Biden to cancel the Keystone pipeline via executive action on 1st day, Trudeau already complaining, conservatives like Ann Coulter already pouncing!

I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

By attacking the Keystone pipeline, Xi's man significantly and dramatically lowers domestic energy production. This shifts dependence back to foreign oil, particularly Russia, Iran, and Venezuela - three countries closely aligned with the democrat party who have been decimated by the resurgence of American energy independence.

Beijing Biden took action to repay the three sponsor nations for years of support they have provided to him and to the democrat party.

Biden is working to make OPEC great again.

That is about the dumbest damn post I have ever seen. Did the United States annex Canada and I missed it? And I got news for you, that oil that was going to flow through that pipeline has never been intended for the US. Well yeah, the oil was suppose to go the US refineries,, to be processed in to diesel fuel TO EXPORT Meanwhile, the redirection of that oil, from refineries in the Mid-west that do not have access to ports to export their products, to refineries in the Gulf, that do, would result in an increase in gas prices for US consumers. Hell, Transcanada sells oil to those Midwest refineries at a three dollar a barrel discount. It is right there in their business plan, Keystone will eliminate that three dollar discount.

I mean who gives a shit about the environmental risk of Keystone. It takes a bonafide full-fledged flippin IDIOT to support Canada pipelining directly to the Gulf some of the nastiest forms of oil known to man. Send it here so it can be processed here and then sent off to some foreign country. They get the fuel, diesel prices drop in India, and CHINA, and we get stuck with the toxic waste and toxic fumes created while processing that nasty shit. Canada gets more money for their oil. Canada wins. China wins. India wins. And we get stuck with a big fat shit sandwich. You retards need to pull your heads out of your asses, learn something about the oil market, gas prices, hell maybe even understand that Canada has not even hit capacity on the currently existing pipelines. They want to use that nasty ass shit to process in to diesel fuel for China and India they can build their own damn refineries.

Keystone XL Will Increase Gas Prices: Explained | The Nation

The fact is we are doing that already. The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline. They were use to processing heavy crude from Venezuela anyway. The refining industry is booming, naturally. Also, a lot of Americans work in those Canadian oil fields.
So if the oil is being shipped through other sections, why stop Keystone? OH right... because this might happen!
1/2 acre where Keystone leaked less than 1,000 barrels almost all recovered.
View attachment 449258

For the record I'm for finishing this leg of the pipeline. We import millions of barrels of oil from Canada per month and it is the most efficient way to transport the oil.

Did you not even bother to read my initial post in this thread? And I am quite sure you ignored the link. That oil is not destined for Americans. We get the waste products, the fumes, and take all the environmental risk, not to mention the Midwest loses their three dollar a barrel discount. China, India, and European countries get cheaper diesel fuel. The only thing that makes Americans is SUCKERS. What happened to America first? Or was that just a scam all along.

I did. Scam all along. Like I said when I responded to you. " The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline."

Shipping it across the border on railcars is more dangerous to the environment than through a pipeline.

That makes no sense. If Canada was able to ship that nasty shit to the Gulf Coast they wouldn't need the Keystone pipeline. If they were already getting it there there would be no need for the three dollar a barrel discount that they are giving us now. I am not arguing that some of that nasty shit is being transported by rail. But to actually take the position that the oil is coming anyway, at the same volume, by rail or by pipeline, is ignorant. Bottom line, within the very proposal from TransCanada for the pipeline the primary purpose listed is an increase in the price of the oil they send to the United States of three dollars a barrel. That, in and of itself, should be reason enough to deny them that pipeline. I mean you yahoos don't know jackshit about economics.

It's not a question of if. Yes, they want to ship more.

The 1,700 new miles of pipeline would offer two sections of expansion. First, a southern leg would connect Cushing, Oklahoma, where there is a current bottleneck of oil, with the Gulf Coast of Texas, where oil refineries abound. That leg went into operation in January 2014.

The southern leg of the Keystone XL ties into the existing Keystone pipeline that already runs to Canada, bringing up to 700,000 barrels of oil a day to refineries in Texas. At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Well I don't give two shits what Canada wants. America first, right? Tell me, if the pipeline is built Americans pay more for gas, take on the environmental risk of pipeline leaks, the environmental damage of the refining process, and the only positive is a few thousand temporary jobs, how is that America first? Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel, period. Refineries begin ramping up their production capabilities almost ten years ago in expectation. Margins on diesel for export are twice that of gasoline for domestic consumption, it takes a fool to believe that Keystone would lower gasoline prices.

And what dumbass nation exports diesel? That makes no damn sense. It is a critical commodity that impacts the cost of almost everything else. Remember when diesel was cheaper than gasoline? Why you think it costs more now? EXPORTS. And how much more do you pay for everything from produce to cars because of the higher cost of diesel. America first my damn ass. Wake up. By the way, the United States is the world's biggest exporter of diesel fuel, helluva stupid.
NOT one link! "Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel,"
Please you make statements but NO proof!
From your subjective, personal, amateur statement, I take it that the Keystone pipeline was going to contain refined, "diesel" fuel in all the 1,700 miles of pipeline. That's the interpretation of your personal observation.
Now I am by no means a "diesel" fuel expert such as you, did a quick internet search you know, the way intelligent people back up their statements? I didn't find anything that declared the US was the world's biggest exporter.
Please provide proof OK??? Not your personal opinion!

Refined Petroleum Oil Exports by Country 2019 (

Keystone XL is a tar sands pipeline to export oil out of the United States | NRDC

Pay attention. Canada wants the Keystone Pipeline to run oil to the Gulf refineries. Those refineries are in free trade zones and can refine the oil into to diesel and export it out of the country WITHOUT EVEN PAYING TAXES. I mean we get shit every which way but loose. America First? I don't think so. Thank goodness Biden put America first and canceled the damn thing.

You got it right and that's rare on this board.

He's not wrong but he doesn't quite have it right. In Oct last year, the last month they have data for, we imported over 122 million barrel of oil from Canada. It was President Obama who made the deal that US companies could start exporting oil again. Nothing President Biden did is going to stop that. The oil, or tar sand oil from Alberta will still be shipped to the gulf coast refineries.

From what I read he knew Canada would continue the deep discount and continue shipping to the Free Trade Zone.

Stopping the pipeline construction doesn't effect that.
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

By attacking the Keystone pipeline, Xi's man significantly and dramatically lowers domestic energy production. This shifts dependence back to foreign oil, particularly Russia, Iran, and Venezuela - three countries closely aligned with the democrat party who have been decimated by the resurgence of American energy independence.

Beijing Biden took action to repay the three sponsor nations for years of support they have provided to him and to the democrat party.

