Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Poor TPs....

I hope Obama didn't hurt their feelings....they always say such nice things about him
He didn't hurt my feelings. He is just an embarrassment to me as President.

president for his side. we are his enemies, we presently do not have anyone who represent us.

Did you happen to feel this way when republicans were majority party and controlled congress and the white house?? Somehow I doubt it.

The sad thing is that I had a discussion with someone a while back and they tried to claim that they had no representation despite the fact that his states two senators and his district's representative where ALL republicans that he voted for. You are the minority and back when dems were the minority my guess is that like all of the rest of the hypocritical whining righties you couldn't have ccared less.

This is the way the system works and how it was set up by the founders, a majority of Americans did NOT agree with your party so you were voted out of the majority and into the minority.
Deal with it, grow up and stop acting like a spoiled child.
Boston Tea Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See how confused people become when they spew hate for history, science and higher education
Does anyone speak drivel and can translate for me?

I've developed a layperson's knowledge of TMese; here's a rough translation:

"I'm a brain damaged idiot who parrots bromides and cuts and pastes things which I don't bother to read."

Notice how the level of baseless attacks from righties increases exponentially as posters continue to try to debate a topic that righties know that they have lost and therefore refuse to debate?
The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation)and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

Herein lies your problem...the original tea party, the Boston Tea Party, was rebellion against taxation (payments, premiums) without representation. It was being perpetrated on the colonists by a corporation, the British East India Company.

The modern day equivalent of the British East India Company is NOT the government, which is the vessel of governance WITH representation our founding father's created. It is corporations, like the modern day British East India Company; health insurance cartels that tax (payments, premiums) WITHOUT representation.

A simpler and more concise explanation...the teabaggers are PEA brains.

You're an idiot.

"The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already."

And yet they have no clue as to what is REALLY going on with taxes. LOL
You're an idiot.

"The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already."

And held up signs that said "Tea bag congress before it tea bags you." So, I guess sexual innuendo for comedy is okay when one side does it, huh?

Welcome to Tea Bag Congress

I mean, I get the notion behind the tea bag thing. I just think it's funny how people go into conniption fits over others referring to them as teabaggers.

But, as I said, since that's the principle issue that we are debating over this, it basically shows that the teabaggers have little, if anything, relevant to say and debate.

OMG. The left was the first to call the Tea Party teabaggers in the sense of the street term. Now, the left continues this inanity as their 'driving' rebuttal to the Tea Party. And, the Tea Party has nothing? TFF! That's some spin. You must be dizzy.

You make a lot of claims but in then end you don't provide much substance. I wonder why??
Can you actually prove that the left did it first?? Somehow I doubt it.

Oh and BTW the "driving" rebuttal to the tea partiers is that they scream about taxes when for the most part they got a break this past year, which shows that they don't know shite about their core issue, which is supposed to be TAXES.
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OMG. The left was the first to call the Tea Party teabaggers in the sense of the street term.

The people who came up with the phrase "tea bag congress before they tea bag you!" which was prevalent early on in the movement obviously were using the "street phrase" of the word.
I'll just repeat a post I made earlier:
I never knew that the term 'teabag' meant anything other than some filter paper around some dried tea leaves until Rachel Maddow so crassly introduced me to another meaning of the term 'teabag' in April of 2009.

There are two very different definitions of the term - one originating from the street and one originating from the beverage. Denying that is dishonest.
[Emphasis added]

You know what you are doing and frankly, it's lame.

Here is simodo with his usual avoidance and dishonesty. As usual he can't respond to the content so he deletes what he doesn't like and then parrots an earlier admission to being ignorant in a desperate attempt to feign a response while attacking another poster.

geaux even gave you an example of the tea bagger using the term in it's "street form" and you refuse to acknowledge it as you continue to avoid facts that don't suit your spin.

How typical.
I'll just repeat a post I made earlier: [Emphasis added]

You know what you are doing and frankly, it's lame.

I didn't deny it. I pointed out that people from the "Tea Party Movement" were using the "street term" early on for comedy as well. If you think a sign that says "Tea bag congress before they tea bag you." isn't a comedic way of saying "Mail congress tea bags as a sign of protest before they screw you over and stick their balls in your mouth" then you are being lame.

