Biggest Winners of Biden’s Green Climate Policies? Republicans

How about you? I bet you fall in the median.
No, that is your soi-boy Joe Biden who falls in the median, and on the stairs, and on stage.

Also I'm a SINK.
Gee, I would have thought you the toilet.
Bottom line is that green jobs are for kids getting out of school and no replacement for middle age people forced out of high paying jobs.
BTW Ace, I don't need no green job and I live in a "blue" state as a retired electronics/electrical engineer.
Or, they'll be happy working in those green jobs rather than in the coal mine.
What is sad is that rust belt cities like Detroit and Flint which do seem to have some type of infrastructure left cannot get those factories there. There has to be a reason.
This really pisses me off

The Inflation Reduction Act, which contained the largest climate investment in US history, would “throw money at woke climate and social programs that won’t work” Hudson said

But Hudson – now the head of House Republicans’ campaign committee – is one of the members of Congress whose district has benefitted the most from the climate law and its massive investment in clean energy.

About $12.7 billion in private investment has been announced in Hudson’s district since the bill passed, the second-highest amount in the nation. Much of it is from Toyota expanding a gargantuan car battery plant that has tripled in size since it was first announced. The factory will span the length of 756 football fields and will spur 5,100 new jobs, the company estimates.

Hudson isn’t alone. House Republicans uniformly voted against the IRA in August 2022 and have voted to repeal some of its biggest programs dozens of times, but their districts are disproportionately reaping its benefits.

The vast majority of the $346-billion-worth of announced investments – nearly 78% – has gone to Republican congressional districts

More than three quarters of announced clean energy investments are in Republican districts​

Republican districts are awash in climate investment​

In states including Georgia, Arizona and Texas, House Republicans are seeing a deluge of cash and jobs flowing into their districts as companies use clean energy tax credits to construct factories to build EVs and their batteries, and as massive wind, solar, hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuel projects come online.

In Georgia’s 11th district, Rep. Barry Loudermilk has touted the construction of a massive EV battery factory by Hyundai and SK Battery America, which is projected to create more than 3,500 jobs. The factory comprises nearly 70% of the $7.4 billion that has flowed into his district.

What has Biden done you Republicans ask? WOW!
Make your district more favorable to private investments, like from Toyota.
No, that is your soi-boy Joe Biden who falls in the median, and on the stairs, and on stage.

Gee, I would have thought you the toilet.
Bottom line is that green jobs are for kids getting out of school and no replacement for middle age people forced out of high paying jobs.
BTW Ace, I don't need no green job and I live in a "blue" state as a retired electronics/electrical engineer.
Green jobs are the future old man.

Radio shack?
Green jobs are the future old man.
Green jobs are PART of our future. They always have been. Part of the natural evolution of our society, as technology and finance allows. Any earlier and they do more harm than the good they promise.

Radio shack?
No thanks. I'm good on cheap batteries. BTW, didn't they go out of business? Must be why you have so much free time here.
Green jobs are PART of our future. They always have been. Part of the natural evolution of our society, as technology and finance allows. Any earlier and they do more harm than the good they promise.

No thanks. I'm good on cheap batteries. BTW, didn't they go out of business? Must be why you have so much free time here.
You were an electronics engineer. At radio shack. My friend who worked there and had tha title in the 90s.

We should freeze social security cost of living increases, cut your benefits 20% and make you pay more out of pocket for Medicare, right?
Green jobs are PART of our future. They always have been. Part of the natural evolution of our society, as technology and finance allows. Any earlier and they do more harm than the good they promise.

No thanks. I'm good on cheap batteries. BTW, didn't they go out of business? Must be why you have so much free time here.
You think it’s funny but that’s the thing about you boomers. You gave yourselves great pay, benefits, social programs, pensions, job security. But now that you’re in charge you tell us we can’t afford to have it as good as you
You were an electronics engineer. At radio shack.

