Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

I have direct knowledge of the role tea bags played in the April 15, 2009 protests. Participants were encouraged to send tea bags to the White House and Congress (actually just the label - tea bags would be thrown out by mail processing staff). The tea bag labels were symbols of disgust with Obama and the Dems' tax and spend policies. There was absolutely no intent of a sexual connotation; that was promoted by the Left, led by Rachel Maddow.

Exactly. The intent was to remind Government that our forebearers voiced their disgust with One tyrant not so long ago. As things are? The left prostituted the notion in a way they normally do while failing to acknowledge histroy.

What history are you talking about?? Is it the one where a bunch of drunken men painted themselves to frame indians as they dumped tea into the boston harbor??

Is that the history that you are referring to??
Christ, you need to catch up.

What a fucking moron. :lol:

I am starting where I left off and you are too as you continue to avoid the debate because you know that you have lost. LOL

Care to respond to how I countered your lame attempt to blame it on rachel or are you merely going to attack me as you run away??

How can you honestly blame rachel maddow when on the april program she showed a clip of a person holding a sign that uses the "street" version of the term tea bag which means it was used by tea baggers BEFORE she aired it?? Answer: YOU CAN'T. LOL

I don't really give a shit WHY you look like a fool, you still do.

Keep it up. :thup: This is entertaining.

Quit the whining, si modo, you have lost. Move along. That goes for the óinseach as well.
I don't think the term is worth getting all riled up over. Poking sticks at each other is what we like to do. However, most people are going to hold the president to a higher standard. There is nothing but a lot of weak ass reasoning as to why Obama is justified in getting down in the mud with the rest of us poor slobs.

Which we should do. Shame some don't. Especially when the President lowers the Standard of the office he holds, to meet his OWN low standard. We have those that applaud the POTUS playing in the 'gutter' with them...because he cannot get used to the higher standard...and neither can they.

It's funny how righties didn't believe that when they elected a moron because they wanted to have a drink with him. LOL

I guess when the ad hominems fail, you try hyperbole still.

Really? When did they do that - using it in a pergorative sense? We'll compare dates. I'm being serious. If your date is earlier than mine, I will accept your point and call us whiners.

In the link I posted to you:
Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent
I saw that. That is from December of last year.

Rachel Maddow first used the derogatory term in April of last year.

The left started using the derogatory form of the word to refer to the Tea Party, contrary to your claim otherwise.

As I find it difficult to look at Maddow, here is the link to her in April of 2009: www. youtube. com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8


Nice LIE.

That sign was shown on a rachel maddow program in APRIL and is even shown in your own linked video at about 1:28.

So your claim that it was from last decemder is a LIE.

Thanks for the spin you LOSE.
Which we should do. Shame some don't. Especially when the President lowers the Standard of the office he holds, to meet his OWN low standard. We have those that applaud the POTUS playing in the 'gutter' with them...because he cannot get used to the higher standard...and neither can they.

It's funny how righties didn't believe that when they elected a moron because they wanted to have a drink with him. LOL


aww I know that you are whining like a spoiled child but perhaps you could get some tissue from Si. That is unless he's used it all himself. LOL

In case you missed it, if you apply different standards to another that you refuse to hold yourself to that makes you a HYPOCRITE.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the cut and paste bumper sticker response. LOL
Got to go for now but will be back tomorrow. Tearing your spin to shreads has been highly entertiaining. And don't worry, I will start where I left off tomorrow too so I won't miss any of the BS that you tried to spread. LOL
I watched that Maddow-Cox video clip - now it's very clear why Air America went bankrupt and why MSNBC viewership is in the toilet. What a couple of nasty shrews.
I stopped changing the names of persons and organizations into something similar yet derogatory when I got promoted to second grade. I wanted to live up to my position at the time, I suppose.

Yea, in a work environment. I refer to the messiah by his given name or his job title. It would be nice if he showed the same respect to his bosses.

You do actual work?...for a paycheck? Like regular folks? You actually applied for a job...and have a real boss? yes?..No? Just curious......What kind of work?
I saw that. That is from December of last year.

Rachel Maddow first used the derogatory term in April of last year.

The left started using the derogatory form of the word to refer to the Tea Party, contrary to your claim otherwise.

As I find it difficult to look at Maddow, here is the link to her in April of 2009: www. youtube. com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8


Nice LIE.

That sign was shown on a rachel maddow program in APRIL and is even shown in your own linked video at about 1:28.

So your claim that it was from last decemder is a LIE.

Thanks for the spin you LOSE.

LMAO! STILL making a fool of yourself.


What a fucking idiot! :rofl:
I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.

