Biden is President

And just think, Trump was impeached the second time over what democrats interpreted as a quid pro quo ( at best it was only implied). And Joe Biden is on video bragging about a quid pro quo with Ukraine when he was VP.
Biden was leveraging aid to oust a corrupt prosecutor

republican senate investigate it and found no wrong doing.
The 25th ammendment comes to my mind. No one in US history is more worthy of being removed due to mental illness than Joey Bribes.
There was no fraud. There was nothing stolen. Trump lost. He's done. He isn't coming back. Joe Biden is your President until 1/20/2025 and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Your fantasy scenarios aside, there is NOTHING to impeach Biden over, however, I wouldn't put it past Republicans to invent a reason. However, don't count those chickens yet
because Republicans are doing a bang up job of pissing away any advantage they might have had come November..which is a LONG way away. :)
It will be very disappointing if Repubs do not play the Prog game if they take over in November. Turn the screws on the Progs to give them some of their own medicine. Repubs had one person who spoke like a Prog and it drove them insane for more than 4 years. Also they need to dirty Schiff and Nadler up a little also along with others they find necessary.
So it's okay for VP Biden to leverage aid, but it's not okay for Trump to leverage aid. Not that Trump was leveraging aid. At best that leverage of aid was only implied with Trump, but it was spoken outright with Biden.
Trump was leveraging aid for his own personal benefit.

Biden was leveraging aid for the interests of our country and our allies. Biden was doing this with our allies.
Biden was leveraging aid to oust a corrupt prosecutor

He was leveraging aid to save his sons income. WTF would anybody hire a complete failure like Hunter for a job he didn't even have to come to, had no experience in, in a country he didn't know a word of their language?

I bet you think he's a talented painter too. :laughing0301:
He was leveraging aid to save his sons income. WTF would anybody hire a complete failure like Hunter for a job he didn't even have to come to, had no experience in, in a country he didn't know a word of their language?

I bet you think he's a talented painter too. :laughing0301:
Burisma was only being investigated prior to Hunter joining

and, Shokin wasnt investigating Burisma at the time Biden was motivating his ouster.

This means that Shokin's investigations had nothing to do with Hunter, and also that Shokin was worthless.
Burisma was only being investigated prior to Hunter joining

and, Shokin wasnt investigating Burisma at the time Biden was motivating his ouster.

This means that Shokin's investigations had nothing to do with Hunter, and also that Shokin was worthless.

Shoken told a different story. According to him, he was told to leave because Joe was upset with his prying in on Hunter's activities.

No. I just speak the truth. You idiots are the ones still re-hashing an election that was decided 1.5 years has to wonder..why?
And no, it's not because of fraud. All you do is whine, bitch, piss, moan, and yell.

So people like you?..not beneath me. Just worth stomping's fun. :auiqs.jpg:
So sayeth the drone for Thief in Chief Biden.
Then why didn't they have him fired? What business was it of ours? If not for Hunter we would have had nothing to do with it.
What would we say if Ukraine or some other country tried to get a prosecutor in america fired. It would be meddling in our political affairs wouldn't it. Just as bad as Russia meddling in our elections.
Then why didn't they have him fired? What business was it of ours? If not for Hunter we would have had nothing to do with it.
because he was blocking investigations into corruption.

including burisma's corruption.
No matter what happens with the investigations into fraud in the last Election Biden is President. Even if shown there was fraud once the Congress approved the electoral vote count it was OVER. Trump is not going to be seated no matter what happens. The most that can happen is Biden is Impeached along with his Vice President. But then the speaker becomes President NOT Trump. And unless the senate has 67 republicans in it I dont see any Impeachment no matter the justification succeeding.

So all we can expect is IF fraud is proven we can prevent it from happening again.

What would we say if Ukraine or some other country tried to get a prosecutor in america fired. It would be meddling in our political affairs wouldn't it. Just as bad as Russia meddling in our elections.

The Ukrainians were asking for the West's help in defending themselves against Russia. They wanted help from the International Monetary Fund, membership in the EU, loans from the World Bank, and military help from NATO Allies. All of these entities asked for an end to corruption in the Ukrainian government, starting with the firing of the corrupt Russian prosecutor who was refusing to prosecute companies for corruption.

When you ask for someone's help, you're beholding to their conditions. While you keep trying to play this as Biden firing the guy who was prosecuting his son's company, in fact, Biden was acting at the behest of all of the entities who wanted the prosecutor gone.

So no, it's nothing like the scenario you set out in your post.
You're on this forum every day. As bad as things have gotten, have you seen even a hint that any of the Democrats on here are desperate to rid themselves of Biden and Harris? No, they haven't uttered the first criticism of them. They're reveling in the disaster they're causing. They think Biden and Harris are fucking great, because that's the team they support. If you think the Democrats are going to come to their senses you're living in a different era.
Truer words can't be spoken. Very well said sir.
because he was blocking investigations into corruption.

including burisma's corruption.

So how would Burisma's corruption or non-corruption affect the United States? What business was it of ours? The Brits had more problems with Burisma than we did. And in your article it mentions a Burisma donation to the Atlantic Council which seems to be a left-wing operation promoting left-wing policies like climate change.

What you are expecting me to believe is that out of the 1.3 million lawyers in the US, Bursima chose Hunter who didn't have any experience in energy, was never physically active in any Burisma meetings, was not being investigated by Shokin for money laundering, and this had nothing to do with Joe Biden? That's what you expect me to believe? Furthermore that Joe had Shokin fired because he was not putting enough energy into investigating the company that was paying his son millions of dollars for doing nothing?

I suppose next you're going to try and sell me a bridge.

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