Biden is working to make OPEC great again.

That is about the dumbest damn post I have ever seen. Did the United States annex Canada and I missed it? And I got news for you, that oil that was going to flow through that pipeline has never been intended for the US. Well yeah, the oil was suppose to go the US refineries,, to be processed in to diesel fuel TO EXPORT Meanwhile, the redirection of that oil, from refineries in the Mid-west that do not have access to ports to export their products, to refineries in the Gulf, that do, would result in an increase in gas prices for US consumers. Hell, Transcanada sells oil to those Midwest refineries at a three dollar a barrel discount. It is right there in their business plan, Keystone will eliminate that three dollar discount.

I mean who gives a shit about the environmental risk of Keystone. It takes a bonafide full-fledged flippin IDIOT to support Canada pipelining directly to the Gulf some of the nastiest forms of oil known to man. Send it here so it can be processed here and then sent off to some foreign country. They get the fuel, diesel prices drop in India, and CHINA, and we get stuck with the toxic waste and toxic fumes created while processing that nasty shit. Canada gets more money for their oil. Canada wins. China wins. India wins. And we get stuck with a big fat shit sandwich. You retards need to pull your heads out of your asses, learn something about the oil market, gas prices, hell maybe even understand that Canada has not even hit capacity on the currently existing pipelines. They want to use that nasty ass shit to process in to diesel fuel for China and India they can build their own damn refineries.

Keystone XL Will Increase Gas Prices: Explained | The Nation

The fact is we are doing that already. The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline. They were use to processing heavy crude from Venezuela anyway. The refining industry is booming, naturally. Also, a lot of Americans work in those Canadian oil fields.
So if the oil is being shipped through other sections, why stop Keystone? OH right... because this might happen!
1/2 acre where Keystone leaked less than 1,000 barrels almost all recovered.
View attachment 449258

For the record I'm for finishing this leg of the pipeline. We import millions of barrels of oil from Canada per month and it is the most efficient way to transport the oil.

Did you not even bother to read my initial post in this thread? And I am quite sure you ignored the link. That oil is not destined for Americans. We get the waste products, the fumes, and take all the environmental risk, not to mention the Midwest loses their three dollar a barrel discount. China, India, and European countries get cheaper diesel fuel. The only thing that makes Americans is SUCKERS. What happened to America first? Or was that just a scam all along.

I did. Scam all along. Like I said when I responded to you. " The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline."

Shipping it across the border on railcars is more dangerous to the environment than through a pipeline.

That makes no sense. If Canada was able to ship that nasty shit to the Gulf Coast they wouldn't need the Keystone pipeline. If they were already getting it there there would be no need for the three dollar a barrel discount that they are giving us now. I am not arguing that some of that nasty shit is being transported by rail. But to actually take the position that the oil is coming anyway, at the same volume, by rail or by pipeline, is ignorant. Bottom line, within the very proposal from TransCanada for the pipeline the primary purpose listed is an increase in the price of the oil they send to the United States of three dollars a barrel. That, in and of itself, should be reason enough to deny them that pipeline. I mean you yahoos don't know jackshit about economics.

It's not a question of if. Yes, they want to ship more.

The 1,700 new miles of pipeline would offer two sections of expansion. First, a southern leg would connect Cushing, Oklahoma, where there is a current bottleneck of oil, with the Gulf Coast of Texas, where oil refineries abound. That leg went into operation in January 2014.

The southern leg of the Keystone XL ties into the existing Keystone pipeline that already runs to Canada, bringing up to 700,000 barrels of oil a day to refineries in Texas. At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Well I don't give two shits what Canada wants. America first, right? Tell me, if the pipeline is built Americans pay more for gas, take on the environmental risk of pipeline leaks, the environmental damage of the refining process, and the only positive is a few thousand temporary jobs, how is that America first? Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel, period. Refineries begin ramping up their production capabilities almost ten years ago in expectation. Margins on diesel for export are twice that of gasoline for domestic consumption, it takes a fool to believe that Keystone would lower gasoline prices.

And what dumbass nation exports diesel? That makes no damn sense. It is a critical commodity that impacts the cost of almost everything else. Remember when diesel was cheaper than gasoline? Why you think it costs more now? EXPORTS. And how much more do you pay for everything from produce to cars because of the higher cost of diesel. America first my damn ass. Wake up. By the way, the United States is the world's biggest exporter of diesel fuel, helluva stupid.
NOT one link! "Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel,"
Please you make statements but NO proof!
From your subjective, personal, amateur statement, I take it that the Keystone pipeline was going to contain refined, "diesel" fuel in all the 1,700 miles of pipeline. That's the interpretation of your personal observation.
Now I am by no means a "diesel" fuel expert such as you, did a quick internet search you know, the way intelligent people back up their statements? I didn't find anything that declared the US was the world's biggest exporter.
Please provide proof OK??? Not your personal opinion!

Refined Petroleum Oil Exports by Country 2019 (

Keystone XL is a tar sands pipeline to export oil out of the United States | NRDC

Pay attention. Canada wants the Keystone Pipeline to run oil to the Gulf refineries. Those refineries are in free trade zones and can refine the oil into to diesel and export it out of the country WITHOUT EVEN PAYING TAXES. I mean we get shit every which way but loose. America First? I don't think so. Thank goodness Biden put America first and canceled the damn thing.

You got it right and that's rare on this board.
So where is YOUR proof that the above statements are FACTS? See dummies like you repeat statements made by others and then people offer that as facts???
Now dummies like you have NO idea what FTZs work or their values.
FTZs are designed to stimulate economic growth and development. In an expanding global market, countries increasingly compete for capital, industry, and jobs, and FTZs promote American competitiveness by encouraging companies to maintain and expand their U.S. operations. The zones accomplish this by removing certain disincentives associated with operating in the U.S.

BUT you and other idiots like Biden are NOT answering the point of this thread... Biden's closure of Keystone now
means Canada HAS to ship that oil via 1 million barrel tankers on the open ocean and you think Exxon Valdez with 45,000 barrels was terrible and is still affecting the environment today... WAIT!

STFU. I sent you clear documentation, the US is the World's largest exporter of refined oil products, by far actually. And you got to wonder just how intelligent that is considering the vitality of fuel and it's component of total costs for almost every product Americans consume. Canada does not HAVE to ship that oil anywhere. They can leave the sludge in the damn ground for all I care. You have set up a false choice and continue to ignore the realities. If Keystone is built, Americans will pay more for gas, will face the environmental risk of both the pipeline and the refining process, and other countries, like India, well get lower diesel fuel prices. America first? Boy but you sure have ran away from that question.

