Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Should i sum up your average Hopey Changey on this issue? Ok,you talked me into it. Average Hopey Changey when the other side had power: "We really do believe in Bi-Partisanship and we're really really mad at these guys for being so partisan." Average Hopey Changey now that they have the power: "Screw the Republicans and Bi-Partisanship! I think the President should just force his agenda through whether the Republicans like it or not." That about sum them up? You're welcome.
OMG. The left was the first to call the Tea Party teabaggers in the sense of the street term.

The people who came up with the phrase "tea bag congress before they tea bag you!" which was prevalent early on in the movement obviously were using the "street phrase" of the word.
I'll just repeat a post I made earlier:
I never knew that the term 'teabag' meant anything other than some filter paper around some dried tea leaves until Rachel Maddow so crassly introduced me to another meaning of the term 'teabag' in April of 2009.

There are two very different definitions of the term - one originating from the street and one originating from the beverage. Denying that is dishonest.
[Emphasis added]

You know what you are doing and frankly, it's lame.
GTH is too busy choking on the object of his fetish to think clearly.
The funny thing is, he usually does think clearly except when it comes to the Tea Party. :eusa_think:

Emotions are often the biggest roadblock to rational thought.

The really funny thing is, the only reason I have been deemed "irrational" on this issue is that I use the term "teabaggers" which drives you guys five shades of crazy. If you removed that facet from my posts, you guys might disagree with what I say but you wouldn't be going bonkers over my posts.

Like I said, the hypersensitivity over some political satire isn't my problem and it certainly isn't going to stop me.

Nor are the lame names thrown at me or boe's even lamer attempts at reverse psychology.

However, at least the term "shiteater" isn't being thrown at me. That's a pretty lame insult. Surely you guys can do better than that.
I don't think the term is worth getting all riled up over. Poking sticks at each other is what we like to do. However, most people are going to hold the president to a higher standard. There is nothing but a lot of weak ass reasoning as to why Obama is justified in getting down in the mud with the rest of us poor slobs.
GTH is too busy choking on the object of his fetish to think clearly.
The funny thing is, he usually does think clearly except when it comes to the Tea Party. :eusa_think:

Emotions are often the biggest roadblock to rational thought.

The really funny thing is, the only reason I have been deemed "irrational" on this issue is that I use the term "teabaggers" which drives you guys five shades of crazy. If you removed that facet from my posts, you guys might disagree with what I say but you wouldn't be going bonkers over my posts.

Like I said, the hypersensitivity over some political satire isn't my problem and it certainly isn't going to stop me.

Nor are the lame names thrown at me or boe's even lamer attempts at reverse psychology.

However, at least the term "shiteater" isn't being thrown at me. That's a pretty lame insult. Surely you guys can do better than that.

If you are actually saying anything about the Tea Party other than some sexual reference, you might have a point. But, you're not. That's all you have. It's beneath you, IMO.
OMG. The left was the first to call the Tea Party teabaggers in the sense of the street term.

The people who came up with the phrase "tea bag congress before they tea bag you!" which was prevalent early on in the movement obviously were using the "street phrase" of the word.
I'll just repeat a post I made earlier:
I never knew that the term 'teabag' meant anything other than some filter paper around some dried tea leaves until Rachel Maddow so crassly introduced me to another meaning of the term 'teabag' in April of 2009.

There are two very different definitions of the term - one originating from the street and one originating from the beverage. Denying that is dishonest.
[Emphasis added]

You know what you are doing and frankly, it's lame.

I didn't deny it. I pointed out that people from the "Tea Party Movement" were using the "street term" early on for comedy as well. If you think a sign that says "Tea bag congress before they tea bag you." isn't a comedic way of saying "Mail congress tea bags as a sign of protest before they screw you over and stick their balls in your mouth" then you are being lame.

My point: it's okay when you guys do it, but when we poke fun at you all it's a mortal sin.
I don't think the term is worth getting all riled up over. Poking sticks at each other is what we like to do. However, most people are going to hold the president to a higher standard. There is nothing but a lot of weak ass reasoning as to why Obama is justified in getting down in the mud with the rest of us poor slobs.

That's my point. And since adults can't seem to keep their emotions in line over a silly term, I have determined that it is my mission to help them get thicker skin.

I'll even concede the second part of your post. But I still think it's funny.
The people who came up with the phrase "tea bag congress before they tea bag you!" which was prevalent early on in the movement obviously were using the "street phrase" of the word.
I'll just repeat a post I made earlier:
I never knew that the term 'teabag' meant anything other than some filter paper around some dried tea leaves until Rachel Maddow so crassly introduced me to another meaning of the term 'teabag' in April of 2009.

There are two very different definitions of the term - one originating from the street and one originating from the beverage. Denying that is dishonest.
[Emphasis added]

You know what you are doing and frankly, it's lame.

I didn't deny it. I pointed out that people from the "Tea Party Movement" were using the "street term" early on for comedy as well. If you think a sign that says "Tea bag congress before they tea bag you." isn't a comedic way of saying "Mail congress tea bags as a sign of protest before they screw you over and stick their balls in your mouth" then you are being lame.

My point: it's okay when you guys do it, but when we poke fun at you all it's a mortal sin.
No, the left came up with it before. Rachel Maddow last April.

At this point, if that's all the left has to rebutt the Tea Party, I'm OK with it because it's so easy.

