Big Pharma Paid off McCaughey wants Ryan out if he can not execute ACA


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
Yeah I know that people were pissed off by the fines and mandatory sign ups..Well that is gone now..

All you have to do is follow the money trail to see the loudest opponents of removing peoples healthcare as fast as possible..They are somehow connected to Big Pharma who fund them in one way or another.
I am so sick of this corruption

McCaughey said "ObamaCare is in a death spiral," but accused Ryan of wanting "ObamaCare light" and saying he needs to push Trump's agenda through Congress.

Indeed, Big Pharma — which, incidentally, bankrolls Betsy McCaughey’sHudson Institute — currently instructs doctors on the effectiveness of medications, and opposes research that could persuade physicians to eschew ineffective or unnecessary treatments. Fewer prescriptions translate into lower profits and the industry has lobbied hard to pare down the cost effectiveness language in the House version of the stimulus bill.

Ex-Trump adviser: Ryan should be replaced if he can't execute on ObamaCare

How Betsy McCaughey And Big Pharma Can Kill You
Yeah I know that people were pissed off by the fines and mandatory sign ups..Well that is gone now..

All you have to do is follow the money trail to see the loudest opponents of removing peoples healthcare as fast as possible..They are somehow connected to Big Pharma who fund them in one way or another.
I am so sick of this corruption

McCaughey said "ObamaCare is in a death spiral," but accused Ryan of wanting "ObamaCare light" and saying he needs to push Trump's agenda through Congress.

Indeed, Big Pharma — which, incidentally, bankrolls Betsy McCaughey’sHudson Institute — currently instructs doctors on the effectiveness of medications, and opposes research that could persuade physicians to eschew ineffective or unnecessary treatments. Fewer prescriptions translate into lower profits and the industry has lobbied hard to pare down the cost effectiveness language in the House version of the stimulus bill.

Ex-Trump adviser: Ryan should be replaced if he can't execute on ObamaCare

How Betsy McCaughey And Big Pharma Can Kill You

The Hudson Institute's IRS Form 990 for the financial year ending on September 30, 2003 showed total revenue of $9.34 million, including over $146,000 in government grants. Other known funders listed in the institute's 2002 annual report include:


Hudson Institute - SourceWatch

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