Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

I read si modo, willow, and others, and I can only conclude their hatred for our president is based on race. There is nothing else to personally detest the man. Amazing!

Classlessness? We have fringe whingers from the right here who are receiving federal assistance while biting the same hand that is giving to them. That is an utter lack of class.

Jake, because I know for a fact you're a phony lying sack of shit who is getting paid to pass himself off as a Republican, I'm going to explain the difference between Democrats and everyone else.

Like all Modern Democrats Obama is a Marxist. He answers every question with the phrase "Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!"


Q. How can we bring down Health Care costs?

A. Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!

Q. How can we reform our financial system?

A. Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!

Q. How can we get a better handle on Immigration?

A. Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!

Q. How can we capitalize on the totally phony and discredited quasi-science of Global Climate Warming Change?

A. Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!

That's how it works, Jake and that's why we loath the Marxist in the White House
Calling someone what they have factually demonstrated is quite different than lobbying a vulgar epithet for which there is no evidence.

Considering the frequency with which you use the t-word, the only logical conclusion is that you yourself have a fetish for the practice.

LOL, and you wonder why people make fun of you.

Poor little tea-baggers.
Barry calls for civility then turns around and uses the 'well known sexual connotation term' tea bagger. He is a classless hypocrite.
Weren't liberals the ones decrying the "socialist" label for Obama? But you gleefully indulge in calling these protesters "tea-baggers"? Maybe the classless hypocrites elected one of their own to lead the country.
Calling someone who advocates socialist policies a socialist is not the equivalent of calling someone who criticizes those policies a vulgar term for a sexual act.

Just sayin'.
Calling someone who advocates socialist policies a socialist is not the equivalent of calling someone who criticizes those policies a vulgar term for a sexual act.

Just sayin'.

You're right, but my point is, liberals seem to think a legitimate criticism like "Obama endorses socialist policies" is incendiary while they snicker like school girls because apparently it's cute to call these people "tea-baggers". The Right is supposed to water-down, or totally keep quiet, about a legitimate charge while the Left gets to indulge in baseless name-calling only meant to piss people off.
What the Left wants is for the Right to give up and stay quiet.
Calling someone who advocates socialist policies a socialist is not the equivalent of calling someone who criticizes those policies a vulgar term for a sexual act.

Just sayin'.

You're right, but my point is, liberals seem to think a legitimate criticism like "Obama endorses socialist policies" is incendiary while they snicker like school girls because apparently it's cute to call these people "tea-baggers". The Right is supposed to water-down, or totally keep quiet, about a legitimate charge while the Left gets to indulge in baseless name-calling only meant to piss people off.

Yeah, because the right has been the very epitome of civilized debate over the past eight years.

9-11 happened, the right wrapped their asses up in the flag, and started calling anyone who dared to question our actions cowards, traitors, terrorist sympathizers, trooper haters, and worse.

I wouldn't claim that either side has clean hands here. Anyone who does is a retard.
Neither side has clean hands, and it is classless for the whinger fringers on the right to suggest they do. History proves that false.
Neither side has clean hands, and it is classless for the whinger fringers on the right to suggest they do. History proves that false.

The selective amnesia from the right is amazing. Ann Coulter wrote an entire book accusing the left of 60 years of systematic treason and it was a best-seller.

But the second someone starts swinging back, they go into victim mode.

Give me a fucking break. Like I said, some of these righties are the stereotypical schoolyard bully that got punched in the nose.
Neither side has clean hands, and it is classless for the whinger fringers on the right to suggest they do. History proves that false.

The selective amnesia from the right is amazing. Ann Coulter wrote an entire book accusing the left of 60 years of systematic treason and it was a best-seller.

But the second someone starts swinging back, they go into victim mode.

Give me a fucking break. Like I said, some of these righties are the stereotypical schoolyard bully that got punched in the nose.

Because Ann Coulter's thesis is the same as a large contingency of people on one of the political spectrum indulging in slurring a grassroots protest.

That would like if I characterized a left-wing women's group as being nothing but a bunch of fat lesbians on their period, and when someone called me out, I said, "so what?! Jon Stewart insults the right all the time and he has one of the highest ranking shows on TV!"
Because Ann Coulter's thesis is the same as a large contingency of people on one of the political spectrum indulging in slurring a grassroots protest.

It was the slurring a large contengent of Americans based purely on their political beliefs. I don't remember the wingers being upset over her moxie either.

BTW, the teabaggers are about as grass roots as astroturf.

That would like if I characterized a left-wing women's group as being nothing but a bunch of fat lesbians on their period, and when someone called me out, I said, "so what?! Jon Stewart insults the right all the time and he has one of the highest ranking shows on TV!"

No shit. Like I said, both sides have dirty hands. Only knuckleheads think otherwise.
I read si modo, willow, and others, and I can only conclude their hatred for our president is based on race. There is nothing else to personally detest the man. Amazing!