One alternative is to build a pipeline across British Columbia, then the oil will be what? Why placed on tankers. But if Keystone is built, the oil won't be shipped on tankers. Diesel will be shipped on tankers. And guess what,

Diesel is more toxic than unrefined crude oil,

Diesel Spill In Russian Arctic Could Be Putin’s Exxon Valdez (

Your entire argument is STUPID. First, you created a false choice that does not exist. The whole reason behind Keystone is to get Alberta's tarsand oil to a port. So there is no way they can ship it by tanker. Second, if Keystone is built it won't be oil placed on a tanker, it will be diesel, far more toxic and much more difficult to clean up if there is a spill. And finally, there is no way you can support America first and support the Keystone pipeline. For the US, it is a losing proposition.
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

By attacking the Keystone pipeline, Xi's man significantly and dramatically lowers domestic energy production. This shifts dependence back to foreign oil, particularly Russia, Iran, and Venezuela - three countries closely aligned with the democrat party who have been decimated by the resurgence of American energy independence.

Beijing Biden took action to repay the three sponsor nations for years of support they have provided to him and to the democrat party.

Biden is working to make OPEC great again.

That is about the dumbest damn post I have ever seen. Did the United States annex Canada and I missed it? And I got news for you, that oil that was going to flow through that pipeline has never been intended for the US. Well yeah, the oil was suppose to go the US refineries,, to be processed in to diesel fuel TO EXPORT Meanwhile, the redirection of that oil, from refineries in the Mid-west that do not have access to ports to export their products, to refineries in the Gulf, that do, would result in an increase in gas prices for US consumers. Hell, Transcanada sells oil to those Midwest refineries at a three dollar a barrel discount. It is right there in their business plan, Keystone will eliminate that three dollar discount.

I mean who gives a shit about the environmental risk of Keystone. It takes a bonafide full-fledged flippin IDIOT to support Canada pipelining directly to the Gulf some of the nastiest forms of oil known to man. Send it here so it can be processed here and then sent off to some foreign country. They get the fuel, diesel prices drop in India, and CHINA, and we get stuck with the toxic waste and toxic fumes created while processing that nasty shit. Canada gets more money for their oil. Canada wins. China wins. India wins. And we get stuck with a big fat shit sandwich. You retards need to pull your heads out of your asses, learn something about the oil market, gas prices, hell maybe even understand that Canada has not even hit capacity on the currently existing pipelines. They want to use that nasty ass shit to process in to diesel fuel for China and India they can build their own damn refineries.

Keystone XL Will Increase Gas Prices: Explained | The Nation

The fact is we are doing that already. The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline. They were use to processing heavy crude from Venezuela anyway. The refining industry is booming, naturally. Also, a lot of Americans work in those Canadian oil fields.
So if the oil is being shipped through other sections, why stop Keystone? OH right... because this might happen!
1/2 acre where Keystone leaked less than 1,000 barrels almost all recovered.
View attachment 449258

For the record I'm for finishing this leg of the pipeline. We import millions of barrels of oil from Canada per month and it is the most efficient way to transport the oil.

Did you not even bother to read my initial post in this thread? And I am quite sure you ignored the link. That oil is not destined for Americans. We get the waste products, the fumes, and take all the environmental risk, not to mention the Midwest loses their three dollar a barrel discount. China, India, and European countries get cheaper diesel fuel. The only thing that makes Americans is SUCKERS. What happened to America first? Or was that just a scam all along.

I did. Scam all along. Like I said when I responded to you. " The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline."

Shipping it across the border on railcars is more dangerous to the environment than through a pipeline.

That makes no sense. If Canada was able to ship that nasty shit to the Gulf Coast they wouldn't need the Keystone pipeline. If they were already getting it there there would be no need for the three dollar a barrel discount that they are giving us now. I am not arguing that some of that nasty shit is being transported by rail. But to actually take the position that the oil is coming anyway, at the same volume, by rail or by pipeline, is ignorant. Bottom line, within the very proposal from TransCanada for the pipeline the primary purpose listed is an increase in the price of the oil they send to the United States of three dollars a barrel. That, in and of itself, should be reason enough to deny them that pipeline. I mean you yahoos don't know jackshit about economics.

It's not a question of if. Yes, they want to ship more.

The 1,700 new miles of pipeline would offer two sections of expansion. First, a southern leg would connect Cushing, Oklahoma, where there is a current bottleneck of oil, with the Gulf Coast of Texas, where oil refineries abound. That leg went into operation in January 2014.

The southern leg of the Keystone XL ties into the existing Keystone pipeline that already runs to Canada, bringing up to 700,000 barrels of oil a day to refineries in Texas. At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Well I don't give two shits what Canada wants. America first, right? Tell me, if the pipeline is built Americans pay more for gas, take on the environmental risk of pipeline leaks, the environmental damage of the refining process, and the only positive is a few thousand temporary jobs, how is that America first? Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel, period. Refineries begin ramping up their production capabilities almost ten years ago in expectation. Margins on diesel for export are twice that of gasoline for domestic consumption, it takes a fool to believe that Keystone would lower gasoline prices.

And what dumbass nation exports diesel? That makes no damn sense. It is a critical commodity that impacts the cost of almost everything else. Remember when diesel was cheaper than gasoline? Why you think it costs more now? EXPORTS. And how much more do you pay for everything from produce to cars because of the higher cost of diesel. America first my damn ass. Wake up. By the way, the United States is the world's biggest exporter of diesel fuel, helluva stupid.
NOT one link! "Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel,"
Please you make statements but NO proof!
From your subjective, personal, amateur statement, I take it that the Keystone pipeline was going to contain refined, "diesel" fuel in all the 1,700 miles of pipeline. That's the interpretation of your personal observation.
Now I am by no means a "diesel" fuel expert such as you, did a quick internet search you know, the way intelligent people back up their statements? I didn't find anything that declared the US was the world's biggest exporter.
Please provide proof OK??? Not your personal opinion!

Refined Petroleum Oil Exports by Country 2019 (

Keystone XL is a tar sands pipeline to export oil out of the United States | NRDC

Pay attention. Canada wants the Keystone Pipeline to run oil to the Gulf refineries. Those refineries are in free trade zones and can refine the oil into to diesel and export it out of the country WITHOUT EVEN PAYING TAXES. I mean we get shit every which way but loose. America First? I don't think so. Thank goodness Biden put America first and canceled the damn thing.

You got it right and that's rare on this board.
So where is YOUR proof that the above statements are FACTS? See dummies like you repeat statements made by others and then people offer that as facts???
Now dummies like you have NO idea what FTZs work or their values.
FTZs are designed to stimulate economic growth and development. In an expanding global market, countries increasingly compete for capital, industry, and jobs, and FTZs promote American competitiveness by encouraging companies to maintain and expand their U.S. operations. The zones accomplish this by removing certain disincentives associated with operating in the U.S.