No idiot. Did you ever see engineers working at Radio Shack? You been smoking jimson weed? :auiqs.jpg:

But I did deal with lightning protection for high power transmitters, audio design, and global telecom like Tollgrade PGM-2000, SS7 CCS, OC48, and Nortel and Lucent 1A, 1E and 5ESS. Maybe some time we can get together and discuss distributed processing?
You think it’s funny but that’s the thing about you boomers. You gave yourselves great pay, benefits, social programs, pensions, job security. But now that you’re in charge you tell us we can’t afford to have it as good as you

No butthole, I EARNED great pay and benefits, etc., by doing stuff no one else COULD do, like solving problems on the fly while my employer was experiencing a downtime loss of $10,000 a minute in downtime until I got them back up and running.

Oh, BTW, I also RAN two fucking corporations producing stuff of my own technology and inventions.

Now go out and do the same, Little One.
No butthole, I EARNED great pay and benefits, etc., by doing stuff no one else COULD do, like solving problems on the fly while my employer was experiencing a downtime loss of $10,000 a minute in downtime until I got them back up and running.

Oh, BTW, I also RAN two fucking corporations producing stuff of my own technology and inventions.

Now go out and do the same, Little One.

Lots of poor people who's employers don't value their worth can brag too. But what they do doesn't pay well. You're like Ben Carson. He had a brain to be a surgeon. So he says "anyone can make it out of the ghetto I did". Yea, because you were smart enough to be an engineer/doctor idiot! And I bet like him you took advantage of a lot of liberal social programs growing up. Ungrateful.

You just don't care about the middle class. Or poor. So you're a republican. You got yours right? Well I'm in the exact same boat you are. I'm getting mine. But what about the rest of us/them?

We have many Republicans claiming they want to help uneducated blue collar workers. No they don't. They're just like you. You had 2 corporations and paid your employees as little as possible because you're a maker and they're just takers. Let me guess, you're the exception. Yea, heard that one before. Fact is, if you look at America as a whole, the rich are making too much since the late 70's and it's at our expense. This version of capitalism isn't working. CEO's make too much, workers don't make enough. And those corporations are charging us as much as they can get away with and we keep buying it.

With your attitude, the economy is fine. Anyone struggling just has to go out and EARN it. Like you did.

BTW, the answer to workers who aren't as VALUABLE as you, is to organize into unions. Strike when necessary.
No butthole, I EARNED great pay and benefits, etc., by doing stuff no one else COULD do, like solving problems on the fly while my employer was experiencing a downtime loss of $10,000 a minute in downtime until I got them back up and running.

me, Little One.
Science Is for Suckers

How much did your Scrooge bosses pay you for saving all that money? Bill Gates got the same raw deal while still in high school. He saved the Pompous Parasites a million and only got paid two thousand. That's when he decided to be on the other side of the Screw the Geek game.
GreenHeads Heading for a Concussion

Their constituents will lose all those new jobs when the Jolly Green Giant tumbles off his beanstalk.
I also hope the teamsters get their wish and get Trump as a president and he outlaws strikes. Allows companies to fire workers who strike. BET

And I hope the arabs in Detroit who say they aren't voting for Kamala get Trump. I really do. Make Palestine a parking lot. Iran too.
If True, the Wave of the Future Will Be a Tsunami and the Cutting Edge Will Be a Shredder
Whatever that means. This should be the future of man. AI and automation do the ditch digging. Maybe 1 blue collar guy overlooks the robots, but why would man do those jobs? The cotton gin cost blacks lots of jobs. So what?

People are having fewer kids. Probably by design. I truly believe that. Look how expensive it is to have kids. In 1900 they wanted people to have lots of kids to fill this country. Well, we're full. Don't really need any more people. Capitalism does. My social security does. But ultimately, we need people having fewer kids.

Imagine how great this planet would be if just went back to 1960

  • 1804: The world's population reached 1 billion

  • 1927: The world's population reached 2 billion

  • 1960: The world's population reached 3 billion

  • 1974: The world's population reached 4 billion

  • 1987: The world's population reached 5 billion

  • 1999: The world's population reached 6 billion

  • 2010: The world's population reached 7 billion

  • 2022: The world's population reached 8 billion

    Yes, Americans are having fewer children, as evidenced by the declining fertility rate in the United States
  • The fertility rate in the United States has been declining since the 1970s and hit a record low of 1.6 births per woman in 2023. This is well below the 2.1 births per woman needed to replace the native-born population.

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