Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Just another Hopey Changey lie. Yup and he was going to "change the tone of Washington" too. Man,this has been by far the most partisan White House & Congress in History. People really can be like cattle. They can be herded into believing anything. This White House & Congress have been anything but "Civil" since seizing power. What a scam.

You are like a sheep following a crazy ram, fellow. You need to do the Changy Thinky thing before commenting again, or the great, great majority of informed American citizens are going to continue to be laughing at the defenders of libertarianism.
Just another Hopey Changey lie. Yup and he was going to "change the tone of Washington" too. Man,this has been by far the most partisan White House & Congress in History. People really can be like cattle. They can be herded into believing anything. This White House & Congress have been anything but "Civil" since seizing power. What a scam.

You are like a sheep following a crazy ram, fellow. You need to do the Changy Thinky thing before commenting again, or the great, great majority of informed American citizens are going to continue to be laughing at the defenders of libertarianism.

Maybe so,but that doesn't mean they're right.
Just another Hopey Changey lie. Yup and he was going to "change the tone of Washington" too. Man,this has been by far the most partisan White House & Congress in History. People really can be like cattle. They can be herded into believing anything. This White House & Congress have been anything but "Civil" since seizing power. What a scam.

You are like a sheep following a crazy ram, fellow. You need to do the Changy Thinky thing before commenting again, or the great, great majority of informed American citizens are going to continue to be laughing at the defenders of libertarianism.

What do you mean "like"??
Just another Hopey Changey lie. Yup and he was going to "change the tone of Washington" too.

Well, he did Change The Tone. He made it nastier. I can't recall any other President publicly calling those who disagree with his policies a vulgar sexual epithet.
I read si modo, willow, and others, and I can only conclude their hatred for our president is based on race. There is nothing else to personally detest the man. Amazing!

Classlessness? We have fringe whingers from the right here who are receiving federal assistance while biting the same hand that is giving to them. That is an utter lack of class.

I'll translate this too:

"I have no reasonable response to the valid critiques of Obama's comments, actions, and policies, so I will play the Race Card as it's the only card I have in my trick deck of 52 Race Cards."

That's just it. Personal attacks are not valid. For heavens sake, boedicca, grow up.

What is it when you call Si Modo, Willow and others racists?

If the foo shits, bub.

You play the Race Card cuz it's the only one you've got - and it's not a winning hand.
Just another Hopey Changey lie. Yup and he was going to "change the tone of Washington" too. Man,this has been by far the most partisan White House & Congress in History. People really can be like cattle. They can be herded into believing anything. This White House & Congress have been anything but "Civil" since seizing power. What a scam.

You are like a sheep following a crazy ram, fellow. You need to do the Changy Thinky thing before commenting again, or the great, great majority of informed American citizens are going to continue to be laughing at the defenders of libertarianism.

Maybe so,but that doesn't mean they're right.

It means that you are wrong.
I'll translate this too:

"I have no reasonable response to the valid critiques of Obama's comments, actions, and policies, so I will play the Race Card as it's the only card I have in my trick deck of 52 Race Cards."

That's just it. Personal attacks are not valid. For heavens sake, boedicca, grow up.

What is it when you call Si Modo, Willow and others racists?

If the foo shits, bub.

You play the Race Card cuz it's the only one you've got - and it's not a winning hand.

The card does fit, because what they (and you) are saying. The Obamas have more class than the second pair of Bushes as well as the Clintons. You guys are the ones who have no taste, no class, no sense of what is proper.
Just another Hopey Changey lie. Yup and he was going to "change the tone of Washington" too. Man,this has been by far the most partisan White House & Congress in History. People really can be like cattle. They can be herded into believing anything. This White House & Congress have been anything but "Civil" since seizing power. What a scam.

I predict you are going to make that statement about every president until Dr. Paul gets elected (in other words, you are going to be making that and similar statements for the rest of your life).

The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation)and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

Herein lies your problem...the original tea party, the Boston Tea Party, was rebellion against taxation (payments, premiums) without representation. It was being perpetrated on the colonists by a corporation, the British East India Company.

The modern day equivalent of the British East India Company is NOT the government, which is the vessel of governance WITH representation our founding father's created. It is corporations, like the modern day British East India Company; health insurance cartels that tax (payments, premiums) WITHOUT representation.

A simpler and more concise explanation...the teabaggers are PEA brains.

You're an idiot.

"The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already."
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Why should President Obama try and accommodate a group who has no interest in trying to work with him and whose only real position is to oppose everything he does?

