Biden's FCC fast tracking sale of radio stations to Soros

Democrat's weaponizing the DOJ and all the agencies under it is undeniable.... and the media's hatred of Trump and their biased reporting is more than well documented...

Um, do you actually listen to the crazy stuff this guy says?

Today he was threatening a 2000% Tariff on John Deere for outsourcing some production to Mexico.
Um, do you actually listen to the crazy stuff this guy says?

Today he was threatening a 2000% Tariff on John Deere for outsourcing some production to Mexico.
Do you want the Biden Harris bad economy to chase John Deere to Mexico?....
You know with the Harris open borer we are going to need jobs here... democrats must think jobs grow on trees...
Wanting to keep jobs and manufacturing here at home is not "Crazy Stuff"... that's what's wrong with you TDSers... your hate for Trump out weighs your love for America and the American people...
Which you still haven't answered... why do you hate Trump?...
Naw we just hate Trump.

We think most of you are misguided and stewing in your own hatred.

You are like the abusive boyfriend that would kill America rather than let her date anyone else.
So much so, you all now love billionaires buying radio stations. First you hate them and want to the tax the fuck out of them, now you're getting an erection/wide on over them.

Make your minds up.
Do you want the Biden Harris bad economy to chase John Deere to Mexico?....
You know with the Harris open borer we are going to need jobs here... democrats must think jobs grow on trees...
Wanting to keep jobs and manufacturing here at home is not "Crazy Stuff"... that's what's wrong with you TDSers... your hate for Trump out weighs your love for America and the American people...
Which you still haven't answered... why do you hate Trump?...

Uh, guy, Fucking with Deere is massively stupid, even for Trump.

We aren't keeping jobs here with Tariffs, we are just making it more difficult to do business.

This is why 400 ECONOMISTS have said Trump would be a disaster. You can't get 400 economists to agree on anything.
So much so, you all now love billionaires buying radio stations. First you hate them and want to the tax the fuck out of them, now you're getting an erection/wide on over them.

Make your minds up.

Reality- Radio is a dying medium. Nobody listens to the radio, and nobody reads newspapers.
Reality- Radio is a dying medium. Nobody listens to the radio, and nobody reads newspapers.

Let me introduce myself to you. I am nobody because I still read newspapers and Western Reruns on TV. What I won't do is to listen to news radio which has been corrupted by both sides until they are just big dumpster fires.
Let me introduce myself to you. I am nobody because I still read newspapers and Western Reruns on TV. What I won't do is to listen to news radio which has been corrupted by both sides until they are just big dumpster fires.

I don't disagree.

I stopped reading newspapers because they are changing $3.00 for a paper that doesn't have enough content to make it worth it. I used to buy both the Tribune and Sun-Times, but neither of them have much in them anymore. They've even slashed their comics section to 1 page, their editorial section to 1 page.

Radio, I listen to Classical music in the car.

Most of the stations that Soros wants to buy aren't talk radio ones, and they are failing.
I don't disagree.

I stopped reading newspapers because they are changing $3.00 for a paper that doesn't have enough content to make it worth it. I used to buy both the Tribune and Sun-Times, but neither of them have much in them anymore. They've even slashed their comics section to 1 page, their editorial section to 1 page.

Radio, I listen to Classical music in the car.

Most of the stations that Soros wants to buy aren't talk radio ones, and they are failing.

What he is buying is bandwidth.
Uh, guy, Fucking with Deere is massively stupid, even for Trump.

We aren't keeping jobs here with Tariffs, we are just making it more difficult to do business.

This is why 400 ECONOMISTS have said Trump would be a disaster. You can't get 400 economists to agree on anything.
Fucking with Deere?... who do you think they are?.... they will follow their bottom line... if moving to Mexico won't save them money they won't do it...
Is he, though?

Of the stations he is buying in Chicago, only one of them is a news station.

Most of the rest of them are various music formats.

When you get the bid from the FCC, you get bandwidth, not content. If that bandwidth can sustain 5 different stations then you get stations that have to comply with FCC regs. Once that Bandwidth is purchased and you determine the various station formats then it doesn't matter what it used to be. When the FM stations were created, it opened up where the bandwidth of the AM could sustain more than a couple of FM stations. I suspect that Digital over the air stations will have even more possible stations for the same bandwidth.
Fucking with Deere?... who do you think they are?.... they will follow their bottom line... if moving to Mexico won't save them money they won't do it...
guy, if a Democrat tried something like this, you'd be screaming they were a bunch of communists.
All you did was pin labels on him... what is racist about Trump?
He said Mexicans are rapists. You’ll deny he said it but its public record.
... and you call Trump a fascist when he wants to cut the size of government... a fascist likes big government like Joe and Kamala...
He spent $8T more in new debt. What did he spend it on if not larger government? You’ll say he didn’t but it’s public record.
and he never tried to overthrow anything... that is just made up crap... he said to go peacefully to the capitol...
He also said “fight like hell” and spent 2 months saying that the election was being stolen. You’ll say he didn’t but it’s public record.
and then you say he is horrible and stupid but you haven't given any examples or your brainwashed assertions... so I will ty again... why do you hate him?....
You are the one who is brain washed.

Your response which will be all lies will prove it once more.
Most disturbing that Biden's FCC is fast tracking the sale of 400 radio stations to George Soros just weeks before the 2024 election. And that means conservative radio will likely soon become a distant memory.

The Democrats already control a huge lion's share of the media with control of almost all most television, social media, large market newspapers, internet search engines etc. To give somebody like Soros control of the last bastion of free speech pretty much solidifies their control of the message. Control the message and all other liberties soon topple.

I don't know how we turn that around.


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