Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Actually, the saddest thing is the Dems have so overused the racism name that REAL racism will end up being ignored by many who actually used to care about it.

Boys and wolves and stuff.

You mean kind of like the term liberal?
Nope. I mean what I say and I say what I mean.

But, thanks for your unsolicited edit, I guess.

Like I said, he played nice when he was proven wrong in an attempt to make it go away and then reverts back to his usual confrontational self.

Geaux asked you a question of comparison. It was NOT an edit.
Is anyone really "surprised" the Obama would call the people of this country who is against his "VISIONS" a derogatory name?

Don't forget though, we are reminded daily that his is the Uniter.:lol:
Is anyone really "surprised" the Obama would call the people of this country who is against his "VISIONS" a derogatory name?

Don't forget though, we are reminded daily that his is the Uniter.:lol:
The Department of State employees in Juarez must have been Tea Partiers.
True. But they become important when there is a significant impact on society.

I don't dispute that, nor do I dispute that the term "racist" is over-used (as is anti-semite) and intentionally so by some people who want to use it as a shield.

However, on the other side of the coin, that doesn't mean that the title isn't well deserved by some posters on here.

There are true racists in every group. However, when it's used to generalize the majority, such as the Tea Party Movement, then it fails. Too many people who aren't affiliated with the TPM know people who are associated with it, and they would not describe them as racists. So when the MSM and others characterize them as such, they not only lose credibility and are seen as instigators, but then real victims of racism are lost in the mix.

The thing is that for the most part, most of the tea party defenders I have seen and heard have refused to even admit that racism is a part of the movement and have ignored or excused it when it did rear its ugly head, thereby minimizing the effect of the act. If they refuse to recognize it and minimize it when it’s real then they lose credibility and are seen as collaborators, but the real victims are swept under the rug and ignored.
Oh, he's uniting people all right. Just not in the way he expected. His horrible policies are increasing and uniting the opposition.
I don't dispute that, nor do I dispute that the term "racist" is over-used (as is anti-semite) and intentionally so by some people who want to use it as a shield.

However, on the other side of the coin, that doesn't mean that the title isn't well deserved by some posters on here.

There are true racists in every group. However, when it's used to generalize the majority, such as the Tea Party Movement, then it fails. Too many people who aren't affiliated with the TPM know people who are associated with it, and they would not describe them as racists. So when the MSM and others characterize them as such, they not only lose credibility and are seen as instigators, but then real victims of racism are lost in the mix.

The thing is that for the most part, most of the tea party defenders I have seen and heard have refused to even admit that racism is a part of the movement and have ignored or excused it when it did rear its ugly head, thereby minimizing the effect of the act. If they refuse to recognize it and minimize it when it’s real then they lose credibility and are seen as collaborators, but the real victims are swept under the rug and ignored.
So what? Racism is a part of the Democratic party, too. Big time.

The thing is that for the most part, most of the tea party defenders I have seen and heard have refused to even admit that racism is a part of the movement and have ignored or excused it when it did rear its ugly head, thereby minimizing the effect of the act. If they refuse to recognize it and minimize it when it’s real then they lose credibility and are seen as collaborators, but the real victims are swept under the rug and ignored.

The thing for the most part, that most of you moonbats have refused to admit is that: in any group numbering millions of people, there will be some less than admirable people on the fringe. They are not representative of the values or agenda of the movement.

It's also racist to assume that people are racists just for criticizing government policy. Why did Dissent go from being Patriotic to Racist?
DR, Si has been on the short bus for a long time. Confront her with facts and she resorts to critizism of your "logic".

Actually, Si has just attacked me personally and avoided the dabate. Which unfortunately is the typical response from righties when they are confronted with facts that counter their spin.
Really? When one cannot even recognize when a proof of a negative is asked there is no point in continuing any discussion.

(I guess even that wasn't too clear to you earlier. Special ed is not my forte, though.)

You know, it's quite telling when YOU feel the need to delete the content of my post all so you can avoid facts that don't suit your spin as you attack me personally.
The story it tells is that you are losing the argument and you know but don't have the integrity to admit it.

Why else would you edit my post and delete the facts??
Psssst. *looks from side to side* Just between you and me, what's even more telling is those who cannot even recognize a fallacy AND do not grasp the use of ellipses.

Stupid exists, so what're'ya gonna do? .

I recognized the fallacy where you tried to insenuate a poster said something that they did not and then when called out for it you started editting out facts that didn't suit your spin and started attacking anyone who dared to disagree with your OPINIONS.

As far as "Stupid exists, so what're'ya gonna do?" Well I could ignore you but where would the fun be in that?
Being called a teabagger by the thug in chief and his Comrades in Arms is the least of our worries.

getting him and his commie buddies our of our Government is the number one priority folks.

vote vote vote in November.

LOL nice hypocrisy.

You attack him for using a name some tea partiers gave themselves to begin with even as you call him names and refers to others as "comrades". How typical.

It's quite a show when smith, TM, and/or out newest addition to the box-of-rocks brigade, stainmaster, spam the board with their inanity.
DR, Si has been on the short bus for a long time. Confront her with facts and she resorts to critizism of your "logic".

