Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Don't know about how others perceive the teabagger term, but I usually ignore the post when I come across the term teabagger because the poster is only interested in insulting.

Indeed, the use of the T-word has reached the point of deserving it's own version of Godwin's Law.
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No it's not. Like I said, if you all didn't go into fits over the matter then my job wouldn't be so much fun.
I guess when the ad hominems fail, you try hyperbole still.

.... BTW, you noticed that the freepers were using the phrase "Tea bag" in the pejorative sense from the beginning?
Really? When did they do that - using it in a pergorative sense? We'll compare dates. I'm being serious. If your date is earlier than mine, I will accept your point and call us whiners.

In the link I posted to you:
Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent
I saw that. That is from December of last year.

Rachel Maddow first used the derogatory term in April of last year.

The left started using the derogatory form of the word to refer to the Tea Party, contrary to your claim otherwise.

As I find it difficult to look at Maddow, here is the link to her in April of 2009: www. youtube. com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8

I have direct knowledge of the role tea bags played in the April 15, 2009 protests. Participants were encouraged to send tea bags to the White House and Congress (actually just the label - tea bags would be thrown out by mail processing staff). The tea bag labels were symbols of disgust with Obama and the Dems' tax and spend policies.

Yes, we all know that.

There was absolutely no intent of a sexual connotation; that was promoted by the Left, led by Rachel Maddow.

Except by the people in the protests who held up signs that said "Tea bag the liberal dems before they teabag you!"

See my link to Si Modo if you are curious (I know you aren't).

People? I saw one person with one sign in the link you provided.
and? one isn't allowed to point out the hypocrisy of partisan hacks?

like i said... it's amusing.

What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously, have you had a recent closed head injury?

Recap: Someone says another's attempt to deflect from the topic....ummm, that would be bringing up Bush is a deflection.

YOU tell them they have nothing to offer.

Of course they don't, as the topic is Obama.

Then it's hypocrisy in your clearly brain damaged head.

Duck next time the stupid stick is being swung, Jillian.

you talking to me, dear?

for someone who's sounded like a blithering idiot (yes, i'm talking about you) through the better part of this thread... and yet, i've been fairly indulgent.... you really need to stop talking sometimes cause it might be better for you next time to let people think you're stupid then to prove them right.

now shove it up your deranged butt. :thup:

and go whine some more about why people aren't civil to you.
Awwwww. Jillian doesn't like it when she is being illogical and others call her on it.

Get a grip.
What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously, have you had a recent closed head injury?

Recap: Someone says another's attempt to deflect from the topic....ummm, that would be bringing up Bush is a deflection.

YOU tell them they have nothing to offer.

Of course they don't, as the topic is Obama.

Then it's hypocrisy in your clearly brain damaged head.

Duck next time the stupid stick is being swung, Jillian.

you talking to me, dear?

for someone who's sounded like a blithering idiot (yes, i'm talking about you) through the better part of this thread... and yet, i've been fairly indulgent.... you really need to stop talking sometimes cause it might be better for you next time to let people think you're stupid then to prove them right.

now shove it up your deranged butt. :thup:

and go whine some more about why people aren't civil to you.
Awwwww. Jillian doesn't like it when she is being illogical and others call her on it.

Get a grip.

actually, i don't like it when people like you who demand civility from others (for no reason, since you haven't earned any) are course, low class and rude....

as well as stupid. :thup:

you called me on nothing. but don't worry, i'm sure some of the wingnuttiest nuts approved.
I guess when the ad hominems fail, you try hyperbole still.

Really? When did they do that - using it in a pergorative sense? We'll compare dates. I'm being serious. If your date is earlier than mine, I will accept your point and call us whiners.

In the link I posted to you:
Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent
I saw that. That is from December of last year.

Rachel Maddow first used the derogatory term in April of last year.

The left started using the derogatory form of the word to refer to the Tea Party, contrary to your claim otherwise.

As I find it difficult to look at Maddow, here is the link to her in April of 2009: www. youtube. com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8


From the article:

Actually, the first Tea Party rallies occurred on Feb. 27. I was at the Washington, D.C., event, where I snapped the picture Nordlinger is talking about.


I remember the first teaparty events being mentioned on TV and the net, because I remember thinking it was strange to start protesting the President after he had been in office for a little over a month. At that point, I came to the conclusion that I have now, the movement was really just a GOP wolf in sheep's clothing.
you talking to me, dear?

for someone who's sounded like a blithering idiot (yes, i'm talking about you) through the better part of this thread... and yet, i've been fairly indulgent.... you really need to stop talking sometimes cause it might be better for you next time to let people think you're stupid then to prove them right.

now shove it up your deranged butt. :thup:

and go whine some more about why people aren't civil to you.
Awwwww. Jillian doesn't like it when she is being illogical and others call her on it.

Get a grip.

actually, i don't like it when people like you who demand civility from others (for no reason, since you haven't earned any) are course, low class and rude....

as well as stupid. :thup:

you called me on nothing. but don't worry, i'm sure some of the wingnuttiest nuts approved.
Jillian, you have lost it. Get a grip.