My point: it's okay when you guys do it, but when we poke fun at you all it's a mortal sin.
No, the left came up with it before. Rachel Maddow last April.

At this point, if that's all the left has to rebutt the Tea Party, I'm OK with it because it's so easy.

I would prefer something more challenging, because this is like having the Orioles play our local T-ball team.

Still no proof of your claim. Imagine that.

furthermore, based on your analogy and the order the orioles are the dems and YOU are the Tball team. So unless your Tball team is on steroids and well outside of the age limit then based on your analogy the left is kicking your ass. LOL Here is another taste of the ass kicking.

Oh and since you keep referring to the april episode of rachel maddow my guess is that you have seen the clip of the kid holding up the sign "tea bag the liberal dems before they tea bag you" at about 1:29 into this clip.

YouTube - The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"!

so based on that FACT the tea baggers were using the "street term" BEFORE she did or else she couldn't have put it on the air.

So based on that video I have proved that tea baggers used the "street version" earlier than that april 9 clip and I am guessing that is what you are basing your argument on I have to ask, can you prove that the left used it earlier??
I didn't deny it. I pointed out that people from the "Tea Party Movement" were using the "street term" early on for comedy as well. If you think a sign that says "Tea bag congress before they tea bag you." isn't a comedic way of saying "Mail congress tea bags as a sign of protest before they screw you over and stick their balls in your mouth" then you are being lame.

My point: it's okay when you guys do it, but when we poke fun at you all it's a mortal sin.
No, the left came up with it before. Rachel Maddow last April.

At this point, if that's all the left has to rebutt the Tea Party, I'm OK with it because it's so easy.

I would prefer something more challenging, because this is like having the Orioles play our local T-ball team.

Still no proof of your claim. Imagine that.

furthermore, based on your analogy and the order the orioles are the dems and YOU are the Tball team. So unless your Tball team is on steroids and well outside of the age limit then based on your analogy the left is kicking your ass. LOL Here is another taste of the ass kicking.

Oh and since you keep referring to the april episode of rachel maddow my guess is that you have seen the clip of the kid holding up the sign "tea bag the liberal dems before they tea bag you" at about 1:29 into this clip.

YouTube - The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"!

so based on that FACT the tea baggers were using the "street term" BEFORE she did or else she couldn't have put it on the air.

So based on that video I have proved that tea baggers used the "street version" earlier than that april 9 clip and I am guessing that is what you are basing your argument on I have to ask, can you prove that the left used it earlier??

Christ, you need to catch up.

What a fucking moron. :lol:
And they used the term in reference to the Boston Tea Party, Taxed Enough Already, and as a way to have congress hear them. The liberals are the ones who pointed out the sexual meaning of it and are the ones who continue to use the tea bagger term as a slur.
Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent

Yeah, I am sure the freepers were in no way pointing out the sexual connotations of the term when they made these signs.

Did the person holding up that one sign mean tea bag in the sexual reference? Quite likely. And from that ONE sign you surmise that the entire tea party protesters decided to refer to themselves as teabaggers? You honestly thing think that this guy is implying the sexual meaning with this button . . . or is he implying that he is proud to be a person who is fighting to have his voice heard (via sending tea bags to congress)?:

The Slur That Must Not Be Named The Washington Independent

The left continues to use teabagger as a slur . . . you yourself do, as stated earlier in this thread, you use it to insult . . . as did Obama. He is classless.

The sad thing is that intent has nothing to do with the debate of where it originated. It is a double entendre and unfortunately for self named tea baggers they missed one of the common definitions.
The fact that you have basically conceded is that it originated with tea baggers but your spin is that they did not intend it to mean anything other than sending a tea bag to the white house when they talked about tea bagging the white house.

So once again intent has nothing to do with the debate of where it originated and it originated with the tea baggers.
No, the left came up with it before. Rachel Maddow last April.

At this point, if that's all the left has to rebutt the Tea Party, I'm OK with it because it's so easy.