I think it's hilarious that the President called them teabaggers. People who have no capacity to laugh at themselves a little only means others will do it for them.
That's just it. Personal attacks are not valid. For heavens sake, boedicca, grow up.

What is it when you call Si Modo, Willow and others racists?

If the foo shits, bub.

You play the Race Card cuz it's the only one you've got - and it's not a winning hand.

The card does fit, because what they (and you) are saying. The Obamas have more class than the second pair of Bushes as well as the Clintons. You guys are the ones who have no taste, no class, no sense of what is proper.
Saying someone has no class is raaaaaacccccciiiiiiist, dontcha know. :rofl:
Only when the Tea Party idiocy of claiming taxing without representation was exposed. Let's not change history, please.
What is it when you call Si Modo, Willow and others racists?

If the foo shits, bub.

You play the Race Card cuz it's the only one you've got - and it's not a winning hand.

The card does fit, because what they (and you) are saying. The Obamas have more class than the second pair of Bushes as well as the Clintons. You guys are the ones who have no taste, no class, no sense of what is proper.
Saying someone has no class is raaaaaacccccciiiiiiist, dontcha know. :rofl:

You are silly as your argument falls apart around you. :lol:
The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation)and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

Herein lies your problem...the original tea party, the Boston Tea Party, was rebellion against taxation (payments, premiums) without representation. It was being perpetrated on the colonists by a corporation, the British East India Company.

The modern day equivalent of the British East India Company is NOT the government, which is the vessel of governance WITH representation our founding father's created. It is corporations, like the modern day British East India Company; health insurance cartels that tax (payments, premiums) WITHOUT representation.

A simpler and more concise explanation...the teabaggers are PEA brains.

You're an idiot.

"The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already."

And held up signs that said "Tea bag congress before it tea bags you." So, I guess sexual innuendo for comedy is okay when one side does it, huh?

Welcome to Tea Bag Congress

I mean, I get the notion behind the tea bag thing. I just think it's funny how people go into conniption fits over others referring to them as teabaggers.

But, as I said, since that's the principle issue that we are debating over this, it basically shows that the teabaggers have little, if anything, relevant to say and debate.
Herein lies your problem...the original tea party, the Boston Tea Party, was rebellion against taxation (payments, premiums) without representation. It was being perpetrated on the colonists by a corporation, the British East India Company.

The modern day equivalent of the British East India Company is NOT the government, which is the vessel of governance WITH representation our founding father's created. It is corporations, like the modern day British East India Company; health insurance cartels that tax (payments, premiums) WITHOUT representation.

A simpler and more concise explanation...the teabaggers are PEA brains.

You're an idiot.

"The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already."

And held up signs that said "Tea bag congress before it tea bags you." So, I guess sexual innuendo for comedy is okay when one side does it, huh?

Welcome to Tea Bag Congress

I mean, I get the notion behind the tea bag thing. I just think it's funny how people go into conniption fits over others referring to them as teabaggers.

But, as I said, since that's the principle issue that we are debating over this, it basically shows that the teabaggers have little, if anything, relevant to say and debate.

OMG. The left was the first to call the Tea Party teabaggers in the sense of the street term. Now, the left continues this inanity as their 'driving' rebuttal to the Tea Party. And, the Tea Party has nothing? TFF! That's some spin. You must be dizzy.

The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

When the movement started, teabaggers themselves used the phrase to describe themselves. Liberals have kept it going, but it didnt germinate with them.

And they used the term in reference to the Boston Tea Party, Taxed Enough Already, and as a way to have congress hear them. The liberals are the ones who pointed out the sexual meaning of it and are the ones who continue to use the tea bagger term as a slur.
GTH is too busy choking on the object of his fetish to think clearly.
OMG. The left was the first to call the Tea Party teabaggers in the sense of the street term.

The people who came up with the phrase "tea bag congress before they tea bag you!" which was prevalent early on in the movement obviously were using the "street phrase" of the word.

I think it's actually funny. Comedy and politics usually go hand in hand. What I find absurd, is the notion that you tea party folks have that you are above radical or silly political banter simply because you are a mock "grass roots organization".

Now, the left continues this inanity as their 'driving' rebuttal to the Tea Party. And, the Tea Party has nothing? TFF! That's some spin. You must be dizzy.

The tea party really is working off an empty bank account though. The movement has taken on a strange form where it means different things to different people. There is no unified message and leader.

Without someone to take charge, eventually the movement will just fizzle out. However, you all are too contentious to agree on anything so, like most populist movements, I predict that your high water mark will be the 2010 elections.

If you help the GOP get a majority in either the house or senate, then you will have served your purpose, the money will stop flowing in, and the movement will just "fade away".

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