BUT you and other idiots like Biden are NOT answering the point of this thread... Biden's closure of Keystone now
means Canada HAS to ship that oil via 1 million barrel tankers on the open ocean and you think Exxon Valdez with 45,000 barrels was terrible and is still affecting the environment today... WAIT!

LOLOL.. .. Look at a map.. See Hardisty?

FACTS folks!!!
One potential impact of Joe Biden’s presidency: more oil tankers off Victoria.
You won’t see him having to fight his way through a phalanx of protesters waving inflatable whales, though, not like Justin Trudeau in James Bay.
The extra Trans Mountain traffic would be added to the thousands of commercial vessels that pass through our waters each year. They include the oil tankers that Victorians already see in the distance, roughly one of them a day, carrying crude from Alaska, Russia and elsewhere to Washington state’s five Puget Sound refineries, four of which are within 60 kilometres of Greater Victoria.

In fact, according to The Wall Street Journal,
“The Obama State Department found five separate times that the pipeline would have no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since crude would still be extracted.
Shipping bitumen by rail or tanker would result in 28% to 42% higher CO2 emissions and more leaks.” The oil will keep coming, but if the pipeline is not built, it will arrive on much less carbon-efficient tankers, releasing more greenhouse gases.

Sukhayl Niyazov?

For real? What, is he like twelve? Libertarian, writer for the Federalist, and he probably is not even out of High School yet. Damn but that is funny.
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

By attacking the Keystone pipeline, Xi's man significantly and dramatically lowers domestic energy production. This shifts dependence back to foreign oil, particularly Russia, Iran, and Venezuela - three countries closely aligned with the democrat party who have been decimated by the resurgence of American energy independence.

Beijing Biden took action to repay the three sponsor nations for years of support they have provided to him and to the democrat party.

Biden is working to make OPEC great again.

That is about the dumbest damn post I have ever seen. Did the United States annex Canada and I missed it? And I got news for you, that oil that was going to flow through that pipeline has never been intended for the US. Well yeah, the oil was suppose to go the US refineries,, to be processed in to diesel fuel TO EXPORT Meanwhile, the redirection of that oil, from refineries in the Mid-west that do not have access to ports to export their products, to refineries in the Gulf, that do, would result in an increase in gas prices for US consumers. Hell, Transcanada sells oil to those Midwest refineries at a three dollar a barrel discount. It is right there in their business plan, Keystone will eliminate that three dollar discount.

I mean who gives a shit about the environmental risk of Keystone. It takes a bonafide full-fledged flippin IDIOT to support Canada pipelining directly to the Gulf some of the nastiest forms of oil known to man. Send it here so it can be processed here and then sent off to some foreign country. They get the fuel, diesel prices drop in India, and CHINA, and we get stuck with the toxic waste and toxic fumes created while processing that nasty shit. Canada gets more money for their oil. Canada wins. China wins. India wins. And we get stuck with a big fat shit sandwich. You retards need to pull your heads out of your asses, learn something about the oil market, gas prices, hell maybe even understand that Canada has not even hit capacity on the currently existing pipelines. They want to use that nasty ass shit to process in to diesel fuel for China and India they can build their own damn refineries.

Keystone XL Will Increase Gas Prices: Explained | The Nation

The fact is we are doing that already. The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline. They were use to processing heavy crude from Venezuela anyway. The refining industry is booming, naturally. Also, a lot of Americans work in those Canadian oil fields.
So if the oil is being shipped through other sections, why stop Keystone? OH right... because this might happen!
1/2 acre where Keystone leaked less than 1,000 barrels almost all recovered.
View attachment 449258

For the record I'm for finishing this leg of the pipeline. We import millions of barrels of oil from Canada per month and it is the most efficient way to transport the oil.

Did you not even bother to read my initial post in this thread? And I am quite sure you ignored the link. That oil is not destined for Americans. We get the waste products, the fumes, and take all the environmental risk, not to mention the Midwest loses their three dollar a barrel discount. China, India, and European countries get cheaper diesel fuel. The only thing that makes Americans is SUCKERS. What happened to America first? Or was that just a scam all along.

I did. Scam all along. Like I said when I responded to you. " The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline."

Shipping it across the border on railcars is more dangerous to the environment than through a pipeline.

That makes no sense. If Canada was able to ship that nasty shit to the Gulf Coast they wouldn't need the Keystone pipeline. If they were already getting it there there would be no need for the three dollar a barrel discount that they are giving us now. I am not arguing that some of that nasty shit is being transported by rail. But to actually take the position that the oil is coming anyway, at the same volume, by rail or by pipeline, is ignorant. Bottom line, within the very proposal from TransCanada for the pipeline the primary purpose listed is an increase in the price of the oil they send to the United States of three dollars a barrel. That, in and of itself, should be reason enough to deny them that pipeline. I mean you yahoos don't know jackshit about economics.

It's not a question of if. Yes, they want to ship more.

The 1,700 new miles of pipeline would offer two sections of expansion. First, a southern leg would connect Cushing, Oklahoma, where there is a current bottleneck of oil, with the Gulf Coast of Texas, where oil refineries abound. That leg went into operation in January 2014.

The southern leg of the Keystone XL ties into the existing Keystone pipeline that already runs to Canada, bringing up to 700,000 barrels of oil a day to refineries in Texas. At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Well I don't give two shits what Canada wants. America first, right? Tell me, if the pipeline is built Americans pay more for gas, take on the environmental risk of pipeline leaks, the environmental damage of the refining process, and the only positive is a few thousand temporary jobs, how is that America first? Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel, period. Refineries begin ramping up their production capabilities almost ten years ago in expectation. Margins on diesel for export are twice that of gasoline for domestic consumption, it takes a fool to believe that Keystone would lower gasoline prices.

And what dumbass nation exports diesel? That makes no damn sense. It is a critical commodity that impacts the cost of almost everything else. Remember when diesel was cheaper than gasoline? Why you think it costs more now? EXPORTS. And how much more do you pay for everything from produce to cars because of the higher cost of diesel. America first my damn ass. Wake up. By the way, the United States is the world's biggest exporter of diesel fuel, helluva stupid.
NOT one link! "Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel,"
Please you make statements but NO proof!
From your subjective, personal, amateur statement, I take it that the Keystone pipeline was going to contain refined, "diesel" fuel in all the 1,700 miles of pipeline. That's the interpretation of your personal observation.
Now I am by no means a "diesel" fuel expert such as you, did a quick internet search you know, the way intelligent people back up their statements? I didn't find anything that declared the US was the world's biggest exporter.
Please provide proof OK??? Not your personal opinion!

