Biden expected to pardon veterans convicted under military law banning gay sex, officials say

It's about time. These people served honorably!

President Joe Biden is expected to pardon US veterans who were convicted by the military over a 60-year period under a military law that banned gay sex, three US officials told CNN.

The pardon proclamation is expected to be announced on Wednesday and one official said it is set to affect roughly 2,000 people. The granting of pardons won’t automatically change convicted veterans’ records but allows those impacted to apply for a certificate of pardon that will help them receive withheld benefits.

The pardon, which CNN is first to report on, specifically grants clemency to service members who were convicted under former Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 125 — which criminalized sodomy, including between consenting adults — between 1951 and 2013 when it was rewritten by Congress. It also applies to those who were convicted of attempting to commit those offenses.
Ridiculous. These fellows knew upfront that violated other men's buttholes was not permitted. Yet they did it otherwise.

Further, a lot of fellows made plea deals pleading guilty to "consensual" sodomy, but only to avoid Leavensworth for Gay Rape.
They broke existing military law

Or dont libs believe in obeying the law?
disobeying a lawful order and a ucmj violation. yea, this should have been individually , as there were injustices (probably still are) because there can be some fairly aggravating circumstances involving force, intimidation, and rank

then we can get to comparing pardons for a simple "latent" encounter off base 50 years ago that might be effecting some one's va health care with the pardon of war criminals such as that seal chief that trump is so fond of.
They broke existing military law

Or dont libs believe in obeying the law?
Let me tell you people something. We ‘libs “ do believe in obeying the law. But times change and laws change and that has to be taken into consideration. For how long should people be punished for violations antiquated laws. They have already been deprived of benefits and honorable discharge status, in some cases for decades They have been persecuted because of anti gay bigotry and no other reason

Let me tell you more. I went into the service as a stupid, rambunctious and not vert smart 18 year old and was a major fuck up for 4 years. I was drunk on duty more often than not. I was busted for smuggling duty free Scotch to a criminal gang in an Asian country. I was extracted and sent back to the states after ratting out the gangsters. I lost a strip behind that but quickly earned it back.

Back in the states, I protested the Vietnam war and got heavy into drugs, I was AWOL on the day that I was to be discharged because I was in jail on drug charges the day I was to report for processing. Ya know what ? They still offered me a bonus to reenlist, which I declined. I was in fact honorably discharged. Being white and straight helped I;’m sure

I say this not because I am proud of iy , Not by any means, I wish that I had been more mature and served better. I say this to make the point that these people who were busted for having consensual sex with someone of the same gender are a lot more deserving of an honorable discharge than I was. There is clearly a biased against LGBT people
I don't know why. I mean he's already got the fag vote.

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