Biden-Harris Broadband Push Connects Zero Americans Thanks to Progressive Mandates.

Anther spectacular failure on the part of the Biden- Harris pretend presidency. Much as they made the building of EV charging stations a laughable joke, they doubled down and made a bigger joke of nationwide Broadband.

It's as though everything they touch is a total disaster.

Progressive mandates have bogged down the Biden-Harris expansion of broadband so that not one American has been connected 1,024 days after lawmakers passed the so-called infrastructure bill.
The democratic party is all about words and no actions. They think if they can verbally say good things then people will follow them and if they verbally attack bad things they will suddenly not happen anymore. They are a complete and total fraud.
The purpose of the Biden/Harris internet plan was not to connect people to the internet.

It was to build an internet backbone in unserved (mostly red) areas.

That takes time
And it would have progressed further, if large corporations didn't have their pocket Republicans trying to negotiate away the rules.
The democratic party is all about words and no actions. They think if they can verbally say good things then people will follow them and if they verbally attack bad things they will suddenly not happen anymore. They are a complete and total fraud.
They passed Obamacare, Infrastructure bill, Semiconductors, Inflation Reduction Act…..

What have Republicans done for us?
They passed Obamacare, Infrastructure bill, Semiconductors, Inflation Reduction Act…..

What have Republicans done for us?
Obamacare made healthcare more expensive for just about everyone and the Inflation Reduction Act added money onto the national debt, which increases inflation. I don't know what you mean by semiconductors. Other than the pandemic, EVERYTHING was much better under Trump.
They passed Obamacare, Infrastructure bill, Semiconductors, Inflation Reduction Act…..

What have Republicans done for us?
Inflation, illegal immigrant crime, lower standard of living, bigger deficits.

When will democrats stop doing things to us?
Since you have no evidence, I assume that's a guess informed by wishful thinking.

Even it it were true, that is a colossal failure by Harris-Biden to allow that to happen to our money.
I would think as a so called educator would you have checked that out.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently announced a substantial investment of nearly $223 million in state and federal funding to expand broadband internet access throughout Florida.

Oh look you live in Texas and didn't know that. So, why hasn't Texas expanded?

StateAllocation Amount
52 more rows

All the states are listed here.
Inflation, illegal immigrant crime, lower standard of living, bigger deficits.

When will democrats stop doing things to us?
Nice dodge

What legislation have Republicans passed other than tax cuts for Billionaires?
I would think as a so called educator would you have checked that out.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently announced a substantial investment of nearly $223 million in state and federal funding to expand broadband internet access throughout Florida.

Oh look you live in Texas and didn't know that. So, why hasn't Texas expanded?

StateAllocation Amount
52 more rows

All the states are listed here.
How many people have internet access now thanks to Harris and Biden's Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, now more than a thousand days old?

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