Well, exactly. We've got 25 pages of liberal deflections and not one legitimate explanation for why the President of the United States CHOOSES to debase American citizens and then lecture to them about "civility". :rolleyes:

The guy's a low-life, no-class, flinger of monkey poo, and unworthy of his office.

And his supporters are no better. You'd think people would be less willing to compromise their own integrity than to stand up for such an obvious hypocrite... but hey, after the past year and a half, I can't say I'm really surprised.
I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.

Well, exactly. We've got 25 pages of liberal deflections and not one legitimate explanation for why the President of the United States CHOOSES to debase American citizens and then lecture to them about "civility". :rolleyes:

The guy's a low-life, no-class, flinger of monkey poo, and unworthy of his office.

And his supporters are no better. You'd think people would be less willing to compromise their own integrity than to stand up for such an obvious hypocrite... but hey, after the past year and a half, I can't say I'm really surprised.

he's not the president of the united states, he is president for his side, the rest of us are his enemies he thinks.. :) having said that,, he lectured us on not being bilingual then went down to da border and spoke to the hispanics in Englese'
I saw that. That is from December of last year.

Rachel Maddow first used the derogatory term in April of last year.

The left started using the derogatory form of the word to refer to the Tea Party, contrary to your claim otherwise.

As I find it difficult to look at Maddow, here is the link to her in April of 2009: www. youtube. com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8


Nice LIE.

That sign was shown on a rachel maddow program in APRIL and is even shown in your own linked video at about 1:28.

So your claim that it was from last decemder is a LIE.

Thanks for the spin you LOSE.

si modo, Willow, and the óinseach are all losers big time on this one.
I saw that. That is from December of last year.

Rachel Maddow first used the derogatory term in April of last year.

The left started using the derogatory form of the word to refer to the Tea Party, contrary to your claim otherwise.

As I find it difficult to look at Maddow, here is the link to her in April of 2009: www. youtube. com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8


Nice LIE.

That sign was shown on a rachel maddow program in APRIL and is even shown in your own linked video at about 1:28.

So your claim that it was from last decemder is a LIE.

Thanks for the spin you LOSE.

si modo, Willow, and the óinseach are all losers big time on this one.
I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.

Well, exactly. We've got 25 pages of liberal deflections and not one legitimate explanation for why the President of the United States CHOOSES to debase American citizens and then lecture to them about "civility". :rolleyes:

The guy's a low-life, no-class, flinger of monkey poo, and unworthy of his office.

And his supporters are no better. You'd think people would be less willing to compromise their own integrity than to stand up for such an obvious hypocrite... but hey, after the past year and a half, I can't say I'm really surprised.

And the more politicians and this President verbally attack the tea party movement the tea party membership grows---:lol::lol:

In my over 50 years I have never witnessed a sitting President trying to ridicule protestors that were against some of his policies.

This is how arrogant Barack Obama is: He just doesn't get it. Americans will tolerate other Americans making fun of one another--but hey--when politicians or the POTUS does it--Americans get a very sour taste in their mouths. And that is what has happened to this administration and those who continually attack the tea party movement in this country.
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I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.

Well, exactly. We've got 25 pages of liberal deflections and not one legitimate explanation for why the President of the United States CHOOSES to debase American citizens and then lecture to them about "civility". :rolleyes:

The guy's a low-life, no-class, flinger of monkey poo, and unworthy of his office.

And his supporters are no better. You'd think people would be less willing to compromise their own integrity than to stand up for such an obvious hypocrite... but hey, after the past year and a half, I can't say I'm really surprised.

And the more politicians and this President verbally attack the tea party movement the tea party membership grows---:lol::lol:

In my over 50 years I have never witnessed a sitting President trying to ridicule protestors that were against some of his policies.

This is how arrogant Barack Obama is: He just doesn't get it. Americans will tolerate other Americans making fun of one another--but hey--when politicians or the POTUS does it--Americans get a very sour taste in their mouths. And that is what has happened to this administration and those who continually attack the tea party movement in this country.

The facts remain that the Tea Party is very, very small and still burdened with fringe whingers that the party should get rid of, and that the American people still find BHO far more popular than the GOP and its policies and its personalities.

In other words, cry on, little Tea Party people.
The facts remain that the Tea Party is very, very small and still burdened with fringe whingers that the party should get rid of, and that the American people still find BHO far more popular than the GOP and its policies and its personalities.

In other words, cry on, little Tea Party people.

This would be a legit point if liberals had any intentions on ever taking them seriously in the first place. The vast majority of the Tea Party movement are just frustrated Americans exercising their right to petition the government for redress of grievances. The couple of extremists don't detract from that...unless you're determined to dismiss them in the first place.

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