Biden Adm Is Pretty Obviously Trying To Let Someone Murder Trump

Have you read this yet?

Trump should hide... if he had a fn brain he would.

Trump pulled the curtain back and the ruling elite wants him dead. We had no idea our country was this corrupt, thanks to Trump now we know. Godspeed to the man, he is the target and there are dozens of potential assassins ready to step up.
They're trying to murder Trump.....and they're being pretty obvious about it.

The letter was a dead giveaway.

They apparently paid that guy $150K to assassinate Trump. He didn't really want to do it. He started trying to find someone else he could pay their $150K to so they could assassinate Trump. He was unable to find someone else, so that dirty deadly deed was left from him to do.

Judas took money to have Jesus murdered. The democrats are battling God at this point, and no one but God. They know God does not want them in the White House. They know God has chosen Trump for a purpose concerning Israel's restoration, and they are being petulant and rebellious. God has already anointed Trump as the next president.

You are right about the fact that everything the democrats do such as cheating, attempted assassinations of Trump, etc... it is all done out in the open. Their 2020 ballot harvesting was done for everyone to see. Kamala's microphone earrings at the debate were worn for everyone to see. The democrats paying people money to assassinate Trump is being done out in the open for everyone in America and around the world to see.
Fake Jesus is full of shit and so are you.

The 911 crowd is behind the assassination attempts. Trying to "blame Iran" is pretty hilarious, knowing the idiot Faux viewers will immediately agree with it.

W - not for Trump
Cheney - for Harris who is "honored" by Cheney's endorsement
Gonzales - for Harris

The two most responsible for the assassination attempts

Chris Wray, former big shot in W's DoJ
Kim Cheatle, hand picked by Dick Cheney and with Cheney on 911

This is all about stopping Trump from re-opening the 911 investigation

and you cannot name one single "Republican for Harris" who is not a Zionist Fascist Left Wing opponent of reopening 911
Jack is back and now they are ready to go. Instead of focusing on constitutional issues, he being Jack Webb

Just the facts

presidential immunity is just the get out of jail card

The facts will get him convicted

Court conviction is the goal , but the people's verdict is the standard

another court case for both Trump and Vance

According to Fox 8, the Haitian Bridge Alliance filed criminal charges against the two Republican candidates at Clark County Municipal Court on Tuesday.

"The criminal charges stem from the devastating harm of Trump's and Vance's baseless fear mongering that legal Haitian immigrants to the Ohio town are eating their neighbor's pets," Chandra Law Firm said.

gee you can't make this stuff up.

The judge, in granting the government’s request for an oversized brief, said that the unique challenge of applying the Supreme Court’s ruling justifies the unusually long document. “The length and breadth of the Government’s proposed brief reflects the uniquely ‘challenging’ and factbound nature of those determinations,” Judge Chutkan wrote. In the same order, Judge Chutkan denied Trump’s request to reconsider her schedule addressing the immunity issue.

She saying now I have to go deep now and find out everything and deny the court a singe avenue to contest but have multiple avenues that they must contest.

immunity question beause the supreme court fof not want to get involved in this.

She needs to be on the supreme court.
They're trying to murder Trump.....and they're being pretty obvious about it.

The letter was a dead giveaway.

They damn well be careful what they wish for, can you say President Vance? ROFLMFAO That's exactly what would happen if they kill Trump. The ticket wouldn't just disappear.

He's a dictator. He's incompetent. He's a threat.
Could these assholes be any clearer?

Pelosi's hate and fear is palpable.
The Left simply is beside themselves that despite all their efforts, they still have failed to stop Trump and he is on the brink of another election.
It scares the crap out of them that there is this man out there and his group of supporters whom they have utterly failed to control what they think.
If Trump is reelected and the nation sees none of their protestations about Trump come true, that things work out well and things go for the better,
then the democrat party will have lost all credibility and who will ever believe their panic and warnings about anything ever again?
That is the REAL danger to "democracy."

Then people might actually start demanding more out of their government.

Like accountability.
Trump pulled the curtain back and the ruling elite wants him dead. We had no idea our country was this corrupt, thanks to Trump now we know.

Trump is worse than even Edward Snowden! He exposed the course underbelly of the deep state, but never even left the country! Then dared to stand on national TV yelling it giving them the finger and ran for the highest office in the land to DO something about it.

No wonder all these Washington Dreks are wailing in panic.
They're trying to murder Trump.....and they're being pretty obvious about it.

The letter was a dead giveaway.

Absolutely. The day after the golf course fiasco, Hillary was blabbering on about how evil and what a threat to democracy that Trump is.

The Dems want Trump dead.
Even Clinton shoved a missile up their asses when Iran tried to kill Bush Sr. The Biden administration seems downright enthusiastic about this.
China tested an intercontinental nuclear missile in the Pacific Ocean for the first time in 44 years: the Chinese Defense Ministry reported a test of an intercontinental ballistic missile on the night of September 25, which landed in the Pacific Ocean “in a precisely defined sea area.”

“The list of military threats has been supplemented,” Putin said at a session of the Security Council's permanent meeting on nuclear deterrence
The head of state emphasized that the updated version of the draft Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence proposes that aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear state, should be considered as their joint attack on the Russian Federation.

Let's vote for Trump after all, shall we?

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