Biden and Ukraine bribes

Should the 119th congress investigate Joe Biden's and Hunter Biden's Ukraine corruption?
Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump just for asking a question about it.
Should Biden be allowed to get away with it?
Nope, look, we got work to do to fix the mess created by Xiden and the demafasict, and work to ensure these dark times never come back.

Xiden’s senile and at the end of his life…forget about them
The only thing that explains why these high profile politicians repeatedly get away with breaking the law, bribes, money laundering and tax evasion is...they have some much dirt on one another that nobody dares. It's if I go down all you go down with me.
They don't need much to "investigate".

Just look at the emails on hunters know...the one that the heads of our intelligence agencies said was "russian disinformation".

I would hate to be one of those 51 individuals who signed that document!
Should the 119th congress investigate Joe Biden's and Hunter Biden's Ukraine corruption?
Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump just for asking a question about it.
Should Biden be allowed to get away with it?
Joe Biden has been exposed as a senile old fool, he's been ousted as the nominee by his own party, his chosen successor got her @ss kicked and his Presidency will go down in history as a failure. Personally I think that's sufficient punishment for the old ego maniac. Why waste any more time and taxpayer money on the matter?

As far as Hunter Biden goes, President Trump should just pardon him for the sake of unity and garner the credit for his magnanimity.
Should the 119th congress investigate Joe Biden's and Hunter Biden's Ukraine corruption?
Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump just for asking a question about it.
Should Biden be allowed to get away with it?
Sure, and then they can entertain Trump's emoluments clause violations.
The only thing that explains why these high profile politicians repeatedly get away with breaking the law, bribes, money laundering and tax evasion is...they have some much dirt on one another that nobody dares. It's if I go down all you go down with me.
What was Trump's excuse?
To be frank, the guy is basically a walking corpse at this point. He'd probably die before seeing the inside of a cell.
You suckers are all still clinging to this BS? The guy who told you the lie in the first place says it’s a lie.
Should the 119th congress investigate Joe Biden's and Hunter Biden's Ukraine corruption?
Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump just for asking a question about it.
Should Biden be allowed to get away with it?
I think the voters have held court and found Dems guilty this time around .. best to let Biden go off into the sunset and concentrate on MAGA !
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