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- Jun 6, 2007
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Yesterday, President Joseph Biden again and in dramatic fashion demonstrated that he has experienced dramatic age related cognitive loss and it materially negatively impacts him in doing his job as President. On Monday President Biden gave an address on the Supreme Court Opinion issued yesterday, July 1 2024, establishing in America's law that the President of the United States has immunity from criminal prosecution however this immunity is limited to the President's behavior involving "Official Acts" of the President. This address by President Biden was egregiously bad he overstated the negative effects of the opinion, he spun the opinion as having created a problem for the nation making the President above the law as if America was being turned into an authoritarian form of government with the President being unrestrained by the rule of law. President Biden fanned the flames by stating that the only restraint on the President after this opinion is the President's own character, the rule of law no longer has power to restrain the President. This outrageous spin was over the top the majority of legal experts commenting on the case before the Supreme Court rendered the opinion predicted the President would get some level of criminal immunity because otherwise the threat of a criminal prosecution would impede a President in doing his or her job and the opinion did not provide the President "absolute" immunity in this area. Fairly and responsibly an evaluation of this Supreme Court opinion would conclude that the opinion was not extreme, it was balanced and measured, in fact the President already had immunity from civil litigation established in the Supreme Court opinion from 1982, Nixon v. Fitzgerald 457 U.S. 731, and this opinion just extended it to criminal prosecution with essentially the same standards.
Evaluating President Biden's response to this Supreme Court Opinion and how distorted it was can make one wonder whether he even "read" the opinion, it wouldn't surprise me at all if his cognitive loss has significantly impaired his reading comprehension ability. This man Joe Biden was a long time member of the Senate Judiciary committee he was in fact chairman of the committee for awhile he should be outstandingly reliable in evaluating Supreme Court opinions; his trying to create shock, alarm and outrage amongst the American people for an opinion that was a solidly good, reasonable and non-extreme opinion is an egregious violation of his duty as President, it is reckless and unpatriotic to say the least. This another example of President Biden's significant loss of mental acuity has created a spot light that President Biden is now largely a figure head, he is not in full control of what he is doing, key staff members in the White House are directing the President's actions. This public behavior by the President shows demonstrably that he should not be running for another four year term as President, he does not have the qualifications to do the job because of his age related cognitive loss! If President Biden does not acknowledge the problem and withdraw from the race the America people should refrain from being sensitive to the President. Americans should start saying we have a wind-up President, he is like a wind-up stuffed animal you program it, give it power and turn it on and it delivers the programed message, no good brain of the President is filtering the President's remarks. President Biden behaves like a twit, a ninny, he is a marionette puppet directed by key White House staff members. He has no real credibility as a prudent leader on the domestic or world stage he is an embarrassment for the American people!
The Supreme Court in their opinion was very measured and exhibited good legal reasoning. American jurisprudence has long recognized the doctrine of separation of Powers, that is the Constitution establishes that each of the three co-equal branches of government has specific powers delegated to that branch which the other branch should not tread or interfere with. The Constitution gives the President certain enumerated powers one being the power to pardon people. President Lincoln used this power to pardon soldiers in the Confederate Army and officials in the Confederate government after the Civil war and in the pardon decree restored their property rights to them; at the time Congress disagreed with that generosity and passed a law restricting this return of Property Rights to these past members of the Confederacy - the Supreme Court ruled invalid law Congress you cannot interfere with a President enumerated power provided by the constitution. The Supreme Court phrases Presidents actions like those stemming from direct powers enumerated in the Constitution as actions within the "President's conclusive and preclusive authority"; the Supreme Court interprets this as no Congressional law even criminal laws can interfere with the President's power given in the constitution, the Constitution mandates this. Once establishing this base immunity from criminal prosecution then it goes on to expand it to all official acts of the President because America's system of Democracy established by the Constitution sets forth a strong executive for America, that is, a strong President and a President cannot be as strong as he can be if he or she has to live in fear of criminal prosecution. In the dissent of the case a dissenting Justice writes this Supreme Court law would allow a President to assassinate a political opponent, no because the act of assassination would not meet the "official act" standard for immunity protection; and the scenario where a President loses an election and utilizes a group in the armed forces to stage a coup to retain in power again would not meet the "official act" threshold - members of the armed forces take an oath to protect the constitution from both foreign and domestic enemies the constitution sets out strict rules for selecting the winner of a Presidential election a President that subverts this would be a domestic enemy so such a coup would not be an official act providing immunity.