I would prefer something more challenging, because this is like having the Orioles play our local T-ball team.
The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

When the movement started, teabaggers themselves used the phrase to describe themselves. Liberals have kept it going, but it didnt germinate with them.

And they used the term in reference to the Boston Tea Party, Taxed Enough Already, and as a way to have congress hear them. The liberals are the ones who pointed out the sexual meaning of it and are the ones who continue to use the tea bagger term as a slur.
Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent

Yeah, I am sure the freepers were in no way pointing out the sexual connotations of the term when they made these signs.
No, the left came up with it before. Rachel Maddow last April.


Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent

At this point, if that's all the left has to rebutt the Tea Party, I'm OK with it because it's so easy.

There's nothing else to discuss since no one really knows what in the hell the tea party stands for.

I would prefer something more challenging, because this is like having the Orioles play our local T-ball team.

Thank God I root for the Cardinals, who could actually beat a T-ball team.
I don't think the term is worth getting all riled up over. Poking sticks at each other is what we like to do. However, most people are going to hold the president to a higher standard. There is nothing but a lot of weak ass reasoning as to why Obama is justified in getting down in the mud with the rest of us poor slobs.

That's my point. And since adults can't seem to keep their emotions in line over a silly term, I have determined that it is my mission to help them get thicker skin.

I'll even concede the second part of your post. But I still think it's funny.
Soooooo, for example: If there is a discussion about the possible dangers of vaccines and all they do is call you a shitstain, they are doing us a service in advancing the discussion of the possible dangers of vaccines. Got it. :thup:
No, the left came up with it before. Rachel Maddow last April.


Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent

At this point, if that's all the left has to rebutt the Tea Party, I'm OK with it because it's so easy.

There's nothing else to discuss since no one really knows what in the hell the tea party stands for.

I suggest you cure your ignorance. (Funny thing is, you posted 26 times in that thread, so you DO know what the Tea Party wants.)

I would prefer something more challenging, because this is like having the Orioles play our local T-ball team.

Thank God I root for the Cardinals, who could actually beat a T-ball team.
Another funny thing is, I cannot stand the Orioles. Good for you being a Cards fan.
Soooooo, for example: If there is a discussion about the possible dangers of vaccines and all they do is call you a shitstain, they are doing us a service in advancing the discussion of the possible dangers of vaccines. Got it. :thup:

Well, that's basically how the anti-vaccination crowd operates anyways.

If someone calls me names, I don't go into convulsions and throw a fit about the name.

That's the difference here.
Soooooo, for example: If there is a discussion about the possible dangers of vaccines and all they do is call you a shitstain, they are doing us a service in advancing the discussion of the possible dangers of vaccines. Got it. :thup:

Well, that's basically how the anti-vaccination crowd operates anyways.

If someone calls me names, I don't go into convulsions and throw a fit about the name.

That's the difference here.
Hyperbole? Lame again.

I've already discussed, at length, how silly the contract is. "Protect the constitution"? WTF does that mean? Would any two people agree on what that entails? And that's the first plank.

It's just vague window dressing.

But I will say this, if this is the "official position" of the tea party then at least it's a start.

Is it the official position? Because I was under the impression that no single person or group spoke for the movement.

I suggest you cure your ignorance. (Funny thing is, you posted 26 times in that thread, so you DO know what the Tea Party wants.)

I didn't read the whole thread.

Another funny thing is, I cannot stand the Orioles. Good for you being a Cards fan.

It's a Missouri tradition.
I guess this isn't really beneath you, GTH. I don't like being wrong about posters, but c'est la vie.

No it's not. Like I said, if you all didn't go into fits over the matter then my job wouldn't be so much fun.

BTW, you noticed that the freepers were using the phrase "Tea bag" in the pejorative sense from the beginning?
That's my point. And since adults can't seem to keep their emotions in line over a silly term, I have determined that it is my mission to help them get thicker skin.

By all means... it's still a semi-free country afterall. In fact, the more disgusting the behavior of Obama and his supporters, the more undecided voters you turn off.

Conservatives should make it their mission to make sure that every voter going to the polls in November know exactly what that term means.... and that there are Democrats in the White House and on Capital Hill who use it to describe American citizens who are concerned about reckless spending and government growth.

You wanna roll in the mud?... we're gonna make you WEAR it. :eusa_whistle:
When the movement started, teabaggers themselves used the phrase to describe themselves. Liberals have kept it going, but it didnt germinate with them.

And they used the term in reference to the Boston Tea Party, Taxed Enough Already, and as a way to have congress hear them. The liberals are the ones who pointed out the sexual meaning of it and are the ones who continue to use the tea bagger term as a slur.
Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent

Yeah, I am sure the freepers were in no way pointing out the sexual connotations of the term when they made these signs.

Did the person holding up that one sign mean tea bag in the sexual reference? Quite likely. And from that ONE sign you surmise that the entire tea party protesters decided to refer to themselves as teabaggers? You honestly thing think that this guy is implying the sexual meaning with this button . . . or is he implying that he is proud to be a person who is fighting to have his voice heard (via sending tea bags to congress)?:

The Slur That Must Not Be Named The Washington Independent

The left continues to use teabagger as a slur . . . you yourself do, as stated earlier in this thread, you use it to insult . . . as did Obama. He is classless.

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