I would prefer something more challenging, because this is like having the Orioles play our local T-ball team.

Still no proof of your claim. Imagine that.

furthermore, based on your analogy and the order the orioles are the dems and YOU are the Tball team. So unless your Tball team is on steroids and well outside of the age limit then based on your analogy the left is kicking your ass. LOL Here is another taste of the ass kicking.

Oh and since you keep referring to the april episode of rachel maddow my guess is that you have seen the clip of the kid holding up the sign "tea bag the liberal dems before they tea bag you" at about 1:29 into this clip.

YouTube - The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"!

so based on that FACT the tea baggers were using the "street term" BEFORE she did or else she couldn't have put it on the air.

So based on that video I have proved that tea baggers used the "street version" earlier than that april 9 clip and I am guessing that is what you are basing your argument on I have to ask, can you prove that the left used it earlier??

Christ, you need to catch up.

What a fucking moron. :lol:

I am starting where I left off and you are too as you continue to avoid the debate because you know that you have lost. LOL

Care to respond to how I countered your lame attempt to blame it on rachel or are you merely going to attack me as you run away??

How can you honestly blame rachel maddow when on the april program she showed a clip of a person holding a sign that uses the "street" version of the term tea bag which means it was used by tea baggers BEFORE she aired it?? Answer: YOU CAN'T. LOL
Danger USMB, Danger! drsmith is being an idiot again!
Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent

Yeah, I am sure the freepers were in no way pointing out the sexual connotations of the term when they made these signs.

Did the person holding up that one sign mean tea bag in the sexual reference? Quite likely. And from that ONE sign you surmise that the entire tea party protesters decided to refer to themselves as teabaggers? You honestly thing think that this guy is implying the sexual meaning with this button . . . or is he implying that he is proud to be a person who is fighting to have his voice heard (via sending tea bags to congress)?:

The Slur That Must Not Be Named The Washington Independent

The left continues to use teabagger as a slur . . . you yourself do, as stated earlier in this thread, you use it to insult . . . as did Obama. He is classless.

The sad thing is that intent has nothing to do with the debate of where it originated. It is a double entendre and unfortunately for self named tea baggers they missed one of the common definitions.
The fact that you have basically conceded is that it originated with tea baggers but your spin is that they did not intend it to mean anything other than sending a tea bag to the white house when they talked about tea bagging the white house.

So once again intent has nothing to do with the debate of where it originated and it originated with the tea baggers.

I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.
I don't think the term is worth getting all riled up over. Poking sticks at each other is what we like to do. However, most people are going to hold the president to a higher standard. There is nothing but a lot of weak ass reasoning as to why Obama is justified in getting down in the mud with the rest of us poor slobs.

Which we should do. Shame some don't. Especially when the President lowers the Standard of the office he holds, to meet his OWN low standard. We have those that applaud the POTUS playing in the 'gutter' with them...because he cannot get used to the higher standard...and neither can they.

It's funny how righties didn't believe that when they elected a moron because they wanted to have a drink with him. LOL
Still no proof of your claim. Imagine that.

furthermore, based on your analogy and the order the orioles are the dems and YOU are the Tball team. So unless your Tball team is on steroids and well outside of the age limit then based on your analogy the left is kicking your ass. LOL Here is another taste of the ass kicking.

Oh and since you keep referring to the april episode of rachel maddow my guess is that you have seen the clip of the kid holding up the sign "tea bag the liberal dems before they tea bag you" at about 1:29 into this clip.

YouTube - The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"!

so based on that FACT the tea baggers were using the "street term" BEFORE she did or else she couldn't have put it on the air.

So based on that video I have proved that tea baggers used the "street version" earlier than that april 9 clip and I am guessing that is what you are basing your argument on I have to ask, can you prove that the left used it earlier??

Christ, you need to catch up.

What a fucking moron. :lol:

I am starting where I left off and you are too as you continue to avoid the debate because you know that you have lost. LOL

Care to respond to how I countered your lame attempt to blame it on rachel or are you merely going to attack me as you run away??