You were illogical and still are.

Forgive me for asking what the fuck sort of brain damage you have, but your post is one a brain damaged idiot would post. I'll apologize for my harshness. I was impressed with the profound level of stupidity of your post.

Or, maybe you have just decided that dishonesty is a better route.

Shall I recap, AGAIN? Or do you finally get it?
I have direct knowledge of the role tea bags played in the April 15, 2009 protests. Participants were encouraged to send tea bags to the White House and Congress (actually just the label - tea bags would be thrown out by mail processing staff). The tea bag labels were symbols of disgust with Obama and the Dems' tax and spend policies.

Yes, we all know that.

There was absolutely no intent of a sexual connotation; that was promoted by the Left, led by Rachel Maddow.

Except by the people in the protests who held up signs that said "Tea bag the liberal dems before they teabag you!"

See my link to Si Modo if you are curious (I know you aren't).

People? I saw one person with one sign in the link you provided.

Like I said. Not everyone uses it for humor. Some do and it's occurred from both sides. Unless you want to argue that the person holding that sign was really scared that congress would mail tea bags to the American people and it had no sexual connotation.

The point is you guys are deliberately thin skinned on this issue and that's why you are easy targets.
I saw that. That is from December of last year.

Rachel Maddow first used the derogatory term in April of last year.

The left started using the derogatory form of the word to refer to the Tea Party, contrary to your claim otherwise.

As I find it difficult to look at Maddow, here is the link to her in April of 2009: www. youtube. com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8


From the article:

Actually, the first Tea Party rallies occurred on Feb. 27. I was at the Washington, D.C., event, where I snapped the picture Nordlinger is talking about.


I remember the first teaparty events being mentioned on TV and the net, because I remember thinking it was strange to start protesting the President after he had been in office for a little over a month. At that point, I came to the conclusion that I have now, the movement was really just a GOP wolf in sheep's clothing.

Slick, but the question is when the Tea Party first used the DEROGATORY term. That was after the pig Maddow so crassly introduced me to another meaning of teabag in April 2009.

No bait and switch.

No sale, GTH.

So, keep up the ad hominem. You earned the reputation for it by now.
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Don't know about how others perceive the teabagger term, but I usually ignore the post when I come across the term teabagger because the poster is only interested in insulting.

Indeed, the use of the T-word has reached the point of deserving it's own version of Godwin's Law.

LMAO. You wish.

But you can try that tactic if you want. We will still laugh at you.
Actually, the first tea party protests were Porkulus Protests in February 2009 - notably the one in Seattle the day before Obama signed the Stimulus Bill. That one was a particular inspiration for the Tea Parties, which adopted that name after Santelli's rant on CNBC.
Slick, but the question is when the Tea Party first used the DEROGATORY term.

No bait and switch.

No sale, GTH.

So, keep up the ad hominem. You earned the reputation for it by now.

You don't think that sign had a derogatory connotation?

It's okay. I knew you'd find a way to not honor your word.
Actually, the first tea party protests were Porkulus Protests in February 2009 - notably the one in Seattle the day before Obama signed the Stimulus Bill. That one was a particular inspiration for the Tea Parties, which adopted that name after Santelli's rant on CNBC.

Which is when this guy took the picture of the sign from a teabagger that said:

"Tea bag the liberal dems before they teabag you!"
Slick, but the question is when the Tea Party first used the DEROGATORY term.

No bait and switch.

No sale, GTH.

So, keep up the ad hominem. You earned the reputation for it by now.

You don't think that sign had a derogatory connotation?

It's okay. I knew you'd find a way to not honor your word.
You did? On what basis?

I looked again. If one is to assume the blog is valid, and I see no reason initially to think otherwise, then you have a point.

This is nothing that any of us should whine about.

Sorry to disappoint your prejudice about me.
Slick, but the question is when the Tea Party first used the DEROGATORY term.

No bait and switch.

No sale, GTH.

So, keep up the ad hominem. You earned the reputation for it by now.

You don't think that sign had a derogatory connotation?

It's okay. I knew you'd find a way to not honor your word.
You did? On what basis?

I looked again. If one is to assume the blog is valid, and I see no reason initially to think otherwise, then you have a point.

This is nothing that any of us should whine about.

Sorry to disappoint your prejudice about me.

If you are being serious, then I retract my statement. However, I'll note that my statement was made after you stated you had read the blog and weren't going to do what you said you would if the dates matched up.
You don't think that sign had a derogatory connotation?

It's okay. I knew you'd find a way to not honor your word.
You did? On what basis?

I looked again. If one is to assume the blog is valid, and I see no reason initially to think otherwise, then you have a point.

This is nothing that any of us should whine about.

Sorry to disappoint your prejudice about me.

If you are being serious, then I retract my statement. However, I'll note that my statement was made after you stated you had read the blog and weren't going to do what you said you would if the dates matched up.
I DID read the blog. I did not look at the link to the picture in the blog thoroughly the first time through. I have a mouse that likes to over scroll.

But if you still want to assume I have no honor, go for it.

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