Biden is President

So it's okay for VP Biden to leverage aid, but it's not okay for Trump to leverage aid. Not that Trump was leveraging aid. At best that leverage of aid was only implied with Trump, but it was spoken outright with Biden.
Biden was 'leveraging aid' at the instruction of Obama, the State Dept, the EU, and World Bank.
Trump was leveraging aid (and holding it up) for Private gain. Demanding Ukraine open an investigation into his opponent, Biden.

There was NO widespread fraud. None. Nothing proven. No court case heard, Just alt-right conspiracy theories.

Trump was his own worst enemy in the end. Something that his supporters have a hard time dealing with.

That's right. No court case heard. When you dismiss the case before it makes it to court, it will always have a possible ring of truth to it. Because the plaintiffs were denied their day in court.

That does not make the allegations false. It makes the courts biased.
Biden was 'leveraging aid' at the instruction of Obama, the State Dept, the EU, and World Bank.
Trump was leveraging aid (and holding it up) for Private gain. Demanding Ukraine open an investigation into his opponent, Biden.

So you agree that it was OK for Obama and Biden to leverage aid and it was not OK for Trump to leverage aid. As for as private gain is concerned, it is at least a conflict of interest that Hunter Biden worked for an Ukrainian energy company that admittedly because his last name was Biden and that was probable cause for Trump to ask for an investigation. The double standard is glaring.
So you agree that it was OK for Obama and Biden to leverage aid and it was not OK for Trump to leverage aid. As for as private gain is concerned, it is at least a conflict of interest that Hunter Biden worked for an Ukrainian energy company that admittedly because his last name was Biden and that was probable cause for Trump to ask for an investigation. The double standard is glaring.
You 12 IQ Numb Nuts!
Quid Pro Quo (QPQ), a conditional agreement, is NOT in itself a Crime!

If Prez Biden is doing it in his country's interest and at the direction of his Govt, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
If Prez Trump is doing it in exchange for a PERSONAL FAVOR/Investigating Biden (and against the country's expressed interest of giving Ukraine aid, and in fact holding it up) it IS a crime.
In this case, The USA/EU wanted to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who wasN'T prosecuting anyone, and appoint one who would. (the latter endangering Hunter IF he was doing something wrong)

You are a simpleton/numbskull.

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You 12 IQ Numb Nuts!
Quid Pro Quo (QPQ), a conditional agreement, is NOT in itself a Crime!

If Prez Biden is doing it in his country's interest and at the direction of his Govt, there' absolutely nothing wrong with it.
If the Prez Trump is doing it in exchange for a PERSONAL FAVOR/Investigating Biden (and against the country's expressed interest) it IS a crime.
In this case, The USA/EU wanted to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who wasN'T prosecuting anyone, and appoint one who would. (endangering Hunter IF he was doing something wrong)

You are a simpleton/numbskull.


You say its not a crime. So you're admitting that the first impeachment of Trump was bullshit because it was based on quid pro quo, that you yourself said wasn't a crime. THANK YOU. You are your own worst enemy when you open your mouth.

So you are actually going to say that using the power of the VP to deny taxpayer money to get a foreign country to fire the prosecutor looking into your own sons company is perfectly legal?

Oh God, PLEASE STICK WITH THAT. Please, I beg you.
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You 12 IQ Numb Nuts!
Quid Pro Quo (QPQ), a conditional agreement, is NOT in itself a Crime!

If Prez Biden is doing it in his country's interest and at the direction of his Govt, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
If the Prez Trump is doing it in exchange for a PERSONAL FAVOR/Investigating Biden (and against the country's expressed interest) it IS a crime.
In this case, The USA/EU wanted to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who wasN'T prosecuting anyone, and appoint one who would. (endangering Hunter IF he was doing something wrong)

You are a simpleton/numbskull.

What is in the the country's (America's) interest is a matter of opinion. And the president's opinion carries a lot of weight. If Obama can determine what is in America's interest when he is president then so can Trump when he is president. And if you think Joe's actions endangered Hunter, then you are full of dung.
What is in the the country's (America's) interest is a matter of opinion. And the president's opinion carries a lot of weight. If Obama can determine what is in America's interest when he is president then so can Trump when he is president. And if you think Joe's actions endangered Hunter, then you are full of dung.
You can faux debate all you like.
but you can't debate me!
The ISSUE here was that Biden was not doing it for Personal reasons whether or not his country (Prez and State dept) (and EU and World Bank) were right or not.
Trump OTOH, was Blackmailing Ukraine's leader/threatening to hold up/not give aid unless Ukraine opened an investigation of his campaign opponent!

