Biden to cancel the Keystone pipeline via executive action on 1st day, Trudeau already complaining, conservatives like Ann Coulter already pouncing!

LOL! Swallowing's the propaganda, huh? People aren't going to want to pay more for the energy just because people like you oppose oil.

M'eh..I'm pretty ambivalent about it to be honest. But when the oil producers themselves say that other energies are going to overtake them, I take notice.

They are looking at the political climate and the animosity that the Left has toward their product. There is no economic reason to choose more expensive energies. Just political.

Joe, "job killer" biden....gets the hat trick...

By canceling the pipeline he kills American jobs, hurts an allied country and damages the environment.....

Add to that empowering China who will naturally get that oil now.....

China's early investment in joe biden is now paying off......and it's just the first day...

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) also inveighed against the move. Unions and most Democrats — about 62% — opposed the cancelation. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also weighed in against the move. Canada is now said to be considering some type of sanction against the United States. Biden’s move affects workers in both countries; it kills about 12,000 jobs in the United States and another 2,000 in Canada as both countries are still reeling from the COVID pandemic’s destruction of jobs.
Canceling the Keystone XL also hurts the environment. The pipeline would have moved between 800,000 and 830,000 barrels of oil per day safely, off our roads and rails, from where it’s produced to where it can be refined. That was to be Texas, which leads the world in the clean and safe refining of oil into products the modern economy depends on every single day. So some of the jobs lost were in Texas, about which Biden will not care, as Texas did not vote for him.

With the pipeline canceled, Canada will find other customers for its oil. That’s likely to be China and India, two of the world’s fastest-growing and most energy-hungry economies. Instead of being transported safely via the Keystone XL pipeline, the oil will be transported by trucks and ships — both of which emit far more gunk into the atmosphere than pipelines, and both of which are far more prone to accidents and spills. It’s likely to be refined outside the United States, where standards do not match U.S. EPA standards.

More stupidity from Capt Kirk.

How will the Canadians get that "crude" to China? It isn't even oil, its dillbit.

A dillbit leak would be an environmental disaster.

I have to laugh at thids. You are having a fit so a Canadian pipeline company can build a pipeline over our aquifers to transport canadian "oil" to US refineries to process to possibly export to other countries.

Moron, they will have to use idiot.

So ships can sail to where the "oil" is being mined? They would have to use rail, road or build their own pipeline.
LOL! Swallowing's the propaganda, huh? People aren't going to want to pay more for the energy just because people like you oppose oil.

M'eh..I'm pretty ambivalent about it to be honest. But when the oil producers themselves say that other energies are going to overtake them, I take notice.

They are looking at the political climate and the animosity that the Left has toward their product. There is no economic reason to choose more expensive energies. Just political.

With good reason. People don't like shit in the air. Oil produces a lot of shit in the air. You call it political, I call it environmental.
When it puts more Americans back to work it does not hurt any American’s standard of living. Especially with cheap energy.
Cheap energy puts Americans out of work too.

There’s always winners and losers. An American gets a job putting together a dishwasher. The rest of us pay more for dishwashers.

Cheap energy makes more jobs you moron.......high energy costs cost more jobs, you moron. You left wing, economic morons ruin country after country and you never fucking learn.
Cheap oil means shutting down over half the US oil operations.
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

By attacking the Keystone pipeline, Xi's man significantly and dramatically lowers domestic energy production. This shifts dependence back to foreign oil, particularly Russia, Iran, and Venezuela - three countries closely aligned with the democrat party who have been decimated by the resurgence of American energy independence.

Beijing Biden took action to repay the three sponsor nations for years of support they have provided to him and to the democrat party.

Biden is working to make OPEC great again.

That is about the dumbest damn post I have ever seen. Did the United States annex Canada and I missed it? And I got news for you, that oil that was going to flow through that pipeline has never been intended for the US. Well yeah, the oil was suppose to go the US refineries,, to be processed in to diesel fuel TO EXPORT Meanwhile, the redirection of that oil, from refineries in the Mid-west that do not have access to ports to export their products, to refineries in the Gulf, that do, would result in an increase in gas prices for US consumers. Hell, Transcanada sells oil to those Midwest refineries at a three dollar a barrel discount. It is right there in their business plan, Keystone will eliminate that three dollar discount.

I mean who gives a shit about the environmental risk of Keystone. It takes a bonafide full-fledged flippin IDIOT to support Canada pipelining directly to the Gulf some of the nastiest forms of oil known to man. Send it here so it can be processed here and then sent off to some foreign country. They get the fuel, diesel prices drop in India, and CHINA, and we get stuck with the toxic waste and toxic fumes created while processing that nasty shit. Canada gets more money for their oil. Canada wins. China wins. India wins. And we get stuck with a big fat shit sandwich. You retards need to pull your heads out of your asses, learn something about the oil market, gas prices, hell maybe even understand that Canada has not even hit capacity on the currently existing pipelines. They want to use that nasty ass shit to process in to diesel fuel for China and India they can build their own damn refineries.

Keystone XL Will Increase Gas Prices: Explained | The Nation
LOL! Swallowing's the propaganda, huh? People aren't going to want to pay more for the energy just because people like you oppose oil.

M'eh..I'm pretty ambivalent about it to be honest. But when the oil producers themselves say that other energies are going to overtake them, I take notice.

They are looking at the political climate and the animosity that the Left has toward their product. There is no economic reason to choose more expensive energies. Just political.

