Biden is President

No matter what happens with the investigations into fraud in the last Election Biden is President. Even if shown there was fraud once the Congress approved the electoral vote count it was OVER. Trump is not going to be seated no matter what happens. The most that can happen is Biden is Impeached along with his Vice President. But then the speaker becomes President NOT Trump. And unless the senate has 67 republicans in it I dont see any Impeachment no matter the justification succeeding.

So all we can expect is IF fraud is proven we can prevent it from happening again.
It is a fact that Obama was not born in Hawaii and not being eligible to be President. However, the Democrat filth got away with lying about it and the sonofabitch was President.

It is a fact that Biden stole the 2020 election. It looks like once again the filthy Democrats got away fucking the American people.
No matter what happens with the investigations into fraud in the last Election Biden is President. Even if shown there was fraud once the Congress approved the electoral vote count it was OVER. Trump is not going to be seated no matter what happens. The most that can happen is Biden is Impeached along with his Vice President. But then the speaker becomes President NOT Trump. And unless the senate has 67 republicans in it I dont see any Impeachment no matter the justification succeeding.

So all we can expect is IF fraud is proven we can prevent it from happening again.

That was a long time ago, I can't understand why this is worth posting really. Or maybe I'm just not understanding something.

Unless new information comes out what's the point of rehashing the same old thing time and time and time again. Everyone this board has read his dozens of times, maybe even a hundred.
If we get some people in Congress with actual backbones Biden can and should be thrown out of office
on any number issues including he is simply ignoring our laws and the border, surreptitiously letting illegals
cross the border and then moving them throughout the country under the cover of darkness.

“Probably the most compelling is the utter lawlessness of President Biden’s refusal to enforce the border. His decision to just defy federal immigration laws and allow 2 million people to come here unimpeded in direct contravention of his obligation under Article 2 of the Constitution to take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” he said. “That is probably the strongest grounds right
now for impeachment, but there may be others.”
And then there's always the issue of Joe Depends state of mind and health in general.
Biden deserves to be booted from office. After the midterm elections I expect Joe Biden
will feel the heat he is responsible for.
Biden deserves to be booted from office.

He wont' be, for one good reason.

No matter what happens with the investigations into fraud in the last Election Biden is President. Even if shown there was fraud once the Congress approved the electoral vote count it was OVER. Trump is not going to be seated no matter what happens. The most that can happen is Biden is Impeached along with his Vice President. But then the speaker becomes President NOT Trump. And unless the senate has 67 republicans in it I dont see any Impeachment no matter the justification succeeding.

So all we can expect is IF fraud is proven we can prevent it from happening again.
We've been grooming kevin mccarthy..
republican neomcarthyism

That should piss off the dimocrats. Heh.

I see Nancy Pelosi stage an a exit strategy scorched-earth.

Except for the ice cream freezer

I know Ben and Jerry
Nancy Pelosi
is no Bernie Sanders
Because it's a figment of your overactive and manufactured evidence imaginations. :)

Again, your savior lost. I understand what he meant to you and that his loss was devastating.
But I promise you, outside of the wingnuts, there will be no stomach for the kind of "investigations"
you want to see happen.

I would be overjoyed to find out that the Bidens are on the up and up, and so would everyone else.

But if the fellow is expelled, any demonstrations against Trump will be considered to be an "Insurrection"
It seems like the only people who dispute the fact that Biden is president are the people who elected him. Democrats seem to want to forget that Biden is president so they bring up Trump and act like losers and victims of some conspiracy.
Biden is not a real president, he just plays one on TV.

Real presidents can compose sentences without a teleprompter and can manage to keep their hands off of little girls.
If we get some people in Congress with actual backbones Biden can and should be thrown out of office
on any number issues including he is simply ignoring our laws and the border, surreptitiously letting illegals
cross the border and then moving them throughout the country under the cover of darkness.

