Biden only up 5 points on Communist Bernie in South Carolina (link)

Dimms could not have made this any more fun for Conservatives.

Let’s talk about Joe Biden’s corruption every single day, all day, for 5 months! :21:

How do these stupid fucks not drown when it’s raining?

I wouldn’t trust Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler to run an investigation into who stole a cookie from a preschool kitchen.
Lefties, you guys are actually going to nominate a communist.

How did you let the lunatic fringe hijack your party? What fucking morons you are!
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Lefties, you guys are actually going to nominate a communist.

How did you left the lunatic fringe hijack your party? What fucking morons you are!

You remind me of the Democrats in the last presidential election, mocking the unelectable candidate that definitely stands no chance, ever.

You better tighten up and take Bernie seriously otherwise you might end up very upset and confused.
Lefties, you guys are actually going to nominate a communist.

How did you left the lunatic fringe hijack your party? What fucking morons you are!

This is what happens when you let AOC and the Squid Squad influence you too much.
Dimms could not have made this any more fun for Conservatives.

Let’s talk about Joe Biden’s corruption every single day, all day, for 5 months! :21:

How do these stupid fucks not drown when it’s raining?

I wouldn’t trust Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler to run an investigation into who stole a cookie from a preschool kitchen.
Ummm ..... It wasn't the Democrats who talked about the Biden conspiracy theories every day for months.

How can you be this wrong all the time?
Lefties, you guys are actually going to nominate a communist.

How did you left the lunatic fringe hijack your party? What fucking morons you are!

You remind me of the Democrats in the last presidential election, mocking the unelectable candidate that definitely stands no chance, ever.

You better tighten up and take Bernie seriously otherwise you might end up very upset and confused.

They still nominated a communist.
RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Polls

Impeachment was a real winner, huh, Dimms?


SC was supposed to be Biden’s Sanctuary. He is only up 5 points to a COMMUNIST?
A. There are no communists in the race.

B. What does impeachment have to do with this?

C. Why are you tRumplings so persistently stupid?

A) Bernie is a communist
B) impeachment put Biden’s corruption in the news
C) Trump won the election. Seems like the Dimms are the stupid ones.
RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Polls

Impeachment was a real winner, huh, Dimms?


SC was supposed to be Biden’s Sanctuary. He is only up 5 points to a COMMUNIST?
A. There are no communists in the race.

B. What does impeachment have to do with this?

C. Why are you tRumplings so persistently stupid?

A) Bernie is a communist
B) impeachment put Biden’s corruption in the news
C) Trump won the election. Seems like the Dimms are the stupid ones.
Are those deliberate lies or are you really that confused?
Socialist is beating the dear democrats now...

How damn difficult can it be to run honest elections, stop the pandering, level to the public... and NOT BE BEATEN BY A SOCIALIST.
Lefties, you guys are actually going to nominate a communist.

How did you left the lunatic fringe hijack your party? What fucking morons you are!

You remind me of the Democrats in the last presidential election, mocking the unelectable candidate that definitely stands no chance, ever.

You better tighten up and take Bernie seriously otherwise you might end up very upset and confused.

They still nominated a communist.

Once again, thank God for the electoral college.
Indoctrinated American commies that support 'The Bern' haven't incubated long enough YET to overcome it and beat T-Rex Trump!
No fear.
Okay, assuming Sanders clears the way March 3 ---- who do we like for his VP?

I hesitate to guess one of the weirdos. Hillary chose some nonentity from Virginia --- I can never remember his name, I couldn't at the time -- and that is the kind of VP I suspect Bernie would choose. It would have to be a black/woman/transvestite/homosexual, obviously. Well, MAYBE a Hindoo. Not an Oriental, because of the worldwide pandemic. Looks bad. He would want balance: that is, NOT a socialist like Elizabeth Warren. Not someone with an overwhelming personality, like Elizabeth Warren. In short, not Elizabeth Warren. Young, I guess. I suppose Buttgig would work. Not Bloomberg --- two Jews? No. Not billionaire Steyer. No, I think he'd leave the current field and pick that Newark mayor, the Spartacus guy, maybe.

Whoever he picks, HIGH odds s/he'll become prez. So he can't go crazy and pick someone like McCain did, impulsively for her sex appeal.

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