Refined Petroleum Oil Exports by Country 2019 (

Keystone XL is a tar sands pipeline to export oil out of the United States | NRDC

Pay attention. Canada wants the Keystone Pipeline to run oil to the Gulf refineries. Those refineries are in free trade zones and can refine the oil into to diesel and export it out of the country WITHOUT EVEN PAYING TAXES. I mean we get shit every which way but loose. America First? I don't think so. Thank goodness Biden put America first and canceled the damn thing.

You got it right and that's rare on this board.

He's not wrong but he doesn't quite have it right. In Oct last year, the last month they have data for, we imported over 122 million barrel of oil from Canada. It was President Obama who made the deal that US companies could start exporting oil again. Nothing President Biden did is going to stop that. The oil, or tar sand oil from Alberta will still be shipped to the gulf coast refineries.

From what I read he knew Canada would continue the deep discount and continue shipping to the Free Trade Zone.

Stopping the pipeline construction doesn't effect that.

I know...
FACTS folks!!!
One potential impact of Joe Biden’s presidency: more oil tankers off Victoria.
You won’t see him having to fight his way through a phalanx of protesters waving inflatable whales, though, not like Justin Trudeau in James Bay.
The extra Trans Mountain traffic would be added to the thousands of commercial vessels that pass through our waters each year. They include the oil tankers that Victorians already see in the distance, roughly one of them a day, carrying crude from Alaska, Russia and elsewhere to Washington state’s five Puget Sound refineries, four of which are within 60 kilometres of Greater Victoria.

In fact, according to The Wall Street Journal,
“The Obama State Department found five separate times that the pipeline would have no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since crude would still be extracted.
Shipping bitumen by rail or tanker would result in 28% to 42% higher CO2 emissions and more leaks.” The oil will keep coming, but if the pipeline is not built, it will arrive on much less carbon-efficient tankers, releasing more greenhouse gases.

Sukhayl Niyazov?

For real? What, is he like twelve? Libertarian, writer for the Federalist, and he probably is not even out of High School yet. Damn but that is funny.
Racist! Making fun of a person's name is the first sign of a racist!
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

By attacking the Keystone pipeline, Xi's man significantly and dramatically lowers domestic energy production. This shifts dependence back to foreign oil, particularly Russia, Iran, and Venezuela - three countries closely aligned with the democrat party who have been decimated by the resurgence of American energy independence.

Beijing Biden took action to repay the three sponsor nations for years of support they have provided to him and to the democrat party.

Biden is working to make OPEC great again.

That is about the dumbest damn post I have ever seen. Did the United States annex Canada and I missed it? And I got news for you, that oil that was going to flow through that pipeline has never been intended for the US. Well yeah, the oil was suppose to go the US refineries,, to be processed in to diesel fuel TO EXPORT Meanwhile, the redirection of that oil, from refineries in the Mid-west that do not have access to ports to export their products, to refineries in the Gulf, that do, would result in an increase in gas prices for US consumers. Hell, Transcanada sells oil to those Midwest refineries at a three dollar a barrel discount. It is right there in their business plan, Keystone will eliminate that three dollar discount.

I mean who gives a shit about the environmental risk of Keystone. It takes a bonafide full-fledged flippin IDIOT to support Canada pipelining directly to the Gulf some of the nastiest forms of oil known to man. Send it here so it can be processed here and then sent off to some foreign country. They get the fuel, diesel prices drop in India, and CHINA, and we get stuck with the toxic waste and toxic fumes created while processing that nasty shit. Canada gets more money for their oil. Canada wins. China wins. India wins. And we get stuck with a big fat shit sandwich. You retards need to pull your heads out of your asses, learn something about the oil market, gas prices, hell maybe even understand that Canada has not even hit capacity on the currently existing pipelines. They want to use that nasty ass shit to process in to diesel fuel for China and India they can build their own damn refineries.

Keystone XL Will Increase Gas Prices: Explained | The Nation

The fact is we are doing that already. The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline. They were use to processing heavy crude from Venezuela anyway. The refining industry is booming, naturally. Also, a lot of Americans work in those Canadian oil fields.
So if the oil is being shipped through other sections, why stop Keystone? OH right... because this might happen!
1/2 acre where Keystone leaked less than 1,000 barrels almost all recovered.
View attachment 449258

For the record I'm for finishing this leg of the pipeline. We import millions of barrels of oil from Canada per month and it is the most efficient way to transport the oil.

Did you not even bother to read my initial post in this thread? And I am quite sure you ignored the link. That oil is not destined for Americans. We get the waste products, the fumes, and take all the environmental risk, not to mention the Midwest loses their three dollar a barrel discount. China, India, and European countries get cheaper diesel fuel. The only thing that makes Americans is SUCKERS. What happened to America first? Or was that just a scam all along.

I did. Scam all along. Like I said when I responded to you. " The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline."

Shipping it across the border on railcars is more dangerous to the environment than through a pipeline.

That makes no sense. If Canada was able to ship that nasty shit to the Gulf Coast they wouldn't need the Keystone pipeline. If they were already getting it there there would be no need for the three dollar a barrel discount that they are giving us now. I am not arguing that some of that nasty shit is being transported by rail. But to actually take the position that the oil is coming anyway, at the same volume, by rail or by pipeline, is ignorant. Bottom line, within the very proposal from TransCanada for the pipeline the primary purpose listed is an increase in the price of the oil they send to the United States of three dollars a barrel. That, in and of itself, should be reason enough to deny them that pipeline. I mean you yahoos don't know jackshit about economics.

It's not a question of if. Yes, they want to ship more.

The 1,700 new miles of pipeline would offer two sections of expansion. First, a southern leg would connect Cushing, Oklahoma, where there is a current bottleneck of oil, with the Gulf Coast of Texas, where oil refineries abound. That leg went into operation in January 2014.

The southern leg of the Keystone XL ties into the existing Keystone pipeline that already runs to Canada, bringing up to 700,000 barrels of oil a day to refineries in Texas. At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Well I don't give two shits what Canada wants. America first, right? Tell me, if the pipeline is built Americans pay more for gas, take on the environmental risk of pipeline leaks, the environmental damage of the refining process, and the only positive is a few thousand temporary jobs, how is that America first? Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel, period. Refineries begin ramping up their production capabilities almost ten years ago in expectation. Margins on diesel for export are twice that of gasoline for domestic consumption, it takes a fool to believe that Keystone would lower gasoline prices.

