Bidenomics contribution to rising food costs!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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Biden's administration wants to reduce agriculture in the USA which will cause food prices to increase.

The harm comes from giving an administration that is continually blaming agriculture for destroying the planet, the tools to regulate you out of business.
  • The harm comes from when they tell you that what you’re doing is not enough.
  • The harm comes from when you get told you need to reduce your herd by 25% in order to do business, get a loan, or sell your cattle.
  • The harm comes when you realize the system that you helped create and put in place is the same system that is driving you out of business.
  • The Attack on Farmers and Ranchers that No One is Talking About — Lonesome Lands
This article starts out with John Kerry statement:
“Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world… And we can’t get to net zero, we don’t get this job done. unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution… You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system.”

-John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

In September of 2022 the United States Department of Agriculture, without congressional approval or oversight, announced they were spending $3.1 Billion dollars to implement Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities Projects. This money has since been handed over to some the country’s largest agriculture corporations, associations, and universities. Some of the notable payments are: $90 million to ADM, $95 million to Iowa Soybean Association, $60 million to the Nature Conservancy, 27 different universities with payments ranging from $4 million to $80 million. These are 123 total listed as, “lead partners” but if you read the description of the programs you will find, “other major partners” which include every major company in the food business, from Cargill to Costco. The most disgusting payment of all was $40 million dollars to the largest ag media corporation Farm Journal. Why would the government pay a media company $40 million to implement an environmental program? Control the messenger, control the message, aka state run media.

What Biden wants to do is destroy America and raising food costs!
One example is he signed an EO to reduce " your herd by 25%"!
Folks... this will increase the cost of food...regardless if you don't eat meat!
I have, and after a thorough and rigorous examination, I have declared myself not in need of any counseling.
That’s a sure sign you need help. But only if you wish to be a better person, so I can see why you would avoid it.
healthmyths ahs been proactive in caring for his decline.

He had had feeding instructions printed on his forehead.
This is why we need regular citizens who live and work out in the real world to be involved in politics and government.
The naive, isolated, Ivory Tower,'' let them eatcake'' people will destroy this country and the people along with it.
Well, I will say one thing, you echo chamber drones are all on the same page today.
Biden's administration wants to reduce agriculture in the USA which will cause food prices to increase.

The harm comes from giving an administration that is continually blaming agriculture for destroying the planet, the tools to regulate you out of business.
  • The harm comes from when they tell you that what you’re doing is not enough.
  • The harm comes from when you get told you need to reduce your herd by 25% in order to do business, get a loan, or sell your cattle.
  • The harm comes when you realize the system that you helped create and put in place is the same system that is driving you out of business.
  • The Attack on Farmers and Ranchers that No One is Talking About — Lonesome Lands
This article starts out with John Kerry statement:
“Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world… And we can’t get to net zero, we don’t get this job done. unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution… You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system.”

-John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

In September of 2022 the United States Department of Agriculture, without congressional approval or oversight, announced they were spending $3.1 Billion dollars to implement Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities Projects. This money has since been handed over to some the country’s largest agriculture corporations, associations, and universities. Some of the notable payments are: $90 million to ADM, $95 million to Iowa Soybean Association, $60 million to the Nature Conservancy, 27 different universities with payments ranging from $4 million to $80 million. These are 123 total listed as, “lead partners” but if you read the description of the programs you will find, “other major partners” which include every major company in the food business, from Cargill to Costco. The most disgusting payment of all was $40 million dollars to the largest ag media corporation Farm Journal. Why would the government pay a media company $40 million to implement an environmental program? Control the messenger, control the message, aka state run media.

What Biden wants to do is destroy America and raising food costs!
One example is he signed an EO to reduce " your herd by 25%"!
Folks... this will increase the cost of food...regardless if you don't eat meat!
What EO number is that exactly?
What EO number is that exactly?
Executive Order (EO) 14008
Self-help is all I've ever needed, and I do just fine at present without it. I'm here for you if you need advice.
You’re Delusional as always. If I ever want to know how to be an asshole I’ll search out your advice until then I’ll just keep laughing at you
You’re Delusional as always. If I ever want to know how to be an asshole I’ll search out your advice until then I’ll just keep laughing at you
I'm going to give you some helpful advice: Seek out a professional to discuss your issues with and don't seek help on an anonymous internet forum. Hope this helps.
I'm going to give you some helpful advice: Seek out a professional to discuss your issues with and don't seek help on an anonymous internet forum. Hope this helps.
You are helpful as an example of how not to be, and what someone in a Mental crisis looks like.
Bidenomics predicted to trigger the greatest depression and market correction in history. Thanks Democrats.
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