Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

tsk tsk tsk,, all this toooo dooo about a saggy old ball sack.. and where to put it.. I know I know,, ask madcow.. shel'' tell ya.
Big Johnson Tea-Bagging:

"Fall asleep by the pantry, get a mouth full of pants free"
You did? On what basis?

I looked again. If one is to assume the blog is valid, and I see no reason initially to think otherwise, then you have a point.

This is nothing that any of us should whine about.

Sorry to disappoint your prejudice about me.

If you are being serious, then I retract my statement. However, I'll note that my statement was made after you stated you had read the blog and weren't going to do what you said you would if the dates matched up.
I DID read the blog. I did not look at the link to the picture in the blog thoroughly the first time through. I have a mouse that likes to over scroll.

But if you still want to assume I have no honor, go for it.

No, I actually have tremendous respect for you if you are going to keep your word on the matter. You don't see that often here. So I retract what I said on that matter.

The only reason I said it is because I assumed you had read and comprehended the article and were going to try and split hairs over the issue.

If that's not the case, then it's not the case.
If you are being serious, then I retract my statement. However, I'll note that my statement was made after you stated you had read the blog and weren't going to do what you said you would if the dates matched up.
I DID read the blog. I did not look at the link to the picture in the blog thoroughly the first time through. I have a mouse that likes to over scroll.

But if you still want to assume I have no honor, go for it.

No, I actually have tremendous respect for you if you are going to keep your word on the matter. You don't see that often here. So I retract what I said on that matter.

The only reason I said it is because I assumed you had read and comprehended the article and were going to try and split hairs over the issue.

If that's not the case, then it's not the case.


This is why I like reasonable arguments - folks using links, sources, etc - rather than just flames. It opens my mind.

From this point forward, I believe that any whining about the term teabagger is ridiculous.
Do you expect anything but hypocrisy from a guy who constantly tells us not to jump to conclusions but can then jump to a conclusion like "The police acted stupidly"?

The police did act stupidly in that case, SP. Arresting a guy in his own house? God damn right they acted stupidly, so cut it out with the faux outrage.
I DID read the blog. I did not look at the link to the picture in the blog thoroughly the first time through. I have a mouse that likes to over scroll.

But if you still want to assume I have no honor, go for it.

No, I actually have tremendous respect for you if you are going to keep your word on the matter. You don't see that often here. So I retract what I said on that matter.

The only reason I said it is because I assumed you had read and comprehended the article and were going to try and split hairs over the issue.

If that's not the case, then it's not the case.


This is why I like reasonable arguments - folks using links, sources, etc - rather than just flames. It opens my mind.

From this point forward, I believe that any whining about the term teabagger is ridiculous.

Holy cow. Political message board middle ground. Somewhere in the galaxy something significant must have just happened.

Thanks though. I'll do my best to operate on good faith with you over the matter.

FWIW; I think a lot of the disconnect comes from a generational thing. MY mom is a professor of political science and used the term in front of her class and didn't know why her students started snickering. (I told her to wiki it). She wasn't intending to insult the movement, she just didn't know.

I would venture to say that people in my generation in the movement saw the comedy behind using teabags in any form from the onset and that's why they perceive it as humorous (notice the person holding that sign is pretty young) while some of you more *ahem* seasoned tea party individuals get angry over it.
Yea, I think it's humiliating calling this a "teabagger":


or this:


Course, these guys aren't wearing teabags:


You gotta take them at their word:

You gotta take them at their word:


I am a big fan of the woman holding that sign. I love her for her mind.

the ledge on her forehead casts a shadow on her eyes like quasi moto(sp?). not a fan. her brain may be cool but she admits she's all these bad things. *shrugs*

*runs away*

A bit of trivia: Quasimodo is taken from Latin, quasi modo geniti infantes, which means 'what would be as if they are newborn infants'. Hugo used the name to apply some innocence to the character as well as his being found at Notre Dame on Low Sunday. Si modo means, 'if only', 'but wait', or other variations, depending on context. Quasi modo means 'what [would be] if only', again, depending on context.

Useless trivia, but some may like it.
A bit of trivia: Quasimodo is taken from Latin, quasi modo geniti infantes, which means 'what would be as if they are newborn infants'. Hugo used the name to apply some innocence to the character as well as his being found at Notre Dame on Low Sunday. Si modo means, 'if only', 'but wait', or other variations, depending on context. Quasi modo means 'what [would be] if only', again, depending on context.

Useless trivia, but some may like it.

More useless trivia: cretinism is a condition children have when their mothers fail to deliver enough thyroid hormone to them in gestation. It's generally seen as a perjorative term now that persists in medical literature for whatever reason.

However the root of the word (if I remember right) is "Christ like" due to the view that the mentally retarded (which is a symptom of cretinism) are incapable of sin.
I have direct knowledge of the role tea bags played in the April 15, 2009 protests. Participants were encouraged to send tea bags to the White House and Congress (actually just the label - tea bags would be thrown out by mail processing staff). The tea bag labels were symbols of disgust with Obama and the Dems' tax and spend policies. There was absolutely no intent of a sexual connotation; that was promoted by the Left, led by Rachel Maddow.

if the teabag-symbolism does not work out you could try to find new gimmicks.

like advocating tax cuts resulting in golden showers for real americans.
A bit of trivia: Quasimodo is taken from Latin, quasi modo geniti infantes, which means 'what would be as if they are newborn infants'. Hugo used the name to apply some innocence to the character as well as his being found at Notre Dame on Low Sunday. Si modo means, 'if only', 'but wait', or other variations, depending on context. Quasi modo means 'what [would be] if only', again, depending on context.

Useless trivia, but some may like it.

More useless trivia: cretinism is a condition children have when their mothers fail to deliver enough thyroid hormone to them in gestation. It's generally seen as a perjorative term now that persists in medical literature for whatever reason.

However the root of the word (if I remember right) is "Christ like" due to the view that the mentally retarded (which is a symptom of cretinism) are incapable of sin.
Cool! I did not know that, and I love using the word cretin. LOL.


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