“Probably the most compelling is the utter lawlessness of President Biden’s refusal to enforce the border. His decision to just defy federal immigration laws and allow 2 million people to come here unimpeded in direct contravention of his obligation under Article 2 of the Constitution to take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” he said. “That is probably the strongest grounds right now for impeachment, but there may be others.”
And then there's always the issue of Joe Depends state of mind and health in general.
Biden deserves to be booted from office. After the midterm elections I expect Joe Biden
will feel the heat he is responsible for.
He won't. Not even with 100 Republicans in the Senate would you get a conviction. It would essentially mean the end of our democracy.
We'd be no better than a dictatorship. Which is exactly what Trump...and his BFF Putin want. :)
There was no fraud. There was nothing stolen. Trump lost. He's done. He isn't coming back. Joe Biden is your President until 1/20/2025 and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Your fantasy scenarios aside, there is NOTHING to impeach Biden over, however, I wouldn't put it past Republicans to invent a reason. However, don't count those chickens yet
because Republicans are doing a bang up job of pissing away any advantage they might have had come November..which is a LONG way away. :)
There was fraud, at least in the 4 major swing states that swung an EXTREMELY CLOSE election to Biden. But that ship has sailed, the election committees and the courts and the Democrats have successfully dismissed the evidence. I agree that Trump will not be re-instated and IMO will not be the 2024 candidate because of the unprecedented smear campaign waged against him. Biden should most definitely be impeached for selling political influence to foreign powers.
It seems like the only people who dispute the fact that Biden is president are the people who elected him. Democrats seem to want to forget that Biden is president so they bring up Trump and act like losers and victims of some conspiracy.
He's President until 1/20/2025...and YOU are the ones that keep talking Trump up..because in your alternate reality..he won. :)
There was fraud, at least in the 4 major swing states that swung an EXTREMELY CLOSE election to Biden. But that ship has sailed, the election committees and the courts and the Democrats have successfully dismissed the evidence. I agree that Trump will not be re-instated and IMO will not be the 2024 candidate because of the unprecedented smear campaign waged against him. Biden should most definitely be impeached for selling political influence to foreign powers.
There was NO widespread fraud. None. Nothing proven. No court case heard, Just alt-right conspiracy theories.

Trump was his own worst enemy in the end. Something that his supporters have a hard time dealing with.
I would be overjoyed to find out that the Bidens are on the up and up, and so would everyone else.

But if the fellow is expelled, any demonstrations against Trump will be considered to be an "Insurrection"
If that's where you're starting out from, you've already lost. Like the Clinton, they've had DECADES to dig something up..and haven't..why?
Because it's a bunch of made up fairy tales inside the heads of people who are deathly afraid of..take your pick. :)
He won't. Not even with 100 Republicans in the Senate would you get a conviction. It would essentially mean the end of our democracy.
We'd be no better than a dictatorship. Which is exactly what Trump...and his BFF Putin want. :)
You're full of crap. Sorry, but I'm sure you realize that.

If Joe Depends can treat our Southern border like a mere nuisance that he can ignore as he pleases then you are all for a dictatorship long as democrats and senile Joe Biden are the beneficiaries.

Among the many crackpots here you are among the most objectionable because you refuse to listen to reason.
Again, cart...WAY before the horse here. Republicans have to win in November and right now, they are on a path to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory. MTG on a committee???? LOL.

It's no longer IF Republicans will take Congress, the question is by how much.

Right now a 1.5 trillion dollar pork bill is headed to Biden's desk and he's going to sign it. Once he does, inflation will get even worse. That's on top of gasoline which people are paying twice as much for than they were under Trump.
Oooo. About getting a BJ in the Oval Office.

Yeah, that's SO the same as what Trump did. :)

Actually, it was about Perjury. Although he should have been expelled for his sexual activities in the workplace.

Back in the day, a friend of mine was a night security guard and his girlfriend visited him at the job and they had relations in the security shack. The man was fired.

Why should a fucking $7 an hour security guard be held to a higher standard than the President?
Yeah, whatever. The border IS secure. Always has been. You do know that walls don't keep people out right?..And yes, impeachment is political tool. The bar for Republicans is lying about getting a BJ in the Oval Office. The bar for Democrats?...collusion with foreign power, extorting a foreign power to dig up dirt on your political opponent (quite Putinesque wouldn't you say?), and fomenting insurrection and interference with the peaceful transition of power....

When you use lies to make your argument, you already lost the debate.

What does getting a BJ have to do with anything? If you're talking about Clinton, he was impeached because of perjury, not a BJ.

The only people involved with collusion with a foreign power is Hillary Clinton and the DNC. The money they paid Steele bought them bogus information from Putin. Extorting a foreign power? The transcript is all over the internet. Show me one sentence where Trump did that. The Communist party made it all up otherwise known as a lie. Giving a speech is not interfering with a peaceful transaction of power. It's called freedom of speech and it's protected by the document you leftists hate the most called the US Constitution.

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