With good reason. People don't like shit in the air. Oil produces a lot of shit in the air. You call it political, I call it environmental.

"Oil produces a lot of shit in the air." And yet, most European, North American and Latin American countries cluster are enjoying low pollution levels and low death rates.

LOL! Swallowing's the propaganda, huh? People aren't going to want to pay more for the energy just because people like you oppose oil.

M'eh..I'm pretty ambivalent about it to be honest. But when the oil producers themselves say that other energies are going to overtake them, I take notice.

They are looking at the political climate and the animosity that the Left has toward their product. There is no economic reason to choose more expensive energies. Just political.

With good reason. People don't like shit in the air. Oil produces a lot of shit in the air. You call it political, I call it environmental.

Beats freezing to death in the winter.
And our high tech economy is pretty nifty too.......
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

Potential destruction of the ground water and water tables for indigineous peoples' communities along the route. The entire Keystone pipeline route endangers groundwater and the water tables in every state it passes through. There have already been leaks.

The obvious solution is to cut your oil useage. Millions of jobs will be created in the change over. Billions of dollars to be made.
Yes, the indigenous peoples protesting the pipeline are so concerned over the environment.

Massive cleanup underway after Dakota Access protesters leave behind environmental mess

Clean-up crews are racing to clear acres of debris at the largest Dakota Access protest camp before the spring thaw turns the snowy, trash-covered plains into an environmental disaster area.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced Friday that the camp, located on federal land, would be closed Feb. 22 in order to “prevent injuries and significant environmental damage in the likely event of flooding in this area” at the mouth of the Cannonball River in North Dakota.

“Without proper remediation, debris, trash, and untreated waste will wash into the Cannonball River and Lake Oahe,” the Corps said in its statement.
Not one ounce of that oil should ever go anywhere else but the US. If we are going to maintain a pipeline we should never allow one drop to go overseas. Morons.
Pandering to special interest groups who helped get him elected

That "special interest group" is the American people, who have indicated that global warming is their biggest concern after covid19.

Your religious beliefs are of no interest to me

View attachment 448938

Tell you what. I will fully embrace the Keystone pipeline as soon as Congress returns to the policy of forbidding the export of gasoline and diesel. I mean it takes one stupid ass nation to export gas and diesel. Giving foreign nations a competitive advantage while increasing costs to American consumers. Helluva stupid.
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?
liberals hate fossile fuel

So much so that they would rather send their money to Saudi Arabia than produce the oil in America

Its totally irrational but thats the sad state of modern liberals
..he said it today--one of America's biggest and most important problems--it's everywhere and affects everything:

WHITE SUPREMACY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If democrats can only come up with a final solution to the white people problem....
They are well on their way to the Hitler end game... They are using the same play book..
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

Your own link makes the case that Keystone was not even needed, because other pipelines that presumably don't take routs that are as ecologically sensitive as XL. will be able to handle the volume. Your link doesn't even mention transport by ship, so what is your point?
Xiden feels more personally threatened by his own extreme leftist greenie goon squads than from Americans upset by high heating and driving costs.

No other reason needed.
LOL! Swallowing's the propaganda, huh? People aren't going to want to pay more for the energy just because people like you oppose oil.

M'eh..I'm pretty ambivalent about it to be honest. But when the oil producers themselves say that other energies are going to overtake them, I take notice.

They are looking at the political climate and the animosity that the Left has toward their product. There is no economic reason to choose more expensive energies. Just political.

With good reason. People don't like shit in the air. Oil produces a lot of shit in the air. You call it political, I call it environmental.

"Oil produces a lot of shit in the air." And yet, most European, North American and Latin American countries cluster are enjoying low pollution levels and low death rates.

That covers off on the major polluters China and India very well..

...oh wait....
Beats freezing to death in the winter.
And our high tech economy is pretty nifty too.......

I agree.
Thing is most people, including Hunarcy, have skin in the game. I'm guessing he is related to the oil industry somewhere. Me? I don't have anything to do with any energy company. I just see what I see. Producing energy via the sun or wind of hydroelectric looks okay to me.
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

By attacking the Keystone pipeline, Xi's man significantly and dramatically lowers domestic energy production. This shifts dependence back to foreign oil, particularly Russia, Iran, and Venezuela - three countries closely aligned with the democrat party who have been decimated by the resurgence of American energy independence.

Beijing Biden took action to repay the three sponsor nations for years of support they have provided to him and to the democrat party.

Biden is working to make OPEC great again.

You didn't even read the OP link, did you? We'll still receive all the Canadian oil we need by pipeline, but it won't be taking the same ecologically sensitive rout that XL takes.
Here is a graphic for dumb fuck ill informed liberals....the nation already has thousands of miles of pipeline.

LIBS, everything they do makes America weaker because they want communism.

You'll notice that none of those other pipelines take the same rout as XL.
Potential destruction of the ground water and water tables for indigineous peoples' communities along the route. The entire Keystone pipeline route endangers groundwater and the water tables in every state it passes through. There have already been leaks.

The obvious solution is to cut your oil useage. Millions of jobs will be created in the change over. Billions of dollars to be made.

You can't really be this stupid.

Okay, maybe you can.

So those thousands of native peoples out there protesting the pipeline were just there for shits and giggles?

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{ The obvious solution is to cut your oil useage. Millions of jobs will be created in the change over. Billions of dollars to be made. }

That ranks right up with

"Eating rocks and dirt is far more nutritious than meats and vegitables.."

But like I said, you probably ARE this stupid.

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