And what dumbass nation exports diesel? That makes no damn sense. It is a critical commodity that impacts the cost of almost everything else. Remember when diesel was cheaper than gasoline? Why you think it costs more now? EXPORTS. And how much more do you pay for everything from produce to cars because of the higher cost of diesel. America first my damn ass. Wake up. By the way, the United States is the world's biggest exporter of diesel fuel, helluva stupid.
NOT one link! "Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel,"
Please you make statements but NO proof!
From your subjective, personal, amateur statement, I take it that the Keystone pipeline was going to contain refined, "diesel" fuel in all the 1,700 miles of pipeline. That's the interpretation of your personal observation.
Now I am by no means a "diesel" fuel expert such as you, did a quick internet search you know, the way intelligent people back up their statements? I didn't find anything that declared the US was the world's biggest exporter.
Please provide proof OK??? Not your personal opinion!

Refined Petroleum Oil Exports by Country 2019 (

Keystone XL is a tar sands pipeline to export oil out of the United States | NRDC

Pay attention. Canada wants the Keystone Pipeline to run oil to the Gulf refineries. Those refineries are in free trade zones and can refine the oil into to diesel and export it out of the country WITHOUT EVEN PAYING TAXES. I mean we get shit every which way but loose. America First? I don't think so. Thank goodness Biden put America first and canceled the damn thing.

You got it right and that's rare on this board.
So where is YOUR proof that the above statements are FACTS? See dummies like you repeat statements made by others and then people offer that as facts???
Now dummies like you have NO idea what FTZs work or their values.
FTZs are designed to stimulate economic growth and development. In an expanding global market, countries increasingly compete for capital, industry, and jobs, and FTZs promote American competitiveness by encouraging companies to maintain and expand their U.S. operations. The zones accomplish this by removing certain disincentives associated with operating in the U.S.

BUT you and other idiots like Biden are NOT answering the point of this thread... Biden's closure of Keystone now
means Canada HAS to ship that oil via 1 million barrel tankers on the open ocean and you think Exxon Valdez with 45,000 barrels was terrible and is still affecting the environment today... WAIT!

STFU. I sent you clear documentation, the US is the World's largest exporter of refined oil products, by far actually. And you got to wonder just how intelligent that is considering the vitality of fuel and it's component of total costs for almost every product Americans consume. Canada does not HAVE to ship that oil anywhere. They can leave the sludge in the damn ground for all I care. You have set up a false choice and continue to ignore the realities. If Keystone is built, Americans will pay more for gas, will face the environmental risk of both the pipeline and the refining process, and other countries, like India, well get lower diesel fuel prices. America first? Boy but you sure have ran away from that question.

One alternative is to build a pipeline across British Columbia, then the oil will be what? Why placed on tankers. But if Keystone is built, the oil won't be shipped on tankers. Diesel will be shipped on tankers. And guess what,

Diesel is more toxic than unrefined crude oil,

Diesel Spill In Russian Arctic Could Be Putin’s Exxon Valdez (

Your entire argument is STUPID. First, you created a false choice that does not exist. The whole reason behind Keystone is to get Alberta's tarsand oil to a port. So there is no way they can ship it by tanker. Second, if Keystone is built it won't be oil placed on a tanker, it will be diesel, far more toxic and much more difficult to clean up if there is a spill. And finally, there is no way you can support America first and support the Keystone pipeline. For the US, it is a losing proposition.
Dummy!!! You wrote your OWN personal WRONG opinion..
"Keystone is to get Alberta's tarsand oil to a port. So there is no way they can ship it by tanker."
So wrong!!

Oil Tankers May Carry Harmful Tar Sands Through Bay Area Waters
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

By attacking the Keystone pipeline, Xi's man significantly and dramatically lowers domestic energy production. This shifts dependence back to foreign oil, particularly Russia, Iran, and Venezuela - three countries closely aligned with the democrat party who have been decimated by the resurgence of American energy independence.

Beijing Biden took action to repay the three sponsor nations for years of support they have provided to him and to the democrat party.

Biden is working to make OPEC great again.

That is about the dumbest damn post I have ever seen. Did the United States annex Canada and I missed it? And I got news for you, that oil that was going to flow through that pipeline has never been intended for the US. Well yeah, the oil was suppose to go the US refineries,, to be processed in to diesel fuel TO EXPORT Meanwhile, the redirection of that oil, from refineries in the Mid-west that do not have access to ports to export their products, to refineries in the Gulf, that do, would result in an increase in gas prices for US consumers. Hell, Transcanada sells oil to those Midwest refineries at a three dollar a barrel discount. It is right there in their business plan, Keystone will eliminate that three dollar discount.

I mean who gives a shit about the environmental risk of Keystone. It takes a bonafide full-fledged flippin IDIOT to support Canada pipelining directly to the Gulf some of the nastiest forms of oil known to man. Send it here so it can be processed here and then sent off to some foreign country. They get the fuel, diesel prices drop in India, and CHINA, and we get stuck with the toxic waste and toxic fumes created while processing that nasty shit. Canada gets more money for their oil. Canada wins. China wins. India wins. And we get stuck with a big fat shit sandwich. You retards need to pull your heads out of your asses, learn something about the oil market, gas prices, hell maybe even understand that Canada has not even hit capacity on the currently existing pipelines. They want to use that nasty ass shit to process in to diesel fuel for China and India they can build their own damn refineries.

Keystone XL Will Increase Gas Prices: Explained | The Nation

The fact is we are doing that already. The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline. They were use to processing heavy crude from Venezuela anyway. The refining industry is booming, naturally. Also, a lot of Americans work in those Canadian oil fields.
So if the oil is being shipped through other sections, why stop Keystone? OH right... because this might happen!
1/2 acre where Keystone leaked less than 1,000 barrels almost all recovered.
View attachment 449258

For the record I'm for finishing this leg of the pipeline. We import millions of barrels of oil from Canada per month and it is the most efficient way to transport the oil.

Did you not even bother to read my initial post in this thread? And I am quite sure you ignored the link. That oil is not destined for Americans. We get the waste products, the fumes, and take all the environmental risk, not to mention the Midwest loses their three dollar a barrel discount. China, India, and European countries get cheaper diesel fuel. The only thing that makes Americans is SUCKERS. What happened to America first? Or was that just a scam all along.

I did. Scam all along. Like I said when I responded to you. " The oil or bitumen slurry, is being shipped across the border on railcars, then sent to the gulf coast and other refineries through the completed section of the pipeline."

Shipping it across the border on railcars is more dangerous to the environment than through a pipeline.