Classlessness? We have fringe whingers from the right here who are receiving federal assistance while biting the same hand that is giving to them. That is an utter lack of class.

Jake, because I know for a fact you're a phony lying sack of shit who is getting paid to pass himself off as a Republican, I'm going to explain the difference between Democrats and everyone else.

Like all Modern Democrats Obama is a Marxist. He answers every question with the phrase "Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!"


Q. How can we bring down Health Care costs?

A. Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!

Q. How can we reform our financial system?

A. Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!

Q. How can we get a better handle on Immigration?

A. Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!

Q. How can we capitalize on the totally phony and discredited quasi-science of Global Climate Warming Change?

A. Mo' n Bigga Gubbamint!

That's how it works, Jake and that's why we loath the Marxist in the White House

I like yours, but mine are true:

Q. How can we make mines as unsafe as possible?

A. Republican Deregulation we call "Voluntary Compliance".

Q. How can we destroy the world economy?

A. Republican Deregulation of Wall Street.

Q. How can we destroy the Gulf Coast?

A. Republican Deregulation we call "Voluntary Compliance".

Q. How do you help suffering Americans after a disastrous Hurricane?

A. You ignore them because you are extremely busy having a party.

Q. How do you take a secular country that was no threat to us and turn them into a hard right wing extreme Islamic theocracy who hates our guts, vows revenge, becomes friends with our worst enemy and throws shoes at our president?

A. You invade them and then give them the military we thought they had when we invaded.

Q. How do you take a country, a democratic country, split it right down the middle, demonize the duly elected President, fight everything he does working to fix eight years of incompetency and global humiliation while publicly calling him, "A “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ"?"

A. You take your talking points from the political party that was behind eight years of incompetency and global humiliation.

Q. What health care plan do you promote over the one that is bankrupting the US?

A. "Die Quickly".

Q. What do you say when people point out that only 6% of scientists in this country are Republican?

A. You say, "Good, scientists just sit on their ass, they don't really add anything to the country, their so-called "contributions" are over hyped, they lie about evolution, global warming and vaccinations. We don't need them".

Q. How do you dumb down a country?

A. You tell your children that eduction is for elitist who don't have common sense and "it's only a meaningless piece of worthless paper".

Q. How do you destroy your own livelihood?

A. You vote for Republicans who work with big business who want to strip away benefits and pay as little as possible and if they can't turn you into cheap labor, ship your job overseas to people who will work for almost nothing.

I hope I was able to clear things up. I wish I was able to give a more positive picture, but I find the truth is best.

The truth is something substantive that you can work with to turn the negative into a positive.

The truth will help Republicans to understand that our government is made up of American Citizens who mostly want to help this country become a better place, made up of neighbors we voted into office, not some communist, dark mysterious entity who wants to feast on your baby in the dark of night. We have a duty to help Republicans and Conservatives to get past their fear and terror. It's a dark place they live in. A sad and dark place.
What the Left wants is for the Right to give up and stay quiet.

Actually, no. We want the right to do what is best for this country and stop operating from a place of fear and terror. We want the right to put away their lies and join the people of this century to make American a better place. Promote eduction. Rebuild the infrastructure. Put down their "teabags" and pick up a "book".
Calling someone who advocates socialist policies a socialist is not the equivalent of calling someone who criticizes those policies a vulgar term for a sexual act.

Just sayin'.

You're right, but my point is, liberals seem to think a legitimate criticism like "Obama endorses socialist policies" is incendiary while they snicker like school girls because apparently it's cute to call these people "tea-baggers". The Right is supposed to water-down, or totally keep quiet, about a legitimate charge while the Left gets to indulge in baseless name-calling only meant to piss people off.

Yeah, because the right has been the very epitome of civilized debate over the past eight years.

9-11 happened, the right wrapped their asses up in the flag, and started calling anyone who dared to question our actions cowards, traitors, terrorist sympathizers, trooper haters, and worse.

I wouldn't claim that either side has clean hands here. Anyone who does is a retard.

Democrats started cheerleading for the Insurgents and Mooky Al Sadr as soon as Saddam left. FDR would have arrested you fuckers for treason
Frank you're a partisan hack with no objectivity...or frankly anything to add to any of these discussions.

Go back and sit at the kiddie table.
Frank you're a partisan hack with no objectivity...or frankly anything to add to any of these discussions.

Go back and sit at the kiddie table.

You're just upset that your "Happy Jihad" Cards to Mooky Al Sadr are returned to you "No Forwarding Address"
Frank you're a partisan hack with no objectivity...or frankly anything to add to any of these discussions.

Go back and sit at the kiddie table.

You're just upset that your "Happy Jihad" Cards to Mooky Al Sadr are returned to you "No Forwarding Address"
I have to say that Vanquish seems like a relatively open-minded adversary. Slamming trolls is one thing, but slamming those who demonstate an ability to have an open mind is another.

Wise choices in battles often win the war.

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