Biden to suspend Oil leases in Alaska


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
The Biden administration is suspending oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as it reviews the environmental impacts of drilling in the remote region that has been the focus of a decades-long political fight, according to two people briefed on the administration's plan.

Yep, this won't have any affect on gas prices....for the next two days.
You have to hand it to Democrats, they can always find a way to fuck things up even more.
Just imagine how stoo-pid a person really must be to not see this assault on our country. But because they've been poisoned with hate for the "others", they say nothing, even when it's harming them just as much...
You have to hand it to Democrats, they can always find a way to fuck things up even more.
Just imagine how stoo-pid a person really must be to not see this assault on our country. But because they've been poisoned with hate for the "others", they say nothing, even when it's harming them just as much...
Imagine how utterly stupid people are to see that we don't need more GHG's in the atmosphere. Imagine how stupid people are to see that we can achieve total energy independence by 2030 by ditching the burning of fossil fuels, and going to solar and wind, with storage.
You have to hand it to Democrats, they can always find a way to fuck things up even more.
Just imagine how stoo-pid a person really must be to not see this assault on our country. But because they've been poisoned with hate for the "others", they say nothing, even when it's harming them just as much...
Imagine how utterly stupid people are to see that we don't need more GHG's in the atmosphere. Imagine how stupid people are to see that we can achieve total energy independence by 2030 by ditching the burning of fossil fuels, and going to solar and wind, with storage.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You have to hand it to Democrats, they can always find a way to fuck things up even more.
Just imagine how stoo-pid a person really must be to not see this assault on our country. But because they've been poisoned with hate for the "others", they say nothing, even when it's harming them just as much...
Imagine how utterly stupid people are to see that we don't need more GHG's in the atmosphere. Imagine how stupid people are to see that we can achieve total energy independence by 2030 by ditching the burning of fossil fuels, and going to solar and wind, with storage.
You have to hand it to Democrats, they can always find a way to fuck things up even more.

I hand it to democrats. Unlike republicans, they know what they want, they stick together, they go after it shamelessly, unapologetically in one big fell swoop, they always look outraged at not getting it, don't care what the consequences of getting it are, then blame it all on republicans once gotten anyway.

Now if only we could get democrats focused on one thing worthwhile.
How would any intelligent person reach the conclusion that we're better off relying on other countries for our energy needs?

We were, for the first time ever, energy independent under Trump.

That's gone now, and it's because of the traitorous acts of the president and his administration...
You have to hand it to Democrats, they can always find a way to fuck things up even more.
Just imagine how stoo-pid a person really must be to not see this assault on our country. But because they've been poisoned with hate for the "others", they say nothing, even when it's harming them just as much...

The left doesn't really care. They want to see everyone else as miserable as they are, and the country as miserable as much of the rest of the world is. After all, according to the left, we "stole" this country from its "rightful owners." According to them, America was never really great at all. Everything we see today was built on the sweat, blood, and tears of some "underclass" of people, may it be Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics, whom the fuck ever.
You have to hand it to Democrats, they can always find a way to fuck things up even more.

I hand it to democrats. Unlike republicans, they know what they want, they stick together, they go after it shamelessly, unapologetically in one big fell swoop, they always look outraged at not getting it, don't care what the consequences of getting it are, then blame it all on republicans once gotten anyway.

Now if only we could get democrats focused on one thing worthwhile.

Mass suicide? That's the most worthwhile thing I can come up with at this moment.

Give me a minute or two, I'll come up with some other noteworthy things they could collectively focus on.
You have to hand it to Democrats, they can always find a way to fuck things up even more.
Now if only we could get democrats focused on one thing worthwhile.
Mass suicide? That's the most worthwhile thing I can come up with at this moment.

Mass suicide would be a terrible waste. Think of all the graves needing filled. I'm more for putting something in the food, or a lobotomy: properly controlled, democrats offer a vast, cheap, grunt-labor workforce to be tapped so the rest of us can work a 4-day workweek.
Every time this peckerhead does something like this, he makes Russia and Islamic terrorists stronger. Biden needs to be impeached but that will be the Democrat's call and we know that's not happening.
Destroying more good paying Middle class jobs. That is their agenda.
thats why we all need to cross our fingers that kelly whats her name gets elected in the next election,Mukowshi is a GOP in bed with Biden and has her blessing from her to do this. Kelly is a person for the people and she would fight for alaskans and stand up to the demonic lying Biden.
Great move by President Biden. We shouldn’t be ransacking our national wild life areas and national parks for the sake of fossil fuel company profits and we, as a nation, should be cognizant of the environmental damage we are doing to our wildlife areas. Kudos to our president for a job well done.
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The Biden administration is suspending oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as it reviews the environmental impacts of drilling in the remote region that has been the focus of a decades-long political fight, according to two people briefed on the administration's plan.

Yep, this won't have any affect on gas prices....for the next two days.
Please, this is about suspending the recent leases that were sold. Funny, only seven leases were sold after eight days and they probably went really cheap, for two reasons. First, despite the articles repeated claim of "oil rich region", there is no assurance that there really is a plentiful oil supply. Geographical surveys have been rather limited and the results have been far from conclusive. Second, oil companies are not biting at the bit to take the gamble, the cost of production is very high and the chance of success does not justify the expense of drilling in such a remote, and harsh climate location.

Not a drop of oil is coming out of there. There is not a single job from the oil companies in the area. Hell, the Biden administration approved the only oil project in the region, agreeing with the Trump administration, to the chagrin of the environmental lobby.

You flippin Trumpsters are the most uninformed, easily manipulated, group of individuals on the damn planet.
How would any intelligent person reach the conclusion that we're better off relying on other countries for our energy needs?

We were, for the first time ever, energy independent under Trump.

That's gone now, and it's because of the traitorous acts of the president and his administration...
We were never energy independent under Trump. Far from it.
The Biden administration is suspending oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as it reviews the environmental impacts of drilling in the remote region that has been the focus of a decades-long political fight, according to two people briefed on the administration's plan.

Yep, this won't have any affect on gas prices....for the next two days.

I think this small piece from the link says it all.

The drilling mandate was included in a massive tax cut approved by congressional Republicans during Trump's first year in office. Republicans said it could generate an estimated $1 billion over 10 years, a figure Democrats call preposterously overstated
The Biden administration is suspending oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as it reviews the environmental impacts of drilling in the remote region that has been the focus of a decades-long political fight, according to two people briefed on the administration's plan.

Yep, this won't have any affect on gas prices....for the next two days.

I think this small piece from the link says it all.

The drilling mandate was included in a massive tax cut approved by congressional Republicans during Trump's first year in office. Republicans said it could generate an estimated $1 billion over 10 years, a figure Democrats call preposterously overstated
"...The administration's action to suspend the leases comes after officials disappointed environmental groups last week by defending a Trump administration decision to approve a major oil project on Alaska's North Slope. Critics say the action flies in the face of Biden's pledges to address climate change..."


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