That makes no sense. If Canada was able to ship that nasty shit to the Gulf Coast they wouldn't need the Keystone pipeline. If they were already getting it there there would be no need for the three dollar a barrel discount that they are giving us now. I am not arguing that some of that nasty shit is being transported by rail. But to actually take the position that the oil is coming anyway, at the same volume, by rail or by pipeline, is ignorant. Bottom line, within the very proposal from TransCanada for the pipeline the primary purpose listed is an increase in the price of the oil they send to the United States of three dollars a barrel. That, in and of itself, should be reason enough to deny them that pipeline. I mean you yahoos don't know jackshit about economics.

It's not a question of if. Yes, they want to ship more.

The 1,700 new miles of pipeline would offer two sections of expansion. First, a southern leg would connect Cushing, Oklahoma, where there is a current bottleneck of oil, with the Gulf Coast of Texas, where oil refineries abound. That leg went into operation in January 2014.

The southern leg of the Keystone XL ties into the existing Keystone pipeline that already runs to Canada, bringing up to 700,000 barrels of oil a day to refineries in Texas. At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Well I don't give two shits what Canada wants. America first, right? Tell me, if the pipeline is built Americans pay more for gas, take on the environmental risk of pipeline leaks, the environmental damage of the refining process, and the only positive is a few thousand temporary jobs, how is that America first? Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel, period. Refineries begin ramping up their production capabilities almost ten years ago in expectation. Margins on diesel for export are twice that of gasoline for domestic consumption, it takes a fool to believe that Keystone would lower gasoline prices.

And what dumbass nation exports diesel? That makes no damn sense. It is a critical commodity that impacts the cost of almost everything else. Remember when diesel was cheaper than gasoline? Why you think it costs more now? EXPORTS. And how much more do you pay for everything from produce to cars because of the higher cost of diesel. America first my damn ass. Wake up. By the way, the United States is the world's biggest exporter of diesel fuel, helluva stupid.
NOT one link! "Keystone has been about nothing but exporting diesel,"
Please you make statements but NO proof!
From your subjective, personal, amateur statement, I take it that the Keystone pipeline was going to contain refined, "diesel" fuel in all the 1,700 miles of pipeline. That's the interpretation of your personal observation.
Now I am by no means a "diesel" fuel expert such as you, did a quick internet search you know, the way intelligent people back up their statements? I didn't find anything that declared the US was the world's biggest exporter.
Please provide proof OK??? Not your personal opinion!

Refined Petroleum Oil Exports by Country 2019 (

Keystone XL is a tar sands pipeline to export oil out of the United States | NRDC

Pay attention. Canada wants the Keystone Pipeline to run oil to the Gulf refineries. Those refineries are in free trade zones and can refine the oil into to diesel and export it out of the country WITHOUT EVEN PAYING TAXES. I mean we get shit every which way but loose. America First? I don't think so. Thank goodness Biden put America first and canceled the damn thing.

You got it right and that's rare on this board.
So where is YOUR proof that the above statements are FACTS? See dummies like you repeat statements made by others and then people offer that as facts???
Now dummies like you have NO idea what FTZs work or their values.
FTZs are designed to stimulate economic growth and development. In an expanding global market, countries increasingly compete for capital, industry, and jobs, and FTZs promote American competitiveness by encouraging companies to maintain and expand their U.S. operations. The zones accomplish this by removing certain disincentives associated with operating in the U.S.

BUT you and other idiots like Biden are NOT answering the point of this thread... Biden's closure of Keystone now
means Canada HAS to ship that oil via 1 million barrel tankers on the open ocean and you think Exxon Valdez with 45,000 barrels was terrible and is still affecting the environment today... WAIT!

STFU. I sent you clear documentation, the US is the World's largest exporter of refined oil products, by far actually. And you got to wonder just how intelligent that is considering the vitality of fuel and it's component of total costs for almost every product Americans consume. Canada does not HAVE to ship that oil anywhere. They can leave the sludge in the damn ground for all I care. You have set up a false choice and continue to ignore the realities. If Keystone is built, Americans will pay more for gas, will face the environmental risk of both the pipeline and the refining process, and other countries, like India, well get lower diesel fuel prices. America first? Boy but you sure have ran away from that question.

One alternative is to build a pipeline across British Columbia, then the oil will be what? Why placed on tankers. But if Keystone is built, the oil won't be shipped on tankers. Diesel will be shipped on tankers. And guess what,

Diesel is more toxic than unrefined crude oil,

Diesel Spill In Russian Arctic Could Be Putin’s Exxon Valdez (

Your entire argument is STUPID. First, you created a false choice that does not exist. The whole reason behind Keystone is to get Alberta's tarsand oil to a port. So there is no way they can ship it by tanker. Second, if Keystone is built it won't be oil placed on a tanker, it will be diesel, far more toxic and much more difficult to clean up if there is a spill. And finally, there is no way you can support America first and support the Keystone pipeline. For the US, it is a losing proposition.
Dummy!!! You wrote your OWN personal WRONG opinion..
"Keystone is to get Alberta's tarsand oil to a port. So there is no way they can ship it by tanker."
So wrong!!

Oil Tankers May Carry Harmful Tar Sands Through Bay Area Waters

The Canadians should refine their sludge in Canada and ship gasoline to the world.
I'm asking that question because from my understanding of critics of Keystone, the danger of oil spills damaging the environment is the number one reason. Do all of you that oppose Keystone agree? What other reason can there possibly be?

OK... so let's consider the damage that COULD be done if Keystone is not completed.
The pipeline, which has been in development for more than a decade, aims to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta tar sands in Canada to refineries along the US’ Gulf Coast. Faced with lawsuits and strong opposition from environmental groups, the project was rejected by the Obama-Biden administration in 2015 over “environmental concerns” – a decision reversed by Donald Trump in 2017.

So as an alternative Canada’s government is also expanding the state-owned Trans Mountain line by 590,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd. That line terminates at the Port of Vancouver, where it should be able to deliver
1,000,000 barrels via tankers per day to the United States.

So delivering oil by tankers to the USA using the open oceans seems to be an alternative.

HMMM... let's see.. 1,000,000 barrels traveling on the open ocean down to USA is safer than 830,000 barrels traveling 1,700 miles or less than 500 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land through pipes with 16 monitors per mile.
Hmmm... which would be more dangerous? Remember 1989 Exxon Valdez?

Please someone explain how environmentalists can be in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean?

That's very easy.


Nothing living on this planet can live without it.

We don't have that pipeline and have no benefit from it yet so we won't be losing anything.

Only those who invested in it will lose.

That pipeline is allowed to cross The Ogallala Aquifer, America's largest aquifer.

Which is located in what is called "America's Bread Basket." Millions of farms depend on that water. Millions of Americans depend on that water.

It is beyond stupid to allow that pipeline to come anywhere near that aquifer. Especially since it's not even tar sand from America. It's tar sand from Canada. Let Canada put their environment at risk. Oh yeah, Canada won't do that.

