Bill clinton's comment


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Former President Bill Clinton on Thursday warned against the rising popularity of nationalism across the world.

“People who claim to want the nation-state are actually trying to have a pan-national movement to institutionalize separatism and division within borders all over the world,” Clinton said at a Brookings Institution event in Washington, D.C., according to Politico.

“It’s like we’re all having an identity crisis at once — and it is an inevitable consequence of the economic and social changes that have occurred at an increasingly rapid pace,” Clinton added, referencing recent political events in the Americas, Europe and the Philippines as examples.

“And it always comes down to two things — are we going to live in an us and them world, or a world that we live in together? If you got that, in every age and time, the challenges we face can be resolved in a way to keep us going forward instead of taking us to the edge of destruction.”


People who claim to want the nation-state are actually trying to have a pan-national movement to institutionalize separatism and division within borders all over the world,”

He's saying it's wrong to be able to focus on your own issues, a world government needs to take into consideration the problems of the rest of the world to determine what, if any , resolution you will get in due time.

It’s like we’re all having an identity crisis at once.

He's saying, due to their the left-wing efforts to destroy identity, people are having a backlash of anger

and it is an inevitable consequence of the economic and social changes that have occurred at an increasingly rapid pace

He's saying people around the world are angry over "economic", people losing jobs to technology and selective regulation, and

"social", false morals imposed by the left and destruction of borders.

are we going to live in an us and them world, or a world that we live in together?

He's saying, we need to submit to one world government or nations will kill each other
Clinton's just ass hurt because the CGI saw a 35% decrease in revenues since the election. The donor's are bailing.
The Clinton crime family is on hard times and all those government favors they traded for speaking fees and foundation contributions...maybe that's why they are keeping a low profile.

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