Actually, Si has just attacked me personally and avoided the dabate. Which unfortunately is the typical response from righties when they are confronted with facts that counter their spin.

The debate came and went. Any moron can recap it by quoting, and cutting and pasting. You show off, you. :lol:
Did the person holding up that one sign mean tea bag in the sexual reference? Quite likely. And from that ONE sign you surmise that the entire tea party protesters decided to refer to themselves as teabaggers? You honestly thing think that this guy is implying the sexual meaning with this button . . . or is he implying that he is proud to be a person who is fighting to have his voice heard (via sending tea bags to congress)?:

The Slur That Must Not Be Named The Washington Independent

The left continues to use teabagger as a slur . . . you yourself do, as stated earlier in this thread, you use it to insult . . . as did Obama. He is classless.

The sad thing is that intent has nothing to do with the debate of where it originated. It is a double entendre and unfortunately for self named tea baggers they missed one of the common definitions.
The fact that you have basically conceded is that it originated with tea baggers but your spin is that they did not intend it to mean anything other than sending a tea bag to the white house when they talked about tea bagging the white house.

So once again intent has nothing to do with the debate of where it originated and it originated with the tea baggers.

I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.

It's origin as applies to the tea partiers is vitally important to the deabte being had. Furthermore, how do you know obama's intent?? According to the quote, I see nothing that show his intent is in any way meant to be offensive. So how can you prove what you believe about his intent

The other thing is that this argument is baseless based on the timeline.

He is quoted as using the term in a BOOK that was published in 2010 and describes what happened in 2009 so his call for civility came AFTER he made said the word tea bagger according to the book.

So how is calling for civility months after the term was allegedly used by obama hypocrtical or classless?? the comment was made in 2009 and his call for civility was made, according to the article linked in the OP, on about May, 1, 2010.

The time line doesn't fit the righty argument and as usual they tend to ignore what doesn't suit their needs.
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At this point, it is quite clear that the Tea Partiers refer to themselves as Tea Partiers and find the T-word to be quite offensive.

Anyone who continues to use the T-Word is doing so with an objective to insult and demean the Tea Partiers - which says a great deal about the character of the former, and nothing whatsoever about the latter.

LOL that's hilarious. Thanks but since when do you get the right to define another poster's intent??

When you broadcast your objective with your insulting posts, it doesn't take much effort to see what you are doing.

Just sayin'.

So does this spin apply to your insulting posts as well?? LOL
I watched that Maddow-Cox video clip - now it's very clear why Air America went bankrupt and why MSNBC viewership is in the toilet. What a couple of nasty shrews.

As usual that FACTS are ignored and the rigthy engages in personal attacks in lieu of a REAL debate.

How typical. LOL
I saw that. That is from December of last year.

Rachel Maddow first used the derogatory term in April of last year.

The left started using the derogatory form of the word to refer to the Tea Party, contrary to your claim otherwise.

As I find it difficult to look at Maddow, here is the link to her in April of 2009: www. youtube. com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8


Nice LIE.

That sign was shown on a rachel maddow program in APRIL and is even shown in your own linked video at about 1:28.

So your claim that it was from last decemder is a LIE.

Thanks for the spin you LOSE.

LMAO! STILL making a fool of yourself.


What a fucking idiot! :rofl:

Says the poster who was proven a LIAR.


I saw that. That is from December of last year.

and yet it was in the very clip that YOU cited which aired in April of last year.

You proved yourself WRONG. LOL

Talk about being a fucking idiot, You take the cake. LOL

At least now I see why you rarely post links to back up your arguments.
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I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.

Well, exactly. We've got 25 pages of liberal deflections and not one legitimate explanation for why the President of the United States CHOOSES to debase American citizens and then lecture to them about "civility". :rolleyes:

The guy's a low-life, no-class, flinger of monkey poo, and unworthy of his office.

And his supporters are no better. You'd think people would be less willing to compromise their own integrity than to stand up for such an obvious hypocrite... but hey, after the past year and a half, I can't say I'm really surprised.

Acrtually you are trying to attack obama based on propaganda.

According to the article obama used the term tea bagger in 2009 and the book wasn't published until 2010 which is when the comment on civility was made, so obama used the term MONTHS BEFORE he called for civility not AFTER. So the point of this thread is that the right has no REAL point but are trying to make it up as they go along.
Nice LIE.

That sign was shown on a rachel maddow program in APRIL and is even shown in your own linked video at about 1:28.

So your claim that it was from last decemder is a LIE.

Thanks for the spin you LOSE.

LMAO! STILL making a fool of yourself.


What a fucking idiot! :rofl:

Says the poster who was proven a LIAR.


I saw that. That is from December of last year.

and yet it was in the very clip that YOU cited which aired in April of last year.

You proved yourself WRONG. LOL

Talk about being a fucking idiot, You take the cake. LOL

At least now I see why you rarely post links to back up your arguments.

Still recapping? Good boy. You must be so proud of your 'skills'.

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