The fact that you even have to ask is insulting to every intelligent person on this board.

Do you know how many pipelines already cross the Ogallala? Producing oil wells?

Yes I do.

Why add another one?

This isn't regular oil. It's tar sand and it's from Canada.

Tar sand is much more toxic than regular oil and much harder to clean up if spilled.

It's not even our tar sand. It's Canada's. Let them put their environment at risk. Not ours.

We don't need that pipeline. I'm glad that Biden stopped it.

I respect your opinion. I just think it is a better option that what is in use right now.

“It Doesn’t Make Any Sense – They Took It!
– MUST SEE: Black Keystone Pipeline Worker GOES OFF After Biden Fires Him and 10,000 Co-Workers (VIDEO)

The Federal Government does not make jobs or generate revenue. The PRIVATE SECTOR does that.

The Federal Government SEIZES the money they have through taxation, and, as Biden demonstrated with the use of his EO-signing pen, the government DESTROYS / TAKES AWAY jobs.

Biden's and McCarthy's BULLSHIT about the government having to destroy jobs to create new ones, that other jobs would simply magically appear for these fired Americans to take was / is just that - BULLSHIT.

What Biden is doing is tantamount to Sherman burning his way through the conquered south....and millions of Americans are watching the war being waged by the Left on Americans and the lives being destroyed...and the division they have sewn is only growing.

“It just doesn’t f*ckin make any sense. It doesn’t make any sense. HOW! Did Donald Trump… I know how – They took it! They didn’t steal the election. When you steal something that’s when no one knows that you took it. But they outright boldly went in and said, “We’re gonna f*cking take this presidency from you. Screw the American people. Screw you, Donald Trump. Screw everybody! America last! Oh, and by the way, you guys are going to lose your job!

For Democrats / snowflakes, those who are ruled / driven by emotion, I highly suggest you watch the video. It's ... sadly ... amazing.

'If you don't vote for me, YOU AIN'T BLACK'.


If you don't vote for me, YOU AIN'T BLACK....and if you DO, I'm going to take everything from you.

I am going to take your jobs.

I am going to take your livelihood.

I am going to take away your income.

I am going to take away your ability to provide for your family.

I am going to take away your homes / your ability to own a home.

I am going to take away your independence you have earned.

I'm going to make you once again dependent on the government, on Democrats.

I will re-instate the policies of 'Economic Slavery' and return Americans back to the Democrat 'plantations'.

Just ask HIM:

“It Doesn’t Make Any Sense – They Took It!
Hootie was working on the pipeline?

Man...are there any jobs left that are not supposedly being destroyed by Biden according to all of these "The sky is falling" posts.
Hootie was working on the pipeline?

Man...are there any jobs left that are not supposedly being destroyed by Biden according to all of these "The sky is falling" posts.
You're taking your Party's "Kill the Umpire if he criticizes our decisions" threat way too seriously, toots. Did you know that candy corn will rot your teeth faster than mere sugar? Heh.
Being a bit racist there champ, they don't all look alike.

No, I am not being racist. No, they do not all look alike.

This man's passionate testimony of what Joe Biden just did to 10,000+ Americans is what is so powerful, and his video speaks for itself.

Biden and the Democrats are destroying the lives of Americans of all colors and races; however, BIDEN specifically, racistly targeted Blacks when he declared, "If you're not voting for me, you ain't black".

This man's testimony, the video, is especially powerful because his is a testimony of how Biden repaid blacks who voted for him, how he betrayed them.

Showing this, pointing this out, is NOT 'racist'. It exposes the 'racism' of the Left.
'If you don't vote for me, YOU AIN'T BLACK'.


If you don't vote for me, YOU AIN'T BLACK....and if you DO, I'm going to take everything from you.

I am going to take your jobs.

I am going to take your livelihood.

I am going to take away your income.

I am going to take away your ability to provide for your family.

I am going to take away your homes / your ability to own a home.

I am going to take away your independence you have earned.

I'm going to make you once again dependent on the government, on Democrats.

I will re-instate the policies of 'Economic Slavery' and return Americans back to the Democrat 'plantations'.

Just ask HIM:

“It Doesn’t Make Any Sense – They Took It!
he didn't work on the pipeline all they hired was illegal aliens.

“It Doesn’t Make Any Sense – They Took It!
– MUST SEE: Black Keystone Pipeline Worker GOES OFF After Biden Fires Him and 10,000 Co-Workers (VIDEO)

The Federal Government does not make jobs or generate revenue. The PRIVATE SECTOR does that.

The Federal Government SEIZES the money they have through taxation, and, as Biden demonstrated with the use of his EO-signing pen, the government DESTROYS / TAKES AWAY jobs.

Biden's and McCarthy's BULLSHIT about the government having to destroy jobs to create new ones, that other jobs would simply magically appear for these fired Americans to take was / is just that - BULLSHIT.

What Biden is doing is tantamount to Sherman burning his way through the conquered south....and millions of Americans are watching the war being waged by the Left on Americans and the lives being destroyed...and the division they have sewn is only growing.

“It just doesn’t f*ckin make any sense. It doesn’t make any sense. HOW! Did Donald Trump… I know how – They took it! They didn’t steal the election. When you steal something that’s when no one knows that you took it. But they outright boldly went in and said, “We’re gonna f*cking take this presidency from you. Screw the American people. Screw you, Donald Trump. Screw everybody! America last! Oh, and by the way, you guys are going to lose your job!

For Democrats / snowflakes, those who are ruled / driven by emotion, I highly suggest you watch the video. It's ... sadly ... amazing.

They took NOTHING. Some temporary jobs building a pipeline to destroy the planet. Better jobs are coming. Permanent jobs. Green jobs.

Go fuck yourself with your lies, easy. Nobody wanted that pipeline, except Big Oil. NOBODY
Well...those folks that were feeding their families might have been in favor, eh?

The pipeline did need to go.....but callousness in the face of those workers who are unemployed is a poor look also.

Of course, the crocodile tears of the right are also ironic..given their party's stance on unions and fair wage.
Being a bit racist there champ, they don't all look alike.

No, I am not being racist. No, they do not all look alike.

This man's passionate testimony of what Joe Biden just did to 10,000+ Americans is what is so powerful, and his video speaks for itself.

Biden and the Democrats are destroying the lives of Americans of all colors and races; however, BIDEN specifically, racistly targeted Blacks when he declared, "If you're not voting for me, you ain't black".

This man's testimony, the video, is especially powerful because his is a testimony of how Biden repaid blacks who voted for him, how he betrayed them.

Showing this, pointing this out, is NOT 'racist'. It exposes the 'racism' of the Left.

Wasn't intended for your post.

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