How can you honestly blame rachel maddow when on the april program she showed a clip of a person holding a sign that uses the "street" version of the term tea bag which means it was used by tea baggers BEFORE she aired it?? Answer: YOU CAN'T. LOL

I don't really give a shit WHY you look like a fool, you still do.

Keep it up. :thup: This is entertaining.
At this point, it is quite clear that the Tea Partiers refer to themselves as Tea Partiers and find the T-word to be quite offensive.

Anyone who continues to use the T-Word is doing so with an objective to insult and demean the Tea Partiers - which says a great deal about the character of the former, and nothing whatsoever about the latter.

LOL that's hilarious. Thanks but since when do you get the right to define another poster's intent??
Christ, you need to catch up.

What a fucking moron. :lol:

I am starting where I left off and you are too as you continue to avoid the debate because you know that you have lost. LOL

Care to respond to how I countered your lame attempt to blame it on rachel or are you merely going to attack me as you run away??

How can you honestly blame rachel maddow when on the april program she showed a clip of a person holding a sign that uses the "street" version of the term tea bag which means it was used by tea baggers BEFORE she aired it?? Answer: YOU CAN'T. LOL

I don't really give a shit WHY you look like a fool, you still do.

Keep it up. :thup: This is entertaining.

As usual, when YOU are proven WRONG you resort to name calling and avoidance. Thanks for the spin but AS USUAL, you lose. LOL

The video doesn't lie but apparently YOU do. tea baggers usued the term in it's "street" form before rachel did and the proof is the fact that she aired the proof on her show in which you claimed to have learned it.

Go ahead and run away, it's not as if i expected you to have the integrity to admit that you were WRONG.
At this point, it is quite clear that the Tea Partiers refer to themselves as Tea Partiers and find the T-word to be quite offensive.

Anyone who continues to use the T-Word is doing so with an objective to insult and demean the Tea Partiers - which says a great deal about the character of the former, and nothing whatsoever about the latter.

LOL that's hilarious. Thanks but since when do you get the right to define another poster's intent??

When you broadcast your objective with your insulting posts, it doesn't take much effort to see what you are doing.

Just sayin'.
Aww, too bad.

Maybe you all should have worried about name-calling before you started calling Obama a "Nazi" and a "Stalinist".

LOL. Tea-Baggers.

Calling someone what they have factually demonstrated is quite different than lobbying a vulgar epithet for which there is no evidence.

Considering the frequency with which you use the t-word, the only logical conclusion is that you yourself have a fetish for the practice.

It is a double entendre that tea baggers chose out of ignorance and they only have themselves to blame.
Grow up and deal it like an adult instead of acting like spoiled child.
I am starting where I left off and you are too as you continue to avoid the debate because you know that you have lost. LOL

Care to respond to how I countered your lame attempt to blame it on rachel or are you merely going to attack me as you run away??

How can you honestly blame rachel maddow when on the april program she showed a clip of a person holding a sign that uses the "street" version of the term tea bag which means it was used by tea baggers BEFORE she aired it?? Answer: YOU CAN'T. LOL

I don't really give a shit WHY you look like a fool, you still do.

Keep it up. :thup: This is entertaining.

As usual, when YOU are proven WRONG you resort to name calling and avoidance. Thanks for the spin but AS USUAL, you lose. LOL

The video doesn't lie but apparently YOU do. tea baggers usued the term in it's "street" form before rachel did and the proof is the fact that she aired the proof on her show in which you claimed to have learned it.

Go ahead and run away, it's not as if i expected you to have the integrity to admit that you were WRONG.

Oh spare us your stupid indignation you stupid hypocrite.
Aww, too bad.

Maybe you all should have worried about name-calling before you started calling Obama a "Nazi" and a "Stalinist".

LOL. Tea-Baggers.

Calling someone what they have factually demonstrated is quite different than lobbying a vulgar epithet for which there is no evidence.

Considering the frequency with which you use the t-word, the only logical conclusion is that you yourself have a fetish for the practice.

It is a double entendre that tea baggers chose out of ignorance and they only have themselves to blame.
Grow up and deal it like an adult instead of acting like spoiled child.

It's not our fault you choose to be a butt plug either..

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