. And that was just one of the many, many lies contained in that piece of shit EO.

Really, when did I get tp issue an EO?
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Does the law include ignoring legal congressional oversight subpoenas?


Only in commie land is making sure only American citizens vote in federal elections is un-American. Of course commie race baiter spew the same lies, even though the minorities they claim to represent say they're full of shit. Oh well, some people just deserve killing.

#KillACommieForMommy ROFLMFAO

Try explaining why the bill is necessry when no evidence of what the bill was made for exists.

So why are you commies fighting it sooooooooooooo hard if it's just redundant? Which it isn't, it fixes flaws in the VRA to require proof of citizenship to register to vote in a federal election. That's the last thing you commies want.

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You just go ahead and believe black people are helpless children. Make sure to tell the black people you meet that it's okay, a white Democrat will help them.
I just don't subscribe to your white wing grievance Bible. It's all bullshit. Find someone dumber to peddle it to, if you can even find such a person.
I just don't subscribe to your white wing grievance Bible. It's all bullshit. Find someone dumber to peddle it to, if you can even find such a person.
Remember, kids, Indy was the guy who said the people who were paying thousands of dollars more a year to live under the disaster of Bidenomics were lying because they were actually better off.

You think black people are stupid. You think the working class are stupid.

You're nothing more than a pompous stuffed shirt, displaying arrogance you haven't earned, and demanding respect for it.

How's that working out for you, kid?

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