Biden Energy Sec. Granholm admits she does not know U.S. oil consumption rate when pressed by reporter


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Joe Biden has surrounded himself with gross incompetenst. The most incompetent White House and Cabinet ever, bar none.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Tuesday admitted that she did not know how many barrels of oil the U.S. consumes per day when a reporter suggested that the 50 million barrels the Energy Department plans to releasewould last less than three days.

Granholm during a White House briefing Tuesday, outlined Biden's strategy to release the barrels of oil currently held in the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to maintain "adequate supply" amid global shortages and skyrocketing gas prices.

A reporter who was present for her remarks asked the energy secretary, "How many barrels of oil does the U.S. consume per day?"

"I don't have that number in front of me. Sorry," Granholm replied.

In 2020, the United States consumed an average of about 18.19 million barrels of petroleum per day, or a total of about 6.66 billion barrels of petroleum-- the lowest level of annual consumption since 1995. The drop in consumption in 2020 from 2019 was the largest recorded annual decline in U.S. petroleum demand., and was largely the result of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The reporter told Granholm that according to those numbers, the administration would be releasing "less than three days worth of supply from the Petroleum Reserve."

Granholm nodded, dismissing the grim observation.


Unbelievable...she is a pro abortion activist...she has no business being a secretary of did she get appointed???where are the republicans...don't let them off the hook....
where are the republicans...

Many of them are still beating off to that sham Kevin McCarthy's long-assed speech that changed nothing.
So? Why does she need to know that, to spit back at a reporter? And she's just an appointee. You morons were fine with your president not knowing shit about any subject.
We're being governed by incompetents on purpose.
No, that was the Trumpers. Who the hell puts the 29 year old guy who handled Trump's luggage in charge of 4,000 Federal employees? Someone trying to destroy America, that's who.

From Rupert Murdoch's NY Post:

How a no-name ‘idiot’ gained Trump’s trust, rose to power in final WH days

President Trump’s 29-year-old body man took control of personnel in the final days of the administration — hiring beautiful young women and geeky guys that were called the “Rockettes and the Dungeons and Dragons,” a new book says.

With the White House in disarray in Trump‘s final year in office, Johnny McEntee, 29, emerged seemingly out of nowhere to become head of the ultra-powerful Presidential Personnel Office, according to “The Final Act of the Trump Show” by ABC’s chief DC correspondent, Jonathan Karl.

The MAGA fanatic — whose former job was carrying Trump’s luggage on trips — was “a f–king idiot,” a high-level cabinet secretary told Karl in an excerpt published by The Atlantic on Tuesday.

But McEntee convinced the commander in chief that he was the man to ferret out “secret Never Trumpers” who had infiltrated the White House — and soon became what a senior administration official described as “deputy president,” the bombshell book claims.

The “Make America Great Again” diehard, a former quarterback for the University of Connecticut, filled his office with a bevy of young beauties, hiring what a source called the “Rockettes and the Dungeons & Dragons group,” Karl says.

His staff included “the most beautiful 21-year-old girls you could find” a senior White House official said — and they apparently needed only one qualification for the job: They had to love Trump.

One of his aides was a former Radio City Music Hall Rockette who performed in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in Manhattan in 2019. Her resume consisted of a stint as a White House intern and a job as a dance instructor, the book says.

McEntee also hired then-20-year-old conservative Instagram “influencer” Camryn Kinsey as his “external-relations director.”

Kinsey later said in an interview, “Only in Trump’s America could I go from working in a gym to working in the White House, because that’s the American dream.”

McEntee soon “became the deputy president,” a senior source told Karl.

McEntee relished his political muscle and made no bones about flexing it, Karl writes.

An insider quipped that in addition to the comely young women, the handsome McEntee hired “guys who would be absolutely no threat to Johnny in going after those girls.”

“Betrayal” by Jonathan Karl covers the final weeks and months of the Trump presidency.

The book claims that uber-Trump loyalist McEntee made his chops playing on Trump’s fears about “deep state” schemers close to home.

“Some Trump aides privately compared the PPO [under McEntee] to the East German Stasi or even the Gestapo — always on the lookout for traitors within,” says the book, set to be released next week.

One White House underling learned of the office’s alleged rabid fervor the hard way.

The young woman “liked” an Instagram post by Taylor Swift, a Joe Biden supporter — and the gesture was deemed so alarming that White House chief of staff Mark Meadows received a phone call about it in the middle of a Senate confirmation hearing for Trump Supreme Court pick Amy Coney Barrett.

“To the enforcers of Trumpian loyalty, this was a sign of treachery in the ranks,” Karl writes, adding that the “enforcers” were in McEntee’s office.

It’s not clear what happened to the staffer, an assistant at the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

McEntee, as head of the PPO, oversaw the hiring and firing of about 4,000 political appointees in the White House after landing the coveted position around February 2020, The Atlantic said.

So shut the fuck up about incompetents, Oddball.
So? Why does she need to know that, to spit back at a reporter? And she's just an appointee. You morons were fine with your president not knowing shit about any subject.
Energy secretary that doesn't know shit about energy.

Wow. What a great pick...........LOL
This twit was born in Canada.

Just another example that women pols are as bad as if not worse than men pols.
So? Why does she need to know that, to spit back at a reporter? And she's just an appointee. You morons were fine with your president not knowing shit about any subject.

Why does the energy secretary need to know our daily oil consumption? WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE THE ENERGY SECRETARY OF?????? How can she LEAD the nations energy agencies and not even fucking know how much we use?

My god you people are fucking stupid.
This is why getting rid of Biden isn't enough, we need to get rid of all his people he put in positions of power.
Fox said the 50 million barrels would only last 3 days.

But what they fail to say is that that's 50 million barrels added to what is produced right now.

Oil hasn't been cut off; the oil producers are just holding back.
Fox said the 50 million barrels would only last 3 days.

But what they fail to say is that that's 50 million barrels added to what is produced right now.

Oil hasn't been cut off; the oil producers are just holding back.
Actually, Poopeyman halted the US from being the producer and exporter it was under Trump, will full reserves that the Muslim in Chief had depleted, and low low gas prices.
Fox said the 50 million barrels would only last 3 days.

But what they fail to say is that that's 50 million barrels added to what is produced right now.

Oil hasn't been cut off; the oil producers are just holding back.

The Biden administration applied more stringent EPA pollution standards to existing U.S. oil and gas wells. Those standards included more “comprehensive monitoring program for new and existing well sites.”

His executive order cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline permit, he enacted a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal land and water, and he put an indefinite pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands.

To top those off, he even urged foreign oil producers to ramp up their production, while selling off some of our own strategic oil reserves.

Does this sound like American oil producers are "holding back"?
The Biden administration applied more stringent EPA pollution standards to existing U.S. oil and gas wells. Those standards included more “comprehensive monitoring program for new and existing well sites.”

His executive order cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline permit, he enacted a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal land and water, and he put an indefinite pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands.

To top those off, he even urged foreign oil producers to ramp up their production, while selling off some of our own strategic oil reserves.

Does this sound like American oil producers are "holding back"?
Lowlife scum Democrats LOVE jacking up the price of oil with ridiculous environmental regulations. Look Dems are scheming devious little fucks who constantly say one thing and do the opposite.

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