Biden attacked Trump's China travel ban. Anyone remember that?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
You see, it actually is important to remember FACTS. Back in February the Democrats were so smug in their assessment that COVID-19 was just another virus, masks aren't needed and most importantly the travel ban on the source of the bio-attack was actually just FEAR MONGERING and XENOPHOBIC. Nancy Pelosi was inviting us all to visit China Town. Thank God Biden and the Democrats weren't in control in 2020 we would have 500,000 COVID deaths with those morons making decisions. Would THEY have had the balls to institute a travel ban on China? No way, not with Xi's bitch Biden running the show.


Trumps travel ban was limited and ineffectual. It was a part of his strategy to blame China for everything rather than a serious measure. The virus arrived from Europe not China. Why no ban on Europeans ?

Trumps travel ban was limited and ineffectual. It was a part of his strategy to blame China for everything rather than a serious measure. The virus arrived from Europe not China. Why no ban on Europeans ?
There was an EU semi ban about a month later.

Yes, Joe Biden did call Trump xenophobic for Trump’s China travel ban. I saw the speech myself so I don’t need to read your obviously Left leaning ”fact check”. I was stunned at the moment that Biden was criticizing Trump for taking measures to stop the virus. I knew at that moment if the virus got worse that Democrats and Biden would reverse course and blame Trump for not doing anything. They didn’t disappoint.

False fact check. Yes, he may have not used those words in exactly that fashion, but he was still against it.

How well did that travel ban do in preventing the spread of COVID in the United States?

We have 5 million cases.....the most in the world
How well did that travel ban do in preventing the spread of COVID in the United States?

We have 5 million cases.....the most in the world

It greatly flattened the curve.

Strange that someone would believe lock-downs are the be all, but not if someone moves in from a foreign country? Not if it is an airport?

In your own link...
We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” - Joe Biden

Biden said this right after - literally the DAY Trump did the travel ban. What the hell is was he talking about???


Yes, Joe Biden did call Trump xenophobic for Trump’s China travel ban. I saw the speech myself so I don’t need to read your obviously Left leaning ”fact check”. I was stunned at the moment that Biden was criticizing Trump for taking measures to stop the virus. I knew at that moment if the virus got worse that Democrats and Biden would reverse course and blame Trump for not doing anything. They didn’t disappoint.
He did call him xenophobic for his calling the Corona virus the "Chinese" virus, and "Kung Flu".....

And Biden called him xenophobic several times months before the virus even hit our shores.

NOT ONCE did Biden say TRUMPs Travel Ban was xenophobic.... not once.

You are a product of brainwashing.... it is Trumps modus operandi..... repeat a lie at least 3 times in a minute or two, and y'all susceptible to brainwashing, believe the lie.... then hammer the lie home with his Russian bots, and right wing media and the lie is sealed forever, in your heads as truth.... pay attention, what I am telling you, is true.
How well did that travel ban do in preventing the spread of COVID in the United States?

We have 5 million cases.....the most in the world

It greatly flattened the curve.

Strange that someone would believe lock-downs are the be all, but not if someone moves in from a foreign country? Not if it is an airport?

Thanks to Trumps indifferent leadership, the US conducted a state by state response which allowed some states to enact strict controls while other states opened prematurely.

Our President criticized states that were too strict and praised those who opened in spite of negative COVID numbers. Trump urged citizens to revolt against restrictions

In your own link...
We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” - Joe Biden

Biden said this right after - literally the DAY Trump did the travel ban. What the hell is was he talking about???

Where did he say TRAVEL BAN?

Joe was on the road campaigning that day....
You see, it actually is important to remember FACTS. Back in February the Democrats were so smug in their assessment that COVID-19 was just another virus, masks aren't needed and most importantly the travel ban on the source of the bio-attack was actually just FEAR MONGERING and XENOPHOBIC. Nancy Pelosi was inviting us all to visit China Town. Thank God Biden and the Democrats weren't in control in 2020 we would have 500,000 COVID deaths with those morons making decisions. Would THEY have had the balls to institute a travel ban on China? No way, not with Xi's bitch Biden running the show.

In January there was no human transmission.

No wonder the overwhelming deaths have occurred in democrat zones, where people like Cuomo have sent people to their deaths. They were probably inviting people in to prove how inclusive they are as president Trump closed the border. Nancy Pelosi was not social distancing in China town to prove similar nonsense.
How well did that travel ban do in preventing the spread of COVID in the United States?

We have 5 million cases.....the most in the world

It greatly flattened the curve.

Strange that someone would believe lock-downs are the be all, but not if someone moves in from a foreign country? Not if it is an airport?

Thanks to Trumps indifferent leadership, the US conducted a state by state response which allowed some states to enact strict controls while other states opened prematurely.

Our President criticized states that were too strict and praised those who opened in spite of negative COVID numbers. Trump urged citizens to revolt against restrictions

Yes, we are not a dictatorship thank God. By far the most deaths were in democratic states - turns out they suck dealing with the pandemic.

Politifact is a joke. They quote Crazy Joe saying Trump is Xenophobic when commenting on his travel ban, then try to say he didn't mean the travel ban was xenophobic.

Biden tweeted: “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

But Biden did not explicitly tie xenophobia to the travel restriction.

Trumps travel ban was limited and ineffectual. It was a part of his strategy to blame China for everything rather than a serious measure. The virus arrived from Europe not China. Why no ban on Europeans ?
You are a fucking moron.


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