Biden is President

When you use lies to make your argument, you already lost the debate.

What does getting a BJ have to do with anything? If you're talking about Clinton, he was impeached because of perjury, not a BJ.

The only people involved with collusion with a foreign power is Hillary Clinton and the DNC. The money they paid Steele bought them bogus information from Putin. Extorting a foreign power? The transcript is all over the internet. Show me one sentence where Trump did that. The Communist party made it all up otherwise known as a lie. Giving a speech is not interfering with a peaceful transaction of power. It's called freedom of speech and it's protected by the document you leftists hate the most called the US Constitution.
Clinton was impeached for lying to the FBI..about a BJ in the Oval Office.A sex act.
Again, I understand what Trump meant to you but if you'd like transcripts, just take a look at the call he had with
the SOS of GA. :) Just find me one more vote than the total. :auiqs.jpg:
First losing President to never concede. First President to ever refuse the peaceful transfer of power.

Get over it Ray. Trump shit all over that yellowed scrap of paper you claim to hold most dear.
But that says more about your actual beliefs than it does your hero's.
Clinton was impeached for lying to the FBI..about a BJ in the Oval Office.A sex act.
Again, I understand what Trump meant to you but if you'd like transcripts, just take a look at the call he had with
the SOS of GA. :) Just find me one more vote than the total. :auiqs.jpg:
First losing President to never concede. First President to ever refuse the peaceful transfer of power.

Get over it Ray. Trump shit all over that yellowed scrap of paper you claim to hold most dear.
But that says more about your actual beliefs than it does your hero's.
Clinton was impeached for lying to a Judge in an official capacity.
Clinton was impeached for lying to the FBI..about a BJ in the Oval Office.A sex act.
Again, I understand what Trump meant to you but if you'd like transcripts, just take a look at the call he had with
the SOS of GA. :) Just find me one more vote than the total. :auiqs.jpg:
First losing President to never concede. First President to ever refuse the peaceful transfer of power.

Get over it Ray. Trump shit all over that yellowed scrap of paper you claim to hold most dear.
But that says more about your actual beliefs than it does your hero's.
Clinton was impeached for lying to the FBI..about a BJ in the Oval Office.A sex act.

Here's a hint for you...


If he had lied about the color of his eyes, or how many times he ate tuna fish...

it was still a fucking lie.
There was no fraud. There was nothing stolen. Trump lost. He's done. He isn't coming back. Joe Biden is your President until 1/20/2025 and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Your fantasy scenarios aside, there is NOTHING to impeach Biden over, however, I wouldn't put it past Republicans to invent a reason. However, don't count those chickens yet
because Republicans are doing a bang up job of pissing away any advantage they might have had come November..which is a LONG way away. :)
Biden isn't going to finish his term.
Yet, if someone else makes a comment about tRUMP...they yell so loudly about the dreaded tRUMP syndrome.
It does appear they have the corner on the market for TDS.

He's President until 1/20/2025...and YOU are the ones that keep talking Trump up..because in your alternate reality..he won. :)
No matter what happens with the investigations into fraud in the last Election Biden is President. Even if shown there was fraud once the Congress approved the electoral vote count it was OVER. Trump is not going to be seated no matter what happens. The most that can happen is Biden is Impeached along with his Vice President. But then the speaker becomes President NOT Trump. And unless the senate has 67 republicans in it I dont see any Impeachment no matter the justification succeeding.

So all we can expect is IF fraud is proven we can prevent it from happening again.
Ain't it great? This shit is more fubar than a soup sandwich.
No. I just speak the truth. You idiots are the ones still re-hashing an election that was decided 1.5 years has to wonder..why?
And no, it's not because of fraud. All you do is whine, bitch, piss, moan, and yell.

So people like you?..not beneath me. Just worth stomping's fun. :auiqs.jpg:

Let's say for instance the election was carried out with complete integrity (COUGH!).

Just the fact that 81 million people supposedly voted for Biden due idiocracy and the spread of TDS bleeds something cannot be right. If it smells like a rat it's a rat.