Surely even you low IQ RWers (80% of USMB) can figure that out. (now that it's explained anyway)

You can faux debate all you like.
but you can't debate me!
The ISSUE here was that Biden was not doing it for Personal reasons whether or not his country (Prez and State dept) (and EU and World Bank) were right or not.
Trump OTOH, was Blackmailing Ukraine's leader/threatening to hold up/not give aid unless Ukraine opened an investigation of his campaign opponent!

Surely even you low IQ RWers (80% of USMB) can figure that out. (now that it's explained anyway)


Why was Biden threatening to withhold a billion dollars if they didn't fire the prosecutor looking into his sons company if it wasn't for personal reasons?
There was no fraud. There was nothing stolen. Trump lost. He's done. He isn't coming back. Joe Biden is your President until 1/20/2025 and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Your fantasy scenarios aside, there is NOTHING to impeach Biden over, however, I wouldn't put it past Republicans to invent a reason. However, don't count those chickens yet
because Republicans are doing a bang up job of pissing away any advantage they might have had come November..which is a LONG way away. :)
Hun, Biden is unlikely to live that long and be able to stay in office. The question is what happens to the HO first---think Hilliarys camp will arkanside her if she even looks like she might stay in past 24 or embarrasses Hilliary in the debates.
Biden was 'leveraging aid' at the instruction of Obama, the State Dept, the EU, and World Bank.
Trump was leveraging aid (and holding it up) for Private gain. Demanding Ukraine open an investigation into his opponent, Biden.

Biden was taking bribes as he has done for decades by running money through his families bank account--this time he used extortion to pry those bribes.
You can faux debate all you like.
but you can't debate me!
The ISSUE here was that Biden was not doing it for Personal reasons whether or not his country (Prez and State dept) (and EU and World Bank) were right or not.
Trump OTOH, was Blackmailing Ukraine's leader/threatening to hold up/not give aid unless Ukraine opened an investigation of his campaign opponent!

Surely even you low IQ RWers (80% of USMB) can figure that out. (now that it's explained anyway)


As I already stated, the phone call transcript is all over the internet. Show me where Trump tried to blackmail Zelensky.
As I already stated, the phone call transcript is all over the internet. Show me where Trump tried to blackmail Zelensky.
Shakedown was the whole point of the call! (Like his Georgia call for 11,800 Votes)
Indeed, ALL Your allies above admitted Trump WAS doing it. But they felt/mistakenly thought the two QPQs equivalent. They were not.
And btw, that was NOT a "transcript" of the call. It... was... full ... these...:: It was the Trump edition he called "Perfect" for a reason. Mistaken tho his amoral idiot self was.
The actual call transcript was put on Classified computers by Trump's lawyers (and perhaps deleted at some point) and has yet to be seen.
No. I just speak the truth. You idiots are the ones still re-hashing an election that was decided 1.5 years has to wonder..why?
And no, it's not because of fraud. All you do is whine, bitch, piss, moan, and yell.

So people like you?..not beneath me. Just worth stomping's fun

No. I just speak the truth. You idiots are the ones still re-hashing an election that was decided 1.5 years has to wonder..why?
And no, it's not because of fraud. All you do is whine, bitch, piss, moan, and yell.

So people like you?..not beneath me. Just worth stomping's fun. :auiqs.jpg:
You libtards whined, bitched, pissed and moaned the whole time Trump was in office. So STFU.

Democrats are so duplicitous ...
Shakedown was the whole point of the call! (Like his Georgia call for 11,800 Votes)
Indeed, ALL Your allies above admitted Trump WAS doing it. But they felt/mistakenly thought the two QPQs equivalent. They were not.
And btw, that was NOT a "transcript" of the call. It... was... full ... these...:: It was the Trump edition he called "Perfect" for a reason. Mistaken tho his amoral idiot self was.
The actual call transcript was put on Classified computers by Trump's lawyers (and perhaps deleted at some point) and has yet to be seen.

Of course, that must be it. It can't be the Communists lied and made it all up.

But the phony impeachment was based on the call the transcript was written from. And again, nowhere can you point to me where Trump threatened anything. Asking for a "favor" is not a threat in any capacity. The problem is you on the left won't look at the man behind the curtain. They tell you want to believe and you just nod your head like somebody is pulling strings.
Biden was 'leveraging aid' at the instruction of Obama, the State Dept, the EU, and World Bank.
Trump was leveraging aid (and holding it up) for Private gain. Demanding Ukraine open an investigation into his opponent, Biden.


First off, Biden was not his opponent. He was running for the nomination of his party at the time. Secondly, if an elected member of our government is acting in a corrupt way, that's something that's personal? I would call it in the best interest of the country, especially when that person is running for the presidential nomination.
You libtards whined, bitched, pissed and moaned the whole time Trump was in office. So STFU.
Trump made all of his own issues. When you're incompetent and corrupt, you can't help yourself.
We just talked about them..because he wasn't smart enough to pivot into the job he was elected to do.

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