After this past Thursday debate debacle President Biden's supporters said it was just a bad debate night on the next debate he will do better. Given Donald Trump's prudence in the area of being competitive which lead him not to participate in any of the debates in the Republican primary and the fact that in the polls I saw poll respondent by two-thirds said Trump won the debate and Trump cannot beat such a good result the one-third for Biden was a the Democrat base which will never leave Biden, so Trump has no reason to do another debate. But just for analysis sake let us say Trump agrees to the next debate which is scheduled in September, because of Biden's definite age related cognitive loss he will likely have at least one senior moment during the debate where he loses his train of thought or recalls something from his memory which is a glaring error which reveals his problem and what will be the fall out of the second debate it will raise a fresh issue does Biden have the mental acuity to serve another four year term as President. The alarming consideration is that after the September debate if it becomes a widespread belief that Biden mental diminishment is an impediment to him being elected President in November, it will be largely too late for the Democrats to substitute the Biden campaign with a good campaign. I am one of those citizen that believes the Vice-President has all the skills and abilities to be a great President but she won't have the time to build a case why she isn't a light weight that is not up to the job of President which in too many sectors of the electorate she is viewed this way. The time is now for the Democrats to replace Biden they could put together a process that would give interested candidates a chance to make their case to the Democrat base and through polls Democrat leadership could discern who the rank and file Democrats want by the deadline to get the nominee on the Ohio ballot. Leaders in the Democrat Party that have a line of communication with cabinet officials in the Biden Administration need to have a sit down with Joe Biden and say you need to have a come to Jesus moment Joe and acknowledge you have age related cognitive impairment that puts your campaigns success in grave jeopardy the stakes are to great for America here if your campaign falters Trump becomes the next President and he is an existential threat to the country of America. They need to say to Joe withdraw or we have no choice but to appeal to your cabinet officials to trigger the twenty-fifth amendment and remove you for age related mental impairment and virtuous cabinet officials will cooperate because if Trump loses this election "him and his MAGA supporters" will more aggressively seek to steal the election than in 2020 and the country will need a President with all his mental faculties fully firing to stop the foreseeable Republican uprising from splitting the country and bringing the demise of America!
Evaluating President Biden's response to this Supreme Court Opinion and how distorted it was can make one wonder whether he even "read" the opinion, it wouldn't surprise me at all if his cognitive loss has significantly impaired his reading comprehension ability. This man Joe Biden was a long time member of the Senate Judiciary committee he was in fact chairman of the committee for awhile he should be outstandingly reliable in evaluating Supreme Court opinions; his trying to create shock, alarm and outrage amongst the American people for an opinion that was a solidly good, reasonable and non-extreme opinion is an egregious violation of his duty as President, it is reckless and unpatriotic to say the least. This another example of President Biden's significant loss of mental acuity has created a spot light that President Biden is now largely a figure head, he is not in full control of what he is doing, key staff members in the White House are directing the President's actions. This public behavior by the President shows demonstrably that he should not be running for another four year term as President, he does not have the qualifications to do the job because of his age related cognitive loss! If President Biden does not acknowledge the problem and withdraw from the race the America people should refrain from being sensitive to the President. Americans should start saying we have a wind-up President, he is like a wind-up stuffed animal you program it, give it power and turn it on and it delivers the programed message, no good brain of the President is filtering the President's remarks. President Biden behaves like a twit, a ninny, he is a marionette puppet directed by key White House staff members. He has no real credibility as a prudent leader on the domestic or world stage he is an embarrassment for the American people!
The Supreme Court in their opinion was very measured and exhibited good legal reasoning. American jurisprudence has long recognized the doctrine of separation of Powers, that is the Constitution establishes that each of the three co-equal branches of government has specific powers delegated to that branch which the other branch should not tread or interfere with. The Constitution gives the President certain enumerated powers one being the power to pardon people. President Lincoln used this power to pardon soldiers in the Confederate Army and officials in the Confederate government after the Civil war and in the pardon decree restored their property rights to them; at the time Congress disagreed with that generosity and passed a law restricting this return of Property Rights to these past members of the Confederacy - the Supreme Court ruled invalid law Congress you cannot interfere with a President enumerated power provided by the constitution. The Supreme Court phrases Presidents actions like those stemming from direct powers enumerated in the Constitution as actions within the "President's conclusive and preclusive authority"; the Supreme Court interprets this as no Congressional law even criminal laws can interfere with the President's power given in the constitution, the Constitution mandates this. Once establishing this base immunity from criminal prosecution then it goes on to expand it to all official acts of the President because America's system of Democracy established by the Constitution sets forth a strong executive for America, that is, a strong President and a President cannot be as strong as he can be if he or she has to live in fear of criminal prosecution. In the dissent of the case a dissenting Justice writes this Supreme Court law would allow a President to assassinate a political opponent, no because the act of assassination would not meet the "official act" standard for immunity protection; and the scenario where a President loses an election and utilizes a group in the armed forces to stage a coup to retain in power again would not meet the "official act" threshold - members of the armed forces take an oath to protect the constitution from both foreign and domestic enemies the constitution sets out strict rules for selecting the winner of a Presidential election a President that subverts this would be a domestic enemy so such a coup would not be an official act providing immunity.
After this past Thursday debate debacle President Biden's supporters said it was just a bad debate night on the next debate he will do better. Given Donald Trump's prudence in the area of being competitive which lead him not to participate in any of the debates in the Republican primary and the fact that in the polls I saw poll respondent by two-thirds said Trump won the debate and Trump cannot beat such a good result the one-third for Biden was a the Democrat base which will never leave Biden, so Trump has no reason to do another debate. But just for analysis sake let us say Trump agrees to the next debate which is scheduled in September, because of Biden's definite age related cognitive loss he will likely have at least one senior moment during the debate where he loses his train of thought or recalls something from his memory which is a glaring error which reveals his problem and what will be the fall out of the second debate it will raise a fresh issue does Biden have the mental acuity to serve another four year term as President. The alarming consideration is that after the September debate if it becomes a widespread belief that Biden mental diminishment is an impediment to him being elected President in November, it will be largely too late for the Democrats to substitute the Biden campaign with a good campaign. I am one of those citizen that believes the Vice-President has all the skills and abilities to be a great President but she won't have the time to build a case why she isn't a light weight that is not up to the job of President which in too many sectors of the electorate she is viewed this way. The time is now for the Democrats to replace Biden they could put together a process that would give interested candidates a chance to make their case to the Democrat base and through polls Democrat leadership could discern who the rank and file Democrats want by the deadline to get the nominee on the Ohio ballot. Leaders in the Democrat Party that have a line of communication with cabinet officials in the Biden Administration need to have a sit down with Joe Biden and say you need to have a come to Jesus moment Joe and acknowledge you have age related cognitive impairment that puts your campaigns success in grave jeopardy the stakes are to great for America here if your campaign falters Trump becomes the next President and he is an existential threat to the country of America. They need to say to Joe withdraw or we have no choice but to appeal to your cabinet officials to trigger the twenty-fifth amendment and remove you for age related mental impairment and virtuous cabinet officials will cooperate because if Trump loses this election "him and his MAGA supporters" will more aggressively seek to steal the election than in 2020 and the country will need a President with all his mental faculties fully firing to stop the foreseeable Republican uprising from splitting the country and bringing the demise of America!