Biden's FCC fast tracking sale of radio stations to Soros


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Most disturbing that Biden's FCC is fast tracking the sale of 400 radio stations to George Soros just weeks before the 2024 election. And that means conservative radio will likely soon become a distant memory.

The Democrats already control a huge lion's share of the media with control of almost all most television, social media, large market newspapers, internet search engines etc. To give somebody like Soros control of the last bastion of free speech pretty much solidifies their control of the message. Control the message and all other liberties soon topple.

I don't know how we turn that around.

Most disturbing that Biden's FCC is fast tracking the sale of 400 radio stations to George Soros just weeks before the 2024 election. And that means conservative radio will likely soon become a distant memory.

The Democrats already control a huge lion's share of the media with control of almost all most television, social media, large market newspapers, internet search engines etc. To give somebody like Soros control of the last bastion of free speech pretty much solidifies their control of the message. Control the message and all other liberties soon topple.

I don't know how we turn that around.

Except few of the stations in question are talk radio stations.

Here's a list of the ones in Illinois owned by Audacity.


Here's the real problem. Audacy is nearly bankrupt because no one really listens to the radio anymore.

During the Heydey or Rush Limbaugh, WLS-AM dominated the radio waves in Chicago.

Today, it has less than 145,000 listeners and a 1.9 neilson share.

The other hate radio stations in Chicago WIND,barely registers.

The only people still listening to the radio are old people who are too old to figure out how to link their podcasts to their cars bluetooth
Most disturbing that Biden's FCC is fast tracking the sale of 400 radio stations to George Soros just weeks before the 2024 election. And that means conservative radio will likely soon become a distant memory.

The Democrats already control a huge lion's share of the media with control of almost all most television, social media, large market newspapers, internet search engines etc. To give somebody like Soros control of the last bastion of free speech pretty much solidifies their control of the message. Control the message and all other liberties soon topple.

I don't know how we turn that around.

Control the media, you control the people.
Nobody is listening now, that's the problem.

WLS-AM, the top Hate Radio station in Chicago, barely has 1.0 share.
Well shifting to some liberal propaganda broadcasts will kill it for sure.... so Biden is fast tracking the demise of radio if you ask me... whatever the federal government touches dies....
Well shifting to some liberal propaganda broadcasts will kill it for sure.... so Biden is fast tracking the demise of radio if you ask me... whatever the federal government touches dies....
In this case we can only hope. The idea that somebody like Soros can order more leftist propaganda in all those markets is disturbing. The only good thing is that most of the stations are in blue states and cities which will help blunt the effect but it is still disturbing most especially because the Biden Administration's FCC is fast tracking it that just shouldn't happen.
Well shifting to some liberal propaganda broadcasts will kill it for sure.... so Biden is fast tracking the demise of radio if you ask me... whatever the federal government touches dies....
No great loss if Hate Radio goes away.

In this case we can only hope. The idea that somebody like Soros can order more leftist propaganda in all those markets is disturbing. The only good thing is that most of the stations are in blue states and cities which will help blunt the effect but it is still disturbing most especially because the Biden Administration's FCC is fast tracking it that just shouldn't happen.

Soros is buying up a busted ass radio network that has declared bankruptcy... just not seeing the problem here.
Racist. Homophobic. Fascist. Stupider than shit. Tried to overthrow democracy. Corrupt as all get out.

He's a demonstrably horrible human being. And you guys are all in on him.
All you did was pin labels on him... what is racist about Trump?... and you call Trump a fascist when he wants to cut the size of government... a fascist likes big government like Joe and Kamala... and he never tried to overthrow anything... that is just made up crap... he said to go peacefully to the capitol... and then you say he is horrible and stupid but you haven't given any examples or your brainwashed assertions... so I will ty again... why do you hate him?....
All you did was pin labels on him... what is racist about Trump?

I'm not playing this game with you. I could give you a whole LIST of racist shit Trump has done and said over the years.

You guys are being willfully blind to Trump's MANY flaws because you just don't want to admit your mistake.
I'm not playing this game with you. I could give you a whole LIST of racist shit Trump has done and said over the years.

You guys are being willfully blind to Trump's MANY flaws because you just don't want to admit your mistake.
I get it you hate Trump just because... no real reason.... he never did anything to you but yet you hate him... that's mentally and emotionally unstable...
I get it you hate Trump just because... no real reason.... he never did anything to you but yet you hate him... that's mentally and emotionally unstable...

I just gave you a whole list of reasons. That you are denial that he is all of these things is on you.

Of course, if you live in a world where everything against Trump is fake news and lawfare, then it seems you are the one living in denial.
I just gave you a whole list of reasons. That you are denial that he is all of these things is on you.

Of course, if you live in a world where everything against Trump is fake news and lawfare, then it seems you are the one living in denial.
Democrat's weaponizing the DOJ and all the agencies under it is undeniable.... and the media's hatred of Trump and their biased reporting is more than well documented...

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