Then again, your kind are awfully fucked up. Biden could assault your mother and kick your dog, and you'd remain overpowered by TDS and your need to validate your Demonicrats.
No matter what happens with the investigations into fraud in the last Election Biden is President. Even if shown there was fraud once the Congress approved the electoral vote count it was OVER. Trump is not going to be seated no matter what happens. The most that can happen is Biden is Impeached along with his Vice President. But then the speaker becomes President NOT Trump. And unless the senate has 67 republicans in it I dont see any Impeachment no matter the justification succeeding.

So all we can expect is IF fraud is proven we can prevent it from happening again.
I haven't heard anybody even suggest Trump was going to be reinstated at this point, why are you posting this now? This sounds like you're having a flashback to January 6th.

As for your hypothetical about the impeachments after the midterm elections, you do realize Trump could be named speaker of the House even though he's not a member of Congress, in which case he would be 3rd in line. I'm not saying that's likely. In fact I think there's almost zero chance either Biden or Harris gets convicted by the senate because the Republicans will not have 67 votes, and even if they crush the midterms they still have sellouts like Romney and Collins and Graham and McConnell.
Unless unverified ballots are again allowed to overwhelm our voting systems, the next election will be an historic rout of the Democrats. Aside from any impeachment efforts by the GOP, the Dems will be desperate to rid themselves of Biden and Harris before the 2024 elections. This could lead to a grand bargain between both parties to accept their resignations and replace them with a "national unity" ticket.
Unless unverified ballots are again allowed to overwhelm our voting systems, the next election will be an historic rout of the Democrats. Aside from any impeachment efforts by the GOP, the Dems will be desperate to rid themselves of Biden and Harris before the 2024 elections. This could lead to a grand bargain between both parties to accept their resignations and replace them with a "national unity" ticket.
You're on this forum every day. As bad as things have gotten, have you seen even a hint that any of the Democrats on here are desperate to rid themselves of Biden and Harris? No, they haven't uttered the first criticism of them. They're reveling in the disaster they're causing. They think Biden and Harris are fucking great, because that's the team they support. If you think the Democrats are going to come to their senses you're living in a different era.

This is no figment.
Clinton was impeached for lying to the FBI..about a BJ in the Oval Office.A sex act.
Again, I understand what Trump meant to you but if you'd like transcripts, just take a look at the call he had with
the SOS of GA. :) Just find me one more vote than the total. :auiqs.jpg:
First losing President to never concede. First President to ever refuse the peaceful transfer of power.

Get over it Ray. Trump shit all over that yellowed scrap of paper you claim to hold most dear.
But that says more about your actual beliefs than it does your hero's.

It had nothing to do what what Clinton told the FBI. He lied to a federal grand jury during testimony. What do you suppose Trump was asking for by one more vote?

We do not live under your Bible (1984) just yet. There are no thought police in our federal government. But since the commies conducted a phony impeachment under it, we're going to do the same next year after taking the House and Senate.
Fuck Joe Biden is president because fraud was used to steal the election. But that is not to say there is nothing we can do about it. Montana has opened their drilling. Alaska and Texas should do the same. Just stop obeying. Close that damn southern border.
You're on this forum every day. As bad as things have gotten, have you seen even a hint that any of the Democrats on here are desperate to rid themselves of Biden and Harris? No, they haven't uttered the first criticism of them. They're reveling in the disaster they're causing. They think Biden and Harris are fucking great, because that's the team they support. If you think the Democrats are going to come to their senses you're living in a different era.

They have no choice but to stand by him now, but I believe their original plans were to have Biden open the door for her and be the fall guy. That can't work now that she's more disliked than him.
Actually there are several reasons that could be used. His illegal orders to IGNORE US law on the border is one. His refusal to secure the border is another. His shipping of illegals all over the Country comes to mind as well.
And just think, Trump was impeached the second time over what democrats interpreted as a quid pro quo ( at best it was only implied). And Joe Biden is on video bragging about a quid pro quo